Compiler Error Message: BC30201: Expression expected. - Please Help


Moe Sizlak

Hi There,

I am receiving the error below when I try to access my aspx page, I am
trying to display 2 listboxes on a user control page and when the user
selected the control the form was submitted to another page, however when
the control page was loaded it was fine but when I submitted the form I
received an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." So
I guess when the form was submitted the page was looking for a control that
didn't exist, I wanted to try to pass the value from a function so that I
could leave the code the way it is (in a user control) and not have to paste
the code into each page as the code works fine when in a normal aspx page.


--- Funciton call
Public ReadOnly Property SelectedCategoriesID As String
return lstCategorie.ClientID
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property SelectedStatesID As String
return lstStates.ClientID
End Get
End Property

Line 29:
Line 30:
Line 31: strSelectedCategories = <%# lstCategorie.ClientID
Line 32: strSelectedStates = <%# lstStates.ClientID
Line 33:

<%@ Control Language="vb" EnableViewState="False" %>

<% @Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<% @Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<script language="vb" runat="server">

Public ReadOnly Property SelectedCategoriesID As String
return lstCategorie.ClientID
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property SelectedStatesID As String
return lstStates.ClientID
End Get
End Property

Public Sub Page_Load(sender as Object, e as EventArgs)

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim strFormID as Integer
Dim strSelectedStates as Integer
Dim strSelectedCategories as Integer

strSelectedCategories = <%# lstCategorie.ClientID %>.SelectedItem.Value
strSelectedStates = <%# lstStates.ClientID %>.SelectedItem.Value

If strSelectedStates <> "0" AND strSelectedCategories ="0" Then
strFormID = strSelectedStates
Elseif strSelectedStates = "0" AND strSelectedCategories <> "0" Then
'response.write ("categories")
strFormID = strSelectedCategories
End If

End If
End Sub

Public Function SendUserToState(ByVal strFormID as Integer)
Select Case strFormID
Case 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
response.redirect("browselistingsbystate.aspx?StateID=" & strFormID)
Case Else
'do jack all
End Select
End Function

Public Function SendUserToCategorie(ByVal strFormID as Integer)
Select Case strFormID
Case 6,10,8,7,11,13,9,12
response.redirect("browselistings.aspx?CategoryID=" & strFormID)
Case Else
'do jack all
End Select
End Function

Public Sub BindStates()
Dim myConnection as New
Const strSQL as String = "SELECT LocationID, '...' + Location + '...' AS
Location " & _
"FROM tbLocation ORDER BY Location"
Dim myCommand as New SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection)
Dim objDR as SqlDataReader
objDR = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
lstStates.DataSource = objDR
lstStates.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Choose a State --","0"))

Catch ex as InvalidCastException
Status.Text = ex.ToString()

Catch ex As SqlException
Status.Text = "Database error: " & ex.message

Catch ex As Exception
Status.Text = "General error: " & ex.message
End Try

End Sub

Public Sub LoadCategories()
Dim myConnection as New
Const strSQL as String = "SELECT CategoryID, '...' + CategoryDesc + '...'
AS CategoryDesc " & _
"FROM tblProductCategories ORDER BY CategoryDesc"
Dim myCommand as New SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection)
Dim objDR as SqlDataReader
objDR = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
lstCategorie.DataSource = objDR
lstCategorie.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Choose a Category --","0"))

Catch ex as InvalidCastException
Status.Text = ex.ToString()

Catch ex As SqlException
Status.Text = "Database error: " & ex.message

Catch ex As Exception
Status.Text = "General error: " & ex.message
End Try

End Sub


<td height="20" width="14%">

<div align="left">
<asp:listbox id="lstCategorie" runat="server" Rows="1"
DataTextField="CategoryDesc" DataValueField="CategoryID" />


<td height="20" width="11%">
<div align="right"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
size="1" color="#FFFFFF">Browse
<td height="20" width="14%">

<div align="left">
<asp:listbox id="lstStates" runat="server" Rows="1"
DataTextField="Location" DataValueField="LocationID" />

Browse :
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Not sure if this is the correct topic to post this into but if not and you could advise me to the correct topic!

Could anyone assist me with the below please? I am very much a noobie!

Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: BC30455: Argument not specified for parameter 'Find' of 'Public Function Replace(Expression As Object, Find As String, Replacement As String, [Start As Long = 1], [Count As Long = -1], [Compare As Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompareMethod = CompareMethod.Text]) As String'.

Line 97: ToSend.Add("cboType", "1")

Line 98: ToSend.Add("txtDuration", Values("Field74"))
Line 99: ToSend.Add("txtJobTitle", fixword(Replace(Replace(Values.Common.JobTitle), "£", "GBP"), "–", "-"))
Line 100: ToSend.Add("cboSector", Values("Field1002"))
Line 101: ToSend.Add("optForGrad", Values("Field1012"))

Source File: E:\InetPub\wwwroot\ServerApps\MultipostEngine\TemplateCache\Templates\Template105.aspx
Line: 99

very confused and not sure what i am doing wrong...

Thanks in advance!

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