Determine user Selection




I am trying to pass the slection made by a user to a javscript
function using the onchange event. The problem is I can get the index
but not the actual value. As my list is variable (dependent on a db)
I cannot hard code to a static index. I either need a way to
determine the number of items in a select control or a way to
determine the actual selection made by the user.

Can anyone enlighten me as to the code to determine what option the
user selects?

Thank you for your help.


David Mark


I am trying to pass the slection made by a user to a javscript
function using the onchange event. The problem is I can get the index
but not the actual value. As my list is variable (dependent on a db)
I cannot hard code to a static index. I either need a way to
determine the number of items in a select control or a way to
determine the actual selection made by the user.

Can anyone enlighten me as to the code to determine what option the
user selects?



I am trying to pass the slection made by a user to a javscript
function using the onchange event. The problem is I can get the index
but not the actual value. As my list is variable (dependent on a db)
I cannot hard code to a static index. I either need a way to
determine the number of items in a select control or a way to
determine the actual selection made by the user.
Can anyone enlighten me as to the code to determine what option the
user selects?


I cannot thank you enough. I knew it would be simple, but I've been
looking for this answer for hours and couldn't find it! I was
starting to pull my hair out. Thank you!!!!

One last little question, could you refer me to a few good online
recources for javascript w/ forms or webpages

Thank you,


David Mark


I cannot thank you enough. I knew it would be simple, but I've been
looking for this answer for hours and couldn't find it! I was
starting to pull my hair out. Thank you!!!!

One last little question, could you refer me to a few good online
recources for javascript w/ forms or webpages

Thank you,


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