Compare tuples of different lenght


Jurgens de Bruin


I have a list of tuples:


I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the

example if tuple 1 and tuple 3 are compare it should find that a
single element in each are the same and tuple 1 should be removed
resulting in


the same for tuple 4 and 6 resulting in


is this possible as I am having no success.


Chris Rebert


I have a list of tuples:


I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the

So, would [(5,6), (6,7,8)] become [(6,7,8)] ?

If no, then I believe you're trying to solve the set covering problem:


Jurgens de Bruin

I have a list of tuples:

I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the

So, would [(5,6), (6,7,8)] become [(6,7,8)] ?

If no, then I believe you're trying to solve the set covering problem:


[(5,6), (6,7,8)] would become [(6,7,8)].

Thanks for the response

Jurgens de Bruin

I have a list of tuples:

I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the

So, would [(5,6), (6,7,8)] become [(6,7,8)] ?

If no, then I believe you're trying to solve the set covering problem:


[(5,6), (6,7,8)] will indeed become [(6,7,8)]


Steven D'Aprano

Jurgens said:

I have a list of tuples:


I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the

It's not clear what you mean by "smallest" tuple. Is (8,) smaller than

I'm going to guess you care only about the length of the tuple, and not the
items themselves.

Let's start with a couple of helper functions.

def compare(t1, t2):
'Return -1 if t1 is "smaller" than t2, 0 if equal, and +1 if "bigger".'
if len(t1) < len(t2): return -1
elif len(t1) > len(t2): return 1
else: return 0

def match_any_item(t1, t2):
s1 = set(t1)
s2 = set(t2)
return bool(s1 & s2)
except TypeError:
# Can't convert to sets because at least one item is mutable.
# Let's do this the slow(?) way.
matched = [x for x in t1 if x in t2]
return bool(matched)

list_of_tuples = [(2,),(12,13),(2,3,4),(8,),(5,6),(7,8,9),]
flags = [True]*len(list_of_tuples)
for i,t1 in enumerate(list_of_tuples):
for j in range(i+1, len(list_of_tuples)):
t2 = list_of_tuples[j]
if match_any_item(t1, t2):
n = compare(t1, t2)
if n == -1:
# Flag t1 to be removed.
flags = False
elif n == 1:
# Flag t2 to be removed.
flags[j] = False

saved_tuples = []
for t,flag in zip(list_of_tuples, flags):
if flag: saved_tuples.append(t)

This gives:
[(12, 13), (2, 3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8, 9)]

which matches what you wanted:

Jurgens de Bruin

Jurgens said:
I have a list of tuples:

I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the

It's not clear what you mean by "smallest" tuple. Is (8,) smaller than

I'm going to guess you care only about the length of the tuple, and not the
items themselves.

Let's start with a couple of helper functions.

def compare(t1, t2):
    'Return -1 if t1 is "smaller" than t2, 0 if equal, and +1 if "bigger".'
    if len(t1) < len(t2): return -1
    elif len(t1) > len(t2): return 1
    else: return 0

def match_any_item(t1, t2):
        s1 = set(t1)
        s2 = set(t2)
        return bool(s1 & s2)
    except TypeError:
        # Can't convert to sets because at least one item is mutable.
        # Let's do this the slow(?) way.
        matched = [x for x in t1 if x in t2]
        return bool(matched)

list_of_tuples = [(2,),(12,13),(2,3,4),(8,),(5,6),(7,8,9),]
flags = [True]*len(list_of_tuples)
for i,t1 in enumerate(list_of_tuples):
    for j in range(i+1, len(list_of_tuples)):
        t2 = list_of_tuples[j]
        if match_any_item(t1, t2):
            n = compare(t1, t2)
            if n == -1:
                # Flag t1 to be removed.
                flags = False
            elif n == 1:
                # Flag t2 to be removed.
                flags[j] = False

saved_tuples = []
for t,flag in zip(list_of_tuples, flags):
    if flag: saved_tuples.append(t)

This gives:

[(12, 13), (2, 3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8, 9)]

which matches what you wanted:

Thanks Steven. This works great!!!

Appreciated very much!!!

Peter Otten

Jurgens said:

I have a list of tuples:


I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the

example if tuple 1 and tuple 3 are compare it should find that a
single element in each are the same and tuple 1 should be removed
resulting in


the same for tuple 4 and 6 resulting in


is this possible as I am having no success.


from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from itertools import chain

def process_counter(sample):
c = Counter()
d = defaultdict(list)
for items in sample:

result = []
for cluster in sorted(d.values(), key=len):
for items in cluster:
if not any(c[item] for item in items):

return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
for process in [process_counter]:
print process.__name__

sample = [(2,),(12,13),(2,3,4),(8,),(5,6),(7,8,9),]
wanted = [(12,13),(2,3,4),(5,6),(7,8,9),]
assert process(sample) == wanted

sample = [(5,6), (6,7,8)]
wanted = [(6,7,8)]
got = process(sample)
assert got == wanted

sample = wanted = [(5, 6), (6, 7)]
assert process(sample) == wanted

sample = [(1,), (1, 2), (2, 3, 4)]
wanted = [(2, 3, 4)]
assert process(sample) == wanted

John O'Hagan


I have a list of tuples:


I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the

This should work:

def long_match(tuples):
sorted_tuples = sorted(tuples, key=len)
for n, t in enumerate(sorted_tuples):
for s in sorted_tuples[n + 1:]:
if len(s) > len(t) and any(i in s for i in t):
return tuples



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