Crystal Reports.NET "Push" Method (creating a mailing list)



I am trying to create a Crystal Report for my ASP.NET application that
will allow the user to select a specific group of client addresses to
create mailing labels. Since this is an ASP.NET application, I would
prefer not to include my connection information within the application
itself and therefore planned to use the "Push" Method.

If I try to use the wizard to create the labels and then use the
following code in my aspx page I get the famous Login Error message:

Dim ds As DataSet
ds = DataAccess.RunSPGetDataSet("dbo.sp_get_client_addresses_test")

Dim cr As CrystalReport1
cr = New CrystalReport1

CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr

If I dont use the wizard and start with a blank report and use the same
code as above it works fine. The only problem is that I cannot make
labels. I cannot seem to find out where you would specify the number
of columns required.

Could anyone help me with this by letting me know how I can use the
wizard without having to specify my database connection information in
the aspx page, or by telling me how to set the number of columns in the
report if I use a blank report ?

PS. My database is not on my local PC, it is on a remote server


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