Cannot convert from char[20][40] to char*



This is 1 source page of a project im working on. i just have this one
error. i'll show the error then show the code.. i'll point out the line
that it doesn't like. if anyone has any ideas or advise that would be
great. thank you very much!

(42): error C2664: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::_Myt
&std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::getline(_Elem *,std::streamsize)' :
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char [20][40]' to 'char *'


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "cashier.h"

using namespace std;

int cashier()
//declare variables
// char date[10];
int quant = 0;
// char isbn[15];
// char title[40];
// float price = 0;
float tax = .06f;
char yesNo;

extern char isbn[20][14];
extern char bookTitle[20][40];
extern char dateAdded[20][10];
extern int qtyOnHand[20];
extern float retail[20];

for(int index =0; index < 20; index++)
cout << "Serendipity Booksellers\n";
cout << " Cashier Module\n\n";
cout << "Date: ";
cin >> dateAdded[index];
cout <<"\n" <<"Quantity of Book: ";
cin >> qtyOnHand[index];
cout << "\n" << "ISBN: ";
cin >> isbn[index];
cout << "\n" << "Title: ";
cin.getline(bookTitle, 40); //****this is the line it doesnt
cout <<"\n" << "Price: ";
cin >> retail[index];


float total = qtyOnHand[index] * retail[index];
float ttax = tax*total;
float ftotal = ttax+total;

//final output
cout << "Serendipity Booksellers\n\n";
cout << "Date: " << dateAdded[index] << "\n\n\n";

cout <<"Qty\tISBN\t\tTitle\t\t\t\tPrice\t\tTotal\n";


cout << qtyOnHand[index];
cout << "\t";
cout << isbn[index];
cout << "\t";
cout << bookTitle[index];
cout << "\t\t";
cout<< setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout << "$ " << retail[index];
cout << "\t\t";
cout << "$ " << total;
cout << "\n\n\n";

cout<<" \t \t\tSubtotal " << setw(41) << "$ " << total
cout<<" \t \t\tTax " << setw(47)<< "$ " << ttax <<"\n";
cout<<" \t \t\tTotal " << setw(44) << "$ " << ftotal
cout<<"\nThank You for Shopping at Sereendipity!\n\n";

cout <<"\n\tWould you like to make another purchase? (Y/N) ";
cin >> yesNo;
} while(yesNo == 'Y');

cout << "\n\n";

return 0;

Jim Langston

GRoll35 said:
This is 1 source page of a project im working on. i just have this one
error. i'll show the error then show the code.. i'll point out the line
that it doesn't like. if anyone has any ideas or advise that would be
great. thank you very much!

(42): error C2664: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::_Myt
&std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::getline(_Elem *,std::streamsize)' :
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char [20][40]' to 'char *'


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "cashier.h"

using namespace std;

int cashier()
//declare variables
// char date[10];
int quant = 0;
// char isbn[15];
// char title[40];
// float price = 0;
float tax = .06f;
char yesNo;

extern char isbn[20][14];
extern char bookTitle[20][40];
extern char dateAdded[20][10];
extern int qtyOnHand[20];
extern float retail[20];

for(int index =0; index < 20; index++)
cout << "Serendipity Booksellers\n";
cout << " Cashier Module\n\n";
cout << "Date: ";
cin >> dateAdded[index];
cout <<"\n" <<"Quantity of Book: ";
cin >> qtyOnHand[index];
cout << "\n" << "ISBN: ";
cin >> isbn[index];
cout << "\n" << "Title: ";
cin.getline(bookTitle, 40); //****this is the line it doesnt

Pick an element. cin.getline(bookTitle[index], 40); is probably what you
cout <<"\n" << "Price: ";
cin >> retail[index];


float total = qtyOnHand[index] * retail[index];
float ttax = tax*total;
float ftotal = ttax+total;

//final output
cout << "Serendipity Booksellers\n\n";
cout << "Date: " << dateAdded[index] << "\n\n\n";

cout <<"Qty\tISBN\t\tTitle\t\t\t\tPrice\t\tTotal\n";


cout << qtyOnHand[index];
cout << "\t";
cout << isbn[index];
cout << "\t";
cout << bookTitle[index];
cout << "\t\t";
cout<< setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout << "$ " << retail[index];
cout << "\t\t";
cout << "$ " << total;
cout << "\n\n\n";

cout<<" \t \t\tSubtotal " << setw(41) << "$ " << total
cout<<" \t \t\tTax " << setw(47)<< "$ " << ttax <<"\n";
cout<<" \t \t\tTotal " << setw(44) << "$ " << ftotal
cout<<"\nThank You for Shopping at Sereendipity!\n\n";

cout <<"\n\tWould you like to make another purchase? (Y/N) ";
cin >> yesNo;
} while(yesNo == 'Y');

cout << "\n\n";

return 0;

Jim Langston

Jim Langston said:
GRoll35 said:
This is 1 source page of a project im working on. i just have this one
error. i'll show the error then show the code.. i'll point out the line
that it doesn't like. if anyone has any ideas or advise that would be
great. thank you very much!

