Credit card Calculating


Patrick Cotner

I posted a question earlier about hashes.
Stephan answered my question most elegantly. I say this because the
code I put together is a bit sloppy. Any how, the end result is a
credit card payment calculator. No features, really.
It works like this:
First the program asks how many sections your card has (purchases,
balance transfers, etc) and the related apr for each. It then asks how
much you are willing to pay, followed by how many months you intend to
pay this amount (0 if you want to pay it off using this amount.)
Based on your answer to the previous question, it will either tell you
how many months until the card is paid off, including how much your last
payment will be, or it will give you the balance on the card after
paying the amount of months you've specified. If you've paid it off
prior to the amount of months you specified earlier, it tells you this
as well.

Intended audience
I wrote this because I'm up to my eyeballs in debt and want to see how
long it will take to get my head above water.

How it calculates
every month, he program calculates finance charges on every section of
the card and adds these to the total owed on those sections. It then
subtracts your payment from the section with the lowest apr (how the
credit card companies do it). Rinse, repeat. When the low apr section
is paid off, any overage is applied to the next lowest apr section, and
the low apr section is removed from the equation. Rinse, repeat until
the card is paid off or your length of time is specified.

Things that would make this a better program:
Cleaning up, proper usage, etc. (I'm a newb, but learning)
Ability to add multiple credit cards, including minimum payments, and
letting the program recursively figure out the proper order to pay them
off in the least time possible.

Of course if the credit card companies change your rates, or you use the
cards for purchases or balance transefers, this program isn't of much

here is the code:
require 'date'
t =
year = t.year
month = t.month
total_owed = 0.0
sections =
print "how many sections? "
num_sections = gets.chomp!.to_i
0.upto num_sections - 1 do |x|
print "section type? "
type = gets.chomp!
print "owed? "
owed = gets.chomp!.to_f
print "apr? "
apr = gets.chomp!.to_f / 100
sections << { :type => type, :eek:wed => owed, :apr => apr }
print "how much are you willing to pay per month? "
payment = gets.chomp!.to_f
print "how many months are you planning to pay at this rate (enter 0 if
you want to pay until its completely paid off)? "
months_to_pay = gets.chomp!.to_i
sections.sort_by { |section| section[:apr] }.each do |section|
total_owed += section[:eek:wed]
if months_to_pay > 0 then
total_months = 0
1.upto months_to_pay do |x|

sections.each do |section|
#calculate day in month for this iteration
if month > 12
month = 1
year += 1
days = Date.civil(year,month,-1).day
month += 1
finance_charge = ((section[:apr] / 365) * days) * section[:eek:wed]
section[:eek:wed] += finance_charge
overage = 0.0
section = sections.min { |a,b| a[:apr] <=> b[:apr] }
section[:eek:wed] -= payment
if section[:eek:wed] < 0
overage = section[:eek:wed]
if overage != 0.0
if sections.length > 1
sections.delete(sections.min { |a,b| a[:apr] <=> b[:apr] })
section = sections.min { |a,b| a[:apr] <=> b[:apr] }
section[:eek:wed] += overage
overage = 0.0
total_owed = overage
overage = 0.0
x = months_to_pay
print "you wanted to pay for #{months_to_pay} months, but the
card has been paid off after only #{total_months}"
total_months += 1

puts "after #{total_months} months you have left on the card:"
section_count = 0
sections.each do |section|
puts "section #{section_count + 1}:"
puts " #{section[:type]}: #{format("$%.2f",section[:eek:wed])}"
section_count += 1
total_months = 0
until total_owed < 0
sections.each do |section|
#calculate day in month for this iteration
if month > 12
month = 1
year += 1
days = Date.civil(year,month,-1).day
month += 1
#calculate finance charges and add to section[:eek:wed]
finance_charge = ((section[:apr] / 365) * days) * section[:eek:wed]
section[:eek:wed] += finance_charge
#puts "Finance charge for #{section[:type]} for month #
#{total_months} is #{format("$%.2f",finance_charge)}"
total_months +=1
overage = 0.0
section = sections.min { |a,b| a[:apr] <=> b[:apr] }
section[:eek:wed] -= payment
if section[:eek:wed] < 0
overage = section[:eek:wed]
if overage != 0.0
if sections.length > 1
sections.delete(sections.min { |a,b| a[:apr] <=> b[:apr] })
section = sections.min { |a,b| a[:apr] <=> b[:apr] }
section[:eek:wed] += overage
overage = 0.0
total_owed = overage
overage = 0.0
puts "it will take #{total_months} months to pay of the credit card
using a payment amount of $#{payment}"
puts "your last payment will be in the amount of
#{format("$%.2f",total_owed + payment)}"


Please, feel free to modify etc. Let me know how it works for you.
If I can figure out the recursion, I'll post it (likewise, I'm sure)

(my name) at eternaluxe .d.o.t. com

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