COM Interop and Delay Signing of Strong Names



I have a VB.NET DLL that I wish to Delay Sign (ie. I want to assign a strong name after compiling the DLL and obfuscating it). This DLL will also be callable for COM Interop

I have found instructions for setting up the configuration for COM interop and Strong Names, but not for delay signing when COM Interop is turned on. When I attempt to build the DLL, I receive the following error
"COM Interop registration failed. The check of the signature failed for assembly 'XXXX.dll'." If the "Register for COM Interop" option is turned off for the project, the error goes away

I saw on a previous thread that an option would be to use the sn.exe utility to skip verification list of the public key (using the -Vr switch). However, I am unsure how you get the strongname used in the -Vr parameter. Can anyone help me out with this

Another possibility is that I am missing some required configuration settings for delayed signing. Here is what I currently have (I have removed some path/GUID/File names)

Imports Syste
Imports System.Reflectio
Imports System.Runtime.InteropService
<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("")><Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")><Assembly: AssemblyCompany("")><Assembly: AssemblyProduct("")><Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")><Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")><Assembly: CLSCompliant(True)>

'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to CO
<Assembly: Guid("XXX-XXXX-XXXX")><Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>

'Delay Sign the Strong nam
<Assembly: AssemblyKeyFileAttribute("X:\XXX\MyKey.snk")><Assembly: AssemblyDelaySignAttribute(True)>

Does anyone see anything I have done wrong or am missing that we need to resolve the error?



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