Andrew Thompson
I want a better (more information feedback) way of
launching JWS* based apps. from web pages.
This example tests for the problems that would be
encountered if using sockets (from the JWS app.
back to the applet) for that reporting.
* The technique should also work for non-JWS apps.
launched from a web page, but JWS apps. have a
security sandbox - they are both a more interesting
challenge, and more relevant to my needs.
More test results would be appreciated - especially
for machines with a firewall (I tried to enable the
Firewall on my box - and got a Win. message
saying 'no can do' - I'll try again later..)
The sort of detail I'd like, is expressed in the results table
All results/comments welcome.
Andrew Thompson
Message posted via JavaKB.com
launching JWS* based apps. from web pages.
This example tests for the problems that would be
encountered if using sockets (from the JWS app.
back to the applet) for that reporting.
* The technique should also work for non-JWS apps.
launched from a web page, but JWS apps. have a
security sandbox - they are both a more interesting
challenge, and more relevant to my needs.
More test results would be appreciated - especially
for machines with a firewall (I tried to enable the
Firewall on my box - and got a Win. message
saying 'no can do' - I'll try again later..)
The sort of detail I'd like, is expressed in the results table
All results/comments welcome.
Andrew Thompson
Message posted via JavaKB.com