Extracting links from a html table




Thought I would share my code with you as it might help to fix my
problem a bit quicker...

I thought I would be able to some how use table extract to pull out
the links to each of the fund names at the URL in the variable

For instance "CAAM Funds Latin America Equities C Inc" has a link
This is what I would like to extract.

Does anyone know how I can do this with Tableextract or Mechanize?

Your help would be really appreciated!




use HTML::TableExtract;
use LWP::Simple;
use WWW::Mechanize;

## Morningstar launch page

## Variables
my @nasdaqPrices; ## array containing nasdaq close prices
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); ## perl agent
my $content; ## webpage content
my $link_name;
my $nasdaqWeekly; ## Weekly nasdaq change
my $nasdaqDaily; ## Daily nasdaq change

## Obtain latest NASDAQ values
@nasdaqPrices = &nasdaqToArray($NASDAQ_PRICE_DATA);

$nasdaqWeekly = &nasdaqPerformanceWeekly(@nasdaqPrices);
print "Nasdaq w ".$nasdaqWeekly."\n";
$nasdaqDaily = &nasdaqPerformanceDaily(@nasdaqPrices);
print "Nasdaq d ".$nasdaqDaily."\n";

#print scalar(@nasdaqPrices)."\n";

#print "@nasdaqPrices";


$mech->agent_alias("Windows IE 6");

#$content = get($MORNINGSTAR);

## Find the total number of pages
$link_name = $mech->find_link( text => "last" );

if ($link_name->url() =~ m/$re/is)

## Print ever single page out.
for ($count=1;$count<=$total_pages;$count++)
## if first go then print the
if ($count == 1)
##&printTable($content, $nasdaqDaily, $nasdaqWeekly);
&printTable($mech, $nasdaqDaily, $nasdaqWeekly);
#&doPostBack($mech, 'ctl00$ctl00$MainContent$Layout_1MainContent
#&printTable($mech->content(), $nasdaqDaily, $nasdaqWeekly);
&doPostBack($mech, 'ctl00$ctl00$MainContent$Layout_1MainContent
&printTable($mech, $nasdaqDaily, $nasdaqWeekly);


sub printTable()
my $contents = shift;
my $dailychange = shift;
my $weeklychange = shift;
my $link;

my $webpage = $contents->content();

## Print out a table of values
my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new( headers => [
##qw