Dreamweaver basic question


Merlin Zener


I'm just trying to do something real quick and easy in Dreamweaver [which
I bought ages ago and never got around to doing anything much with it].
What I was hoping to be able to do is set the page properties such as
background color, text color and so on - and then have all my new pages
open up with those attributes already set. Even better would be if I could
make some change to those attributes, and then "apply to the entire site".

I would have thought this would be real basic and easy to do, but I can't
see anywhere in the menus or preferences where to to do it. Not mentioned
in the help either.

Could someone please tell me the easiest way to do this, or if there's a
Dreamweaver specific group which might be a better place to ask?


David Dorward

Merlin said:
What I was hoping to be able to do is set the page properties such as
background color, text color and so on - and then have all my new pages
open up with those attributes already set. Even better would be if I could
make some change to those attributes, and then "apply to the entire site".

body {
background-color: #abcdef;
color: #fedcba;

in an external style sheet, the details can then be changed at will.

No idea how you would do this in Dreamweaver though, I find applications
that try to take graphical input and generate a webpage hinder rather then

<http://dorward.me.uk/www/css/#tutorials> might be of use.

Barry Pearson

Merlin said:

I'm just trying to do something real quick and easy in Dreamweaver
[which I bought ages ago and never got around to doing anything much
with it]. What I was hoping to be able to do is set the page
properties such as background color, text color and so on - and then
have all my new pages open up with those attributes already set. Even
better would be if I could make some change to those attributes, and
then "apply to the entire site".

As another response says, learn about CSS. You'll be glad you did. But DW
creates each new file using a default template, which you can alter. (Copy it

On W2000, for DW4, it is in:

C: > Program Files > Macromedia > Dreamweaver 4 > Configuration > Templates >

(I changed mine to add a DOCTYPE, put a language in the <html>, and use
lower-case tags).

Could someone please tell me the easiest way to do this, or if
there's a Dreamweaver specific group which might be a better place to


Steve R.

Merlin Zener wrote in message ...
What I was hoping to be able to do is set the page properties such as
background color, text color and so on - and then have all my new pages
open up with those attributes already set.

Create one page as you like. Copy it to a 'temp' folder. Rename it and copy
it back to the original folder. Now you have two files as you wish, copy
these two to your temp, rename and copy back to original. Now you have
four. Copy those four to temp, rename and copy back to original. Now you
have eight, then sixteen, then thirty-two, and so on. Doesn't take long.


Matthew Paulosky

Look into templates in Dreamweaver. You make one page the way you like it
then save it as a template. You can then make new pages using that template.
When you want to make a change you edit the template and then Dreamweaver
will ask if you want to apply the changes to all the pages made using it.
Say yes and all the changes are applied.

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