Data Grid Events



I am trying to understand the difference between specifying the "attribute"
of "onEdit" when you are creating the HTML and going into VS in the
Properties window and clicking on the events button and then double clicking
that same event? If I do that in the IDE, it does not create an HTML
attribute entry and likewist, if you key something over in the HTML side, it
does not show up in the properies window for the specified event.

If I populate both, does it cause the event to fire twice? Is there
advantages of one over the other?

My real problem is that no matter how I put them in, they are not firing. I
get the post back event, but the spefic event does not fire. I have
commented out everything in the post back on the chance that something might
be happening there which would cancel the event...but still no event fires.
If I look in the initialize section of the generated code, I see the events
being established. Likewise if I sepecify the event in the HTML and it is
not there, the application fails indicating that it could not find the
procedure...but if I put it in, it still does not firel.

I'm pretty stumped on this one...but I am sure it is something so
simple...but what...

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