dos %x{..} and my nUUbness


John Hager

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Forgive my newbness :)=20

I am attempting to fire up a dos batch file, like for example startup a=20
jboss server instance.=20

In my *.rb script, I have this straight snippet:=20

puts %x{ c:/zone/jboss-4.0.1sp1/bin/run.bat -c node1 }

It works when I hard-code the path and args as in the sample above.=20

The path and path-args are hard-coded, because I can't figure out how to=20
pass in a variable and still get the server to start.=20

I have tried these:=20

puts %x{ printf "%s/bin/run.bat -c %s", serverPath, nodeName }
puts %x{ serverPath + "/bin/run.bat -c " + nodeName }
print %x{ serverPath + "/bin/run.bat -c " + nodeName }

and all kinds of others, so how to make the magic? How would you launch a=
narly .bat file with a bunch of args and slashes passed along?=20

Also, is there a way to fire the DOS batch file and not have the script=20
pause for the process to finish ... so a non-blocking dos call?=20

-John A


Gavin Kistner

puts %x{ c:/zone/jboss-4.0.1sp1/bin/run.bat -c node1 }

It works when I hard-code the path and args as in the sample above.

The path and path-args are hard-coded, because I can't figure out
how to
pass in a variable and still get the server to start.

String interpolation works in many magical places.

path = "c:/zone/jboss-4.0.1sp1/bin/"
puts %x{ #{path}run.bat -c node1 }

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