Andreas Leitgeb
Is it possible to compile directly into a .zip/.jar file?
This may look odd, as everyone uses ant (or something alike) to do the jarring,
but the problem that I'm trying to solve is, that the (big) number of .class
files in the target folder appears to slow down things to a crawl on AIX (jfs2).
To give an impression: merely running rm -rf on the folder containing the .class
files (about 100,000) takes 13 minutes - and this is on a local filesystem.
Compiling takes 42 mins on that AIX machine, with only 20 minutes accounted
as cpu-time. (on linux, the rm takes a couple of seconds, and compiling takes
18 minutes - almost all of it accounted as cpu-time)
My hope now is, that if I could specify a zip/jar file for the -d option
(doesn't work - already tested) or something similar, then adding files
to a zip might still be faster than the sluggy OS on large directories.
PS: the "obvious" split-it-into-separate-packages is plan Z.
Plan Y is compiling batches of 100, then adding the results to zip-file,
and removing the .class files, then go for next batch...
I do hope for some plans B-X, first, (where plan A was status sluggish quo.)
PPS: I'm not an expert of AIX, so if there are better filesystems than jfs2,
or mount-options to improve performance with large directories, then that
would also help a lot. I know, this is not an AIX group, and my AIX
whining was mostly to explain why I would want the javac-feature I asked for)
This may look odd, as everyone uses ant (or something alike) to do the jarring,
but the problem that I'm trying to solve is, that the (big) number of .class
files in the target folder appears to slow down things to a crawl on AIX (jfs2).
To give an impression: merely running rm -rf on the folder containing the .class
files (about 100,000) takes 13 minutes - and this is on a local filesystem.
Compiling takes 42 mins on that AIX machine, with only 20 minutes accounted
as cpu-time. (on linux, the rm takes a couple of seconds, and compiling takes
18 minutes - almost all of it accounted as cpu-time)
My hope now is, that if I could specify a zip/jar file for the -d option
(doesn't work - already tested) or something similar, then adding files
to a zip might still be faster than the sluggy OS on large directories.
PS: the "obvious" split-it-into-separate-packages is plan Z.
Plan Y is compiling batches of 100, then adding the results to zip-file,
and removing the .class files, then go for next batch...
I do hope for some plans B-X, first, (where plan A was status sluggish quo.)
PPS: I'm not an expert of AIX, so if there are better filesystems than jfs2,
or mount-options to improve performance with large directories, then that
would also help a lot. I know, this is not an AIX group, and my AIX
whining was mostly to explain why I would want the javac-feature I asked for)