Energy Saving Tips



1. Reduce heater's room temperature
For each extra degree (Celsius) of temperature, your heater will
consume 7 to 11%
more energy. Adjust it to 18degrees which is also better for your
2. Install a programmable thermostat
You will be able to control the heater's temperature during specific
hours every day.
3. Insulate your house
Loss of heat is loss of energy.
4. Fix air leaks
5. Close the chimney of the fireplace when you don't use it
It is designed to drive smoke (hot air) out of the house!
6. Get an energy audit to advice you about the necessary fixes and
7. Install energy efficient windows
8. Install storm windows
In cold climates they may save up to 50% of energy loss of your
current windows
during the winter.
9. Shade the windows properly
A tent outside the window will prevent more solar energy to enter the
house that a
10.Plant deciduous trees to shade your house.
During the winter they will loose their leaves and allow sunlight
penetrate the house.
11.Mount aluminum sheets behind your space heaters
It will reflect the thermal energy in the room, not on the wall.
12.Put the refrigerator far from any heat sources
13.Don't overload the fridge
14.Don't put hot food in the fridge.
It will drain energy for no reason. Leave it out until it gets to the
room temperature
before putting it in the fridge.
15.Tidy up your fridge
Firstly, you will need less time with the door open until you find
what you need.
Secondly, the frost will be distributed better.
16.Keep your fridge clean
You can save up to 30% of loss of energy by cleaning the dust from the
back of your
refrigerator. Also, clean it from the ice which reduces its
17.Switch off the lights where you don't need them
18.Use CFLs
Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs are way more economic. Save up to 70%
electricity costs for lighting.
19. Look for Energy Star qualified appliances
20.Use the “eco” mode to reduce your appliances electricity
21.Don't use the air-conditioner with the windows open
22.Clean the air-conditioner's filters regularly
23.Shade your air-conditioner's compressors properly
They will use 10% less energy.
24.Walk, walk, walk
Walk to the supermarket, walk to the school, walk and save energy.
25.Drive slower to reduce emissions
Aggressive driving consumes more fuel.
26.Don't pre-heat the car engine.
Instead, you can drive at low velocities during the first minutes
until the engine is
properly heated.
27.Keep your car tires pressure at the proposed limits.
This will save you fuels and it will make your car safer too.
28.Go Hybrid
Hybrid cars produce less greenhouse gases. Check out the local funds
and buy one
at a better price
29.Buy an electric car
30.Use public means of transport
31.Buy proper cookware
Make sure that your pans and the other kitchenware fix properly on the
Otherwise you will loose energy for no reason.
32.Turn the cooker off before the food is finished
It will remain hot for a little and the food will be cooked without
wasting any energy.
33.Don't use a cloth dryer
It consumes too much energy. Remember, sun can be a really good friend
if used
34.Wash your clothes on lower temperature
Avoid energy loss when possible.
35.Don't leave electronics on stand-by mode
They will not stop using electricity. Use a plug-board with a switch
to completely
switch off all appliances.
36.Say no to screen savers
Turn the monitor off instead.
37.A plugged charger will consume energy even when it is not connected
to the
38.Go Local
Avoid transportation to far away distances if you can do the same
thing nearby.
Choose a local supermarket, buy from the bakery of the neighborhood.
Also prefer local products to reduce the CO2 emissions cause to their
39.Go On-line
Make your bank or any other transactions using the Internet. This will
save you time
and transportation costs too.
40.Don't use the microwave oven to defrost food
Instead, you can just leave it at room temperature for a little bit
41.Go Passive
Using the sun properly can save you lots of money.
42.Use solar water heaters
They provide free hot water.
43.Maintain your water heater regularly
Badly maintained heaters consume way more electricity.
44.Insulate your water pipes
45.Install a Green Roof
It will save you lots of energy along with multiple other advantages
it provides.

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