Extra characters in Email using System.Web.Mail?



I'm using System.Web.Mail to send HTML formatted e-mails, and something very
bizarre is happening.

When I send a message to myself, it looks fine, but when my client sends one
to herself, she gets a single exclamation point inserted, usually in the
same spot but sometimes it shifts a place or two, within the text.

The message is about 13 lines, and it is only one character that gets
inserted, so I find this very strange. There is no ASCII that could be
mis-represented in the source, and I have re-entered the text a couple of

For example, the line:

message.Body = "valid for 30 days";

appears in her e-mail as:

valid f! or 30 days

It is getting embedded in the source as I see it in the messages she returns
to me.

Has anyone seen anything like this? I can only guess that her mail client
(Outlook) is embedding the character, but why?


Yes I have seen this before. I can't remember exactly how it manifested
itself but I had basically the same problem, outlook replacing some
characters. I seem to remember it had something to do with the outlook
trying to add in it's own formatting around relevant fields (subject,
from, to etc) although I can't be 100% sure.

This problem drove me mad for several days, and it was definitely
Outlook doing the reformatting. I suggest trying to send the same
message to a hotmail account to prove to your client that it is an
Outlook issue, I don't remember finding an appropriate fix for this!



Thanks Matt,

At least nice to know that I am not the only one who has seen this. I'll let
you know what I find (if anything).


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