Cost of qr// vs m//




Here is a piece of code:


use strict;
use warnings;

use Time::HiRes;
use Benchmark;

my @strings = map { sprintf "%08X\n", rand(0xffffffff); } 1 .. 100;

my $r = qr/some/;

sub compiled
/$r/ for (@strings)

sub live
/some/ for (@strings)

my $results = Benchmark::timethese(100000, {
'compiled' => \&compiled,
'live' => \&live,


Running it gives me:

Benchmark: timing 100000 iterations of compiled, live...
compiled: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.67 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.67 CPU) @
37453.18/s (n=100000)
live: 1 wallclock secs ( 0.90 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.90 CPU) @
111111.11/s (n=100000)
Rate compiled live
compiled 37453/s -- -66%
live 111111/s 197% --

On: This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2) built for

I don't really understand these results: qr// seems to cost more, but I
don't find anything in the perldoc about that.

Do I miss an error in this benchmark?
Does somebody have any information about that overhead I see?

If I had to guess, I would suspect dereferencing cost of a Regexp ref.
Could it be right?


Horst-W. Radners

Adrien BARREAU schrieb am 28.03.2014 13:32:
my $r = qr/some/;

sub compiled
/$r/ for (@strings)

That's done twice ...
$r for (@strings)
and you will see a speed advantage for the compiled version.

Regards, Horst

Rainer Weikusat

Adrien BARREAU said:
Here is a piece of code:


use strict;
use warnings;

use Time::HiRes;
use Benchmark;

my @strings = map { sprintf "%08X\n", rand(0xffffffff); } 1 .. 100;

my $r = qr/some/;

sub compiled
/$r/ for (@strings)

sub live
/some/ for (@strings)

my $results = Benchmark::timethese(100000, {
'compiled' => \&compiled,
'live' => \&live,


Running it gives me:

Benchmark: timing 100000 iterations of compiled, live...
compiled: 2 wallclock secs ( 2.67 usr + 0.00 sys = 2.67 CPU) @
37453.18/s (n=100000)
live: 1 wallclock secs ( 0.90 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.90 CPU) @
111111.11/s (n=100000)
Rate compiled live
compiled 37453/s -- -66%
live 111111/s 197% --

I don't really understand these results: qr// seems to cost more, but
I don't find anything in the perldoc about that.

This mystery is easily explained when looking the the decompiled/
disassembled internal represention (I've omitted everything except the
actual loop). 'live' becomes

[rw@sable]/tmp#perl -MO=Concise,live
- <1> null K/1 ->b
a <|> and(other->7) K/1 ->b
9 <0> iter s ->a
- <@> lineseq sK ->-
7 </> match(/"some.*3"/) v/RTIME ->8
8 <0> unstack s ->9

In contrast to that, 'compiled' is

- <1> null K/1 ->i
h <|> and(other->b) K/1 ->i
g <0> iter s ->h
- <@> lineseq sK ->-
e </> match() vK/RTIME ->f
d <|> regcomp(other->e) sK/1 ->e
b <1> regcreset sK/1 ->c
c <0> padsv[$r:601,602] s ->d
f <0> unstack s ->g

For the qr'ed case, it actually calls into the top-level regexp compiler
routine (pp_regcomp) on each iteration which gets the already compiled
regexp out of the passed argument in case contained a (reference) to an
already compiled regexp instead of calling the 'real' regexp compiler.
Judging from the (5.10.1) C-code, the compiled regexp is also copied to
'a temporary object' for each match.

A more interesting result: Adding a

my $other = 'some';

sub interpolated
/$other/ for @strings;

shows that this is faster (at least for me) as well. Presumably, this
happens because the 'last regex compiled for this op' is cached 'in the
op' and it will be re-used without recompilation if the 'source pattern'
didn't really change. In this case, no 'temporary copy' is made.

Rainer Weikusat

Horst-W. Radners said:
Adrien BARREAU schrieb am 28.03.2014 13:32:
my $r = qr/some/;

sub compiled
/$r/ for (@strings)

That's done twice ...
$r for (@strings)
and you will see a speed advantage for the compiled version.

That's hardly suprising, given that this code doesn't do a regexp-match
at all :).

Horst-W. Radners

Rainer Weikusat schrieb am 28.03.2014 14:57:
Horst-W. Radners said:
Adrien BARREAU schrieb am 28.03.2014 13:32:
my $r = qr/some/;

sub compiled
/$r/ for (@strings)

That's done twice ...
$r for (@strings)
and you will see a speed advantage for the compiled version.

That's hardly suprising, given that this code doesn't do a regexp-match
at all :).
Ah, sorry, I misunderstood the 'used standalone' in the qr section of
perldoc perlop.

Regards, Horst


A more interesting result: Adding a

my $other = 'some';

sub interpolated
/$other/ for @strings;

shows that this is faster (at least for me) as well. Presumably, this
happens because the 'last regex compiled for this op' is cached 'in the
op' and it will be re-used without recompilation if the 'source pattern'
didn't really change. In this case, no 'temporary copy' is made.

With a recent Perl:

perl -Mstrict -wE'
use Benchmark ":hireswallclock";

say "\nPerl $]\n";

my @strings = map { sprintf "%08X\n", rand(0xffffffff); } 1 .. 100;

my $qr = qr/some/;
my $some = "some";

my $results = Benchmark::timethese( -3, {
compiled => sub { /$qr/ for @strings },
literal => sub { /some/ for @strings },
interpol => sub { /$some/ for @strings },

say "";

Perl 5.019006

Benchmark: running compiled, interpol, literal for at least 3 CPU seconds...
compiled: 3.14617 wallclock secs ( 3.13 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.13 CPU)
@ 19945.69/s (n=62430)
interpol: 3.03571 wallclock secs ( 3.01 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.01 CPU)
@ 59009.30/s (n=177618)
literal: 3.09564 wallclock secs ( 3.09 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.09 CPU)
@ 106284.79/s (n=328420)

Rate compiled interpol literal
compiled 19946/s -- -66% -81%
interpol 59009/s 196% -- -44%
literal 106285/s 433% 80% --

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