desperate need of help


John Flynn

hi all

i'm going to be quick i have an assignment due which i have no idea how to
do. i work full time so i dont have the time to learn it and its due date
has crept up on me ..

As follows:
The purpose of this assignment is to have you practice the design of
object-oriented classes, including one or more of the following concepts
a.. encapsulation
b.. class/static variables
c.. constructors, mutators, inspectors
d.. operators

Implement the classic cartesian 2D Point class. You can find the point.h
file in Files directory. Your task is to implement this class (point.cpp)
and to write a test program for it (pointTest.cpp). The test program must
a.. test the constructors (default, other, copy) and the output operator
b.. test the assignment operator
c.. test the inspectors
d.. test the mutators
e.. test the input operator
f.. test the equality operators
g.. test the addition and multiplication operators
h.. test the distance function
i know that this would be a breeze for most as this is a first year subject.
So if anyone can help me out please email me for the rest of the

thanks in advance

p.s. please only those who are willing to help me contact me as i can
imagine the barrage of posts i'll be receiving from self important
individuals having a go at me for not doing it myself.

i know i wont be learning anything but i have no choice at this stage

Victor Bazarov

John said:
hi all

i'm going to be quick i have an assignment due which i have no idea how to
do. i work full time so i dont have the time to learn it and its due date
has crept up on me ..

This is comp.lang.c++ and not

If you don't have time to learn, don't pretend you're trying to
learn. Save some money and buy a diploma online.
i know i wont be learning anything but i have no choice at this stage

You do have a choice. Go to your instructor and talk to him/her.
Together you will figure out a much better solution than cheating.
The ultimate purpose for your studying is not to get a grade but
to learn something. So, go learn something.


Mike Wahler

John Flynn said:
hi all

i'm going to be quick i have an assignment due which i have no idea how to
do. i work full time so i dont have the time to learn it

When I discover I don't have time to do something (which happens
all the time), I postpone it until I do.
and its due date
has crept up on me ..

Perhaps you should not make agreements you can't keep.
As follows:
The purpose of this assignment is to have you practice

You. Not us. We can and will help, but will not do it for you.
I can bang away on my piano all day long, but it will not at all
help anyone else learn to play.
the design of
object-oriented classes, including one or more of the following concepts
a.. encapsulation
b.. class/static variables
c.. constructors, mutators, inspectors
d.. operators

Implement the classic cartesian 2D Point class. You can find the point.h
file in Files directory.

So you already have a foundation, you need not start from scratch.
Exploit this.
Your task is to implement this class (point.cpp)
and to write a test program for it (pointTest.cpp). The test program must
a.. test the constructors (default, other, copy) and the output operator
b.. test the assignment operator
c.. test the inspectors
d.. test the mutators
e.. test the input operator
f.. test the equality operators
g.. test the addition and multiplication operators
h.. test the distance function
i know that this would be a breeze for most as this is a first year

IMO it should be doable for anyone who actually pays attention and
takes notes in class, asks questions, and practices. Very early in a
reasonable quality C++ course. Whether it is a 'breeze' will of course
vary among individuals.
So if anyone can help me out please email me for the rest of the

IF what you posted (your assignment) is incomplete, simply post
the complete assignment here. But in order to receive help, you
need to post the code of your best attempt, and ask specific

We will *not* hand you a completed solution, here or via email. Doing
that would definitely *not* help you. It would actually harm
you (and possibly those with whom you might work one day). So no
*I* won't, anyway. Also note: you're abusing the newsgroup, since it's
intent is for learning by anyone who might read here. Many learn
from seeing advice to others (I know I did). Insisting upon email help
takes that away from them.
thanks in advance
p.s. please only those who are willing to help me

I'm very willing to help. Here.
Doing your work for you will not help you.
contact me as i can
imagine the barrage of posts i'll be receiving from self important
individuals having a go at me for not doing it myself.

I write this not from a sense of self-importance, but in an
(yes I know, probably hopeless) attempt to truly help you.
i know i wont be learning anything

So why waste your time? Spend the time on something you will
benefit from.
but i have no choice at this stage

Surely you do.



hi all

i'm going to be quick i have an assignment due which i have no idea how to
do. i work full time so i dont have the time to learn it and its due date
has crept up on me ..
No I won't do your assignment for you, I doubt if you could afford my

[snip assignment]
i know that this would be a breeze for most as this is a first year subject.
So if anyone can help me out please email me for the rest of the

thanks in advance

p.s. please only those who are willing to help me contact me as i can
imagine the barrage of posts i'll be receiving from self important
individuals having a go at me for not doing it myself.
Sorry, I just couldn't resist. There is some stuff that might just be
useful mixed in with the humble pie.
i know i wont be learning anything but i have no choice at this stage
But I think that you have learned something. I am sure we can salvage
some worthwhile learning experience and transferrable skills from the

a. Awareness of deadlines: 'nuff said. Deadlines apply to all types
of work so this is something that will be useful to you whatever job
you do.

b. Estimating: you are going to get some estimating experience as you
work out how long it will reasistically take you to complete this
assignment, bearing in mind all your other commitments.

c. Planning: helps you to avoid missing deadlines - Proper Planning
Prevents Pathetic Performance - PPPPP. At the very least a plan will
give you advance warning of a potentially missed deadline so you can
let the instructor know about your problems well in advance.

d. Groveling to the boss: you are going to have to learn to grovel to
the boss (useful in many work places) as you ask your instructor to
give you an extension on this assignment. This will be easier if you
have at least started the assignment and can show it to him/her alonng
with your estimate and plan. It all helps to show willing.

e. Not reinventing the wheel: the question says "Implement the classic
cartesian 2D Point class." Think about the wider implications of that
word "classic" and go to Google. You won't get a complete answer but
you will get something.

rossum (who sometimes cannot resist a sitting duck)

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