emergency error '80040e14'


in da club

i get error '80040e14' from this codes..

sqlbul="select * from buyers where sesid="&session.SessionID

set rsbul=baglantim.execute(sqlbul)

if rsbul.eof then

response.redirect "index.asp"

end if


i tried like this

sqlbul="select toplam from buyers where sesid="&clng(session.SessionID)
response.write sqlbul
set rsbul=baglantim.execute(sqlbul)

it returns

select toplam from buyers where sesid=477419109

i run it in query analyser it works well..

how can i get rid of this message


i get error '80040e14' from this codes..

sqlbul="select * from buyers where sesid="&session.SessionID

Error 80040e14 can have half a thousand reasons, wasn't there a more
detailed description in the error message?

See http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2400

It sometimes indicates something is wrong with delimiters ([] around table
or column names, '' around strings).
It can also be related to incorrect datatypes (for example searching for a
text string in a numeric column).

Are you using column-level permissions on the table? Then that could be
why it works with "select toplam " but fails with "select * ".

Is 'sesid' a character (char, varchar, ...) field?
I suppose not, but if it is you should quote the value.

sqlbul = "select * from buyers where sesid='" & session.SessionID & "'"

I use a short function for this at the start of some of my ASP files:

Function Quote(s)
Quote = "'" & Replace(s, "'", "''") & "'"
End Function

and all my queries that involve character fields look like this:

sqlbul = "select * from buyers where sesid=" & Quote(session.SessionID)

This can avoid unexpected results (strange errors or SQL injection if
someone fabricates a request manually).

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