compile-time test for C++11 support?


Rui Maciel

Does the C++ standard provide a test to check, at compile time, if a
compiler supports the new C++11 standard?

Thanks in advance,
Rui Maciel

Victor Bazarov

Does the C++ standard provide a test to check, at compile time, if a
compiler supports the new C++11 standard?

According to the latest Draft I have:

The name __cplusplus is defined to the value 201103L when compiling a
C++ translation unit.160
160) It is intended that future versions of this standard will replace
the value of this macro with a greater value. Non-conforming compilers
should use a value with at most five decimal digits.>>

So, check the value of __cplusplus macro.



Leigh said:
From the Draft:
The name __cplusplus is defined to the value 201103L when compiling a
C++ translation unit."

Sadly, most implementers thought: "cool, that's the easiest feature of
C++11 to implement, let's start with this one" (I am barely
exagerating), thus making it worthless. It does at least show that the
compiler is trying to support parts of C++11.

Rui Maciel

Leigh said:
From the Draft:
The name __cplusplus is defined to the value 201103L when compiling a
C++ translation unit."

However I am unsure if there are currently any C++ compilers out in the
wild that actually support *all* of the C++11 standard.

Thanks for the help. It appears to be exactly what I was looking for.

Regarding the comment on the extent the new C++11 standard is supported,
this problem would be solved, or in the very least mitigated, if the C++
standard committee had divided the C++ standard into independent parts,
which then could be individually covered by a dedicated standard that could
be updated independently as needed. This is already done in fundamental
international standards that cover subjects which are a bit more valuable to
society than programming languages, and they work quite well.

But hey, such is life.

Rui Maciel

Rui Maciel

Victor said:
According to the latest Draft I have:

The name __cplusplus is defined to the value 201103L when compiling a
C++ translation unit.160
160) It is intended that future versions of this standard will replace
the value of this macro with a greater value. Non-conforming compilers
should use a value with at most five decimal digits.>>

So, check the value of __cplusplus macro.

Nice. Thanks for the help. Kudos!

Rui Maciel

Rui Maciel

Leigh said:
From the Draft:
The name __cplusplus is defined to the value 201103L when compiling a
C++ translation unit."

After checking a draft of the C++11 standard, I noticed that there is a note
referenced in the __cplusplus macro that states the following:

155) It is intended that future versions of this standard will replace the
value of this macro with a greater value. Non-conforming
compilers should use a value with at most five decimal digits.

The bit about "non-conforming compilers should use a value with at most five
decimal digits" isn't very clear to me. For example, consider a compiler
which complies with C++98 but only complies with a subset of C++11. In that
case, what value should be assigned to the __cplusplus macro?

Thanks for the help,
Rui Maciel

Rui Maciel

Leigh said:
It would be implementation defined I guess.

Meanwhile I've discovered that GCC fails to correctly define the __cplusplus
macro. A bug report has been filed over 10 years ago, and it appears to
have been fixed last October. Here is a link to the bug report page:

According to the report, this bug has been fixed for GCC 4.7.0, but will not
be backported to older branches.

Rui Maciel


Paavo said:
Hmm, MSVC++ 2010 and Comeau have __cplusplus==199711 and gcc 4.3.2
has __cplusplus==1.

Those were out before March 2011, they could hardly guess the value.
Just curious, who are these "most implementers"?

clang is the first I am aware of (they defined it before the standard
was even voted on) and gcc followed suit. clang developers argued that
they were not the first, though I don't know what other implementation
they referred to.

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