(42): error C2664: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::_Myt
&std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::getline(_Elem *,std::streamsize)' :
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char [20][40]' to 'char *'


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "cashier.h"

using namespace std;

int cashier()
//declare variables
// char date[10];
int quant = 0;
// char isbn[15];
// char title[40];
// float price = 0;
float tax = .06f;
char yesNo;

extern char isbn[20][14];
extern char bookTitle[20][40];
extern char dateAdded[20][10];
extern int qtyOnHand[20];
extern float retail[20];

for(int index =0; index < 20; index++)
cout << "Serendipity Booksellers\n";
cout << " Cashier Module\n\n";
cout << "Date: ";
cin >> dateAdded[index];
cout <<"\n" <<"Quantity of Book: ";
cin >> qtyOnHand[index];
cout << "\n" << "ISBN: ";
cin >> isbn[index];
cout << "\n" << "Title: ";
cin.getline(bookTitle, 40); //****this is the line it doesnt

Pick an element. cin.getline(bookTitle[index], 40); is probably what you

er, I think it has to be cin.getline(&bookTitle[index], 40);
cout <<"\n" << "Price: ";
cin >> retail[index];


float total = qtyOnHand[index] * retail[index];
float ttax = tax*total;
float ftotal = ttax+total;

//final output
cout << "Serendipity Booksellers\n\n";
cout << "Date: " << dateAdded[index] << "\n\n\n";

cout <<"Qty\tISBN\t\tTitle\t\t\t\tPrice\t\tTotal\n";


cout << qtyOnHand[index];
cout << "\t";
cout << isbn[index];
cout << "\t";
cout << bookTitle[index];
cout << "\t\t";
cout<< setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout << "$ " << retail[index];
cout << "\t\t";
cout << "$ " << total;
cout << "\n\n\n";

cout<<" \t \t\tSubtotal " << setw(41) << "$ " << total
cout<<" \t \t\tTax " << setw(47)<< "$ " << ttax <<"\n";
cout<<" \t \t\tTotal " << setw(44) << "$ " << ftotal
cout<<"\nThank You for Shopping at Sereendipity!\n\n";

cout <<"\n\tWould you like to make another purchase? (Y/N) ";
cin >> yesNo;
} while(yesNo == 'Y');

cout << "\n\n";

return 0;


thanks Jim. That fixed that error now I get all these.. I'm guessing
they are all connected to the same thing..

ser6 fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
ser6 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "char (* dateAdded)[10]"
ser6 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "char (* dateAdded)[10]"
ser6 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "char (* bookTitle)[40]"
ser6 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "char (* bookTitle)[40]"

im playing around with it to see what it could be.. any idea?


GRoll35 said:
This is 1 source page of a project im working on. i just have this one
error. i'll show the error then show the code.. i'll point out the line
that it doesn't like. if anyone has any ideas or advise that would be
great. thank you very much!

(42): error C2664: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::_Myt
&std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::getline(_Elem *,std::streamsize)' :
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char [20][40]' to 'char *'


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "cashier.h"

using namespace std;

int cashier()
//declare variables
// char date[10];
int quant = 0;
// char isbn[15];
// char title[40];
// float price = 0;
float tax = .06f;
char yesNo;

Don't declare variables until you need them, and then declare them in
as small a scope as possible. You never use "quant", and "tax" should
be const.
extern char isbn[20][14];
extern char bookTitle[20][40];
extern char dateAdded[20][10];
extern int qtyOnHand[20];
extern float retail[20];

Global variables?! Try passing parameters to your function instead.
for(int index =0; index < 20; index++)
cout << "Serendipity Booksellers\n";
cout << " Cashier Module\n\n";
cout << "Date: ";
cin >> dateAdded[index];
cout <<"\n" <<"Quantity of Book: ";
cin >> qtyOnHand[index];
cout << "\n" << "ISBN: ";
cin >> isbn[index];
cout << "\n" << "Title: ";
cin.getline(bookTitle, 40); //****this is the line it doesnt


cin.getline( bookTitle[index], 40 );
cout <<"\n" << "Price: ";
cin >> retail[index];


float total = qtyOnHand[index] * retail[index];
float ttax = tax*total;
float ftotal = ttax+total;

//final output
cout << "Serendipity Booksellers\n\n";
cout << "Date: " << dateAdded[index] << "\n\n\n";

cout <<"Qty\tISBN\t\tTitle\t\t\t\tPrice\t\tTotal\n";


cout << qtyOnHand[index];
cout << "\t";
cout << isbn[index];
cout << "\t";
cout << bookTitle[index];
cout << "\t\t";
cout<< setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout << "$ " << retail[index];
cout << "\t\t";
cout << "$ " << total;
cout << "\n\n\n";

cout<<" \t \t\tSubtotal " << setw(41) << "$ " << total
cout<<" \t \t\tTax " << setw(47)<< "$ " << ttax <<"\n";
cout<<" \t \t\tTotal " << setw(44) << "$ " << ftotal
cout<<"\nThank You for Shopping at Sereendipity!\n\n";

cout <<"\n\tWould you like to make another purchase? (Y/N) ";
cin >> yesNo;
} while(yesNo == 'Y');

cout << "\n\n";

return 0;

Cheers! --M

Jakob Bieling

Jim Langston said:
extern char bookTitle[20][40];
cin.getline(bookTitle, 40); //****this is the line it doesnt

Pick an element. cin.getline(bookTitle[index], 40); is probably
what you meant.

er, I think it has to be cin.getline(&bookTitle[index], 40);

Well, if bookTitle[index] really does not work (tho I think it
should), then &bookTitle[index][0] would be correct for sure.



i added the & like you said Jim.. that fixes all them errors now I'm
left with just this one..

(42): error C2664: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::_Myt
&std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::getline(_Elem *,std::streamsize)' :
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char (*__w64 )[40]' to 'char *'

John Harrison

GRoll35 said:
i added the & like you said Jim.. that fixes all them errors now I'm
left with just this one..

(42): error C2664: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::_Myt
&std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>::getline(_Elem *,std::streamsize)' :
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char (*__w64 )[40]' to 'char *'

Quote the code you have now. I'm guessing that you have

int cashier(char bookTitle[20][40])
cin.getline(bookTitle, 40);

but of course I could be wrong.

To solve this yourself remember that bookTitle is an array of titles, so
to input a title you have to say which title in the array of titles
you are trying to input, i.e.

cin.getline(bookTitle[index], 40);

or something.


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