Complicated XPATH to return a nodeset based on a sibling node's value



Help, I have a really complicated XPATH request I can't wrap my head around

I have an XML nodeset like this:

<a1 attr="key">Use</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value1</a2>
<a1 attr="key">DontUse</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value2</a1>
<a1 attr="key">Use</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value3</a1>

How do I form an XPATH that will return me the nodeset a/a1[@attr="Val"]
only when a/a1[@attr="key"] is equal to "Use"??? IE, I want a nodeset with
["Value1", "Value3"]

Thanks for any insight! This is driving me nuts! :-(

A. Bolmarcich

Help, I have a really complicated XPATH request I can't wrap my head around

I have an XML nodeset like this:

<a1 attr="key">Use</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value1</a2>
<a1 attr="key">DontUse</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value2</a1>
<a1 attr="key">Use</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value3</a1>

How do I form an XPATH that will return me the nodeset a/a1[@attr="Val"]
only when a/a1[@attr="key"] is equal to "Use"??? IE, I want a nodeset with
["Value1", "Value3"]

Thanks for any insight! This is driving me nuts! :-(

One way is to work from the root of the tree structure inward:

- You want the a1 nodes with the right attribute and text values

a/a1[@attr="key" and .="Use"]

- Within those nodes you want the a1 nodes of the same parent

a/a1[@attr="key" and .="Use"]/../a1

with the right attribute value

a/a1[@attr="key" and .="Use"]/../a1[@attr="val"]

- Within those nodes you (maybe) want only the text.

a/a1[@attr="key" and .="Use"]/../a1[@attr="val"]/text()

Patrick TJ McPhee

% How do I form an XPATH that will return me the nodeset a/a1[@attr="Val"]
% only when a/a1[@attr="key"] is equal to "Use"??? IE, I want a nodeset with
% ["Value1", "Value3"]

First pick a

a[a1/@attr = "key" and a1 = "Use"]

then get the correct a1 from that

a[a1/@attr = "key" and a1 = "Use"]/a1[@attr = "val"]

Patrick TJ McPhee

% a[a1/@attr = "key" and a1 = "Use"]/a1[@attr = "val"]

There's a subtle error here. It should be

a[a1[@attr = "key" and . = "Use"]]/a1[@attr = "val"]

You could read this as `the set of a1 elements with attribute attr equal
to "val", whose parent element is an a element which has a child a1
element, which has attribute attr equal to "key" and whose text content
is "Use"'.

The incorrect version might read `the set of a1 elements with attribute
attr equal to "val", whose parent element is an a element which has a
child a1 element which has attribute attr equal to "key" and which also
has a child a1 element whose text content is "Use"'.



Help, I have a really complicated XPATH request I can't wrap my head around

I have an XML nodeset like this:

<a1 attr="key">Use</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value1</a2>
<a1 attr="key">DontUse</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value2</a1>
<a1 attr="key">Use</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value3</a1>

How do I form an XPATH that will return me the nodeset a/a1[@attr="Val"]
only when a/a1[@attr="key"] is equal to "Use"??? IE, I want a nodeset with
["Value1", "Value3"]

Thanks for any insight! This is driving me nuts! :-(

Detailed XPath tutorial here;

Joe Kesselman

Help, I have a really complicated XPATH request I can't wrap my head around

I have an XML nodeset like this:

<a1 attr="key">Use</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value1</a2>
<a1 attr="key">DontUse</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value2</a1>
<a1 attr="key">Use</a1>
<a1 attr="val">Value3</a1>

How do I form an XPATH that will return me the nodeset a/a1[@attr="Val"]
only when a/a1[@attr="key"] is equal to "Use"??? IE, I want a nodeset with
["Value1", "Value3"]

Assuming you meant "val", not "Val"... Try expressing it in simplest
English form. "Find the a's whose key is 'Use' and return their val


Note that this is a perfect example of why documents that use attributes
to name the values are a Bad Practice. Your document should almost
certainly have been something more like:


which would simplify your XPath to

Much easier to maintain, and in many implementations will run
significantly faster.

Joe Kesselman,

{} ASCII Ribbon Campaign | "may'ron DaroQbe'chugh vaj bIrIQbej" --
/\ Stamp out HTML mail! | "Put down the squeezebox & nobody gets hurt."

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