Euro currency symbol


David Wright

Hmm, I seem to be having a bit of a time representing the Euro sign in

ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2008-03-03 patchlevel 114) [universal-darwin9.0]
(same results on a linux box, 1.8.5 with Ruby)

symbol: €
Decimal: 8364
hex: 20Ac
html number: €
html name: €
description: euro sign

dwright@[1061]:dwright% perl -C2 -le 'print chr(oct("20254"))'

dwright@[1062]:dwright%ruby -le 'puts "20254".oct.chr'
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

RangeError: 8364 out of char range
from (irb):5:in `chr'
from (irb):5

ruby -e 'puts "20Ac".hex.chr'
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

ruby -KU -e 'puts "20Ac".hex.chr'
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

ruby -KU -e '$KCODE="u";puts "20Ac".hex.chr'
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

ruby -e "puts '20Ac'.hex.chr"
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

Here's the pound:

ruby -e 'puts "The pound:\243"'
The pound:£

ruby -e 'puts "243".oct.chr'

7stud --

David said:
Hmm, I seem to be having a bit of a time representing the Euro sign in

ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2008-03-03 patchlevel 114) [universal-darwin9.0]
(same results on a linux box, 1.8.5 with Ruby)

symbol: €
Decimal: 8364
hex: 20Ac
html number: €
html name: €
description: euro sign

dwright@[1061]:dwright% perl -C2 -le 'print chr(oct("20254"))'

dwright@[1062]:dwright%ruby -le 'puts "20254".oct.chr'
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

RangeError: 8364 out of char range
from (irb):5:in `chr'
from (irb):5

ruby -e 'puts "20Ac".hex.chr'
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

ruby -KU -e 'puts "20Ac".hex.chr'
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

ruby -KU -e '$KCODE="u";puts "20Ac".hex.chr'
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

ruby -e "puts '20Ac'.hex.chr"
-e:1:in `chr': 8364 out of char range (RangeError)
from -e:1

Here's the pound:

ruby -e 'puts "The pound:\243"'
The pound:£

ruby -e 'puts "243".oct.chr'

dec_num = "20254".oct
puts dec_num


$ri chr
------------------------------------------------------------ Integer#chr
int.chr => string
Returns a string containing the ASCII character represented by the
receiver's value.

65.chr #=> "A"
?a.chr #=> "a"
230.chr #=> "\346"

There is no ascii character with an ascii code equal to 8364. The pound
has been around a long time, and it made it into extended ascii (or
latin-1, which uses 8 bits). The euro is a recent invention, and it's
numerical code is way out in unicode land.

arr = []
arr << dec_num
str = arr.pack("U") #U=UTF-8 => encode unicode 8364 into a UTF-8
puts str


7stud --

7stud said:
$ri chr
------------------------------------------------------------ Integer#chr
int.chr => string
Returns a string containing the ASCII character represented by the
receiver's value.

65.chr #=> "A"
?a.chr #=> "a"
230.chr #=> "\346"

There is no ascii character with an ascii code equal to 8364. The pound
has been around a long time, and it made it into extended ascii (or
latin-1, which uses 8 bits).

8 bits can be used to store codes between 0-255.

ascii characters are represented by numerical codes between 0-127, so
the text describing the operation of chr in the docs is wrong.
According to the description, you would expect codes above 127 to
produce errors. But codes between 127-255 do not produce errors. The
last example demonstrates that. The docs should read something like:

Returns a string containing the latin-1 (or ISO-8859-1) character
represented by the receiver's value. Valid character codes are 0-255.

David Wright

7stud said:
8 bits can be used to store codes between 0-255.

ascii characters are represented by numerical codes between 0-127, so
the text describing the operation of chr in the docs is wrong.
According to the description, you would expect codes above 127 to
produce errors. But codes between 127-255 do not produce errors. The
last example demonstrates that. The docs should read something like:

Returns a string containing the latin-1 (or ISO-8859-1) character
represented by the receiver's value. Valid character codes are 0-255.

Thanks, good stuff. I didn't know about Array#pack

Sure, I'm familiar with character sets, I was assuming the 'same as
Perl' chr functionality, I should have checked the rdoc for chr,...

chr Returns the character represented by that NUMBER in the
character set. For example, "chr(65)" is "A" in either
or Unicode, and chr(0x263a) is a Unicode smiley face.

int.chr => string


ruby -e 'puts "\244"'

David Wright a écrit :
Thanks, good stuff. I didn't know about Array#pack

Sure, I'm familiar with character sets, I was assuming the 'same as
Perl' chr functionality, I should have checked the rdoc for chr,...

chr Returns the character represented by that NUMBER in the
character set. For example, "chr(65)" is "A" in either
or Unicode, and chr(0x263a) is a Unicode smiley face.

int.chr => string
irb(main):019:0> str = "\244"
=> "\244"
irb(main):020:0> puts str

=> nil

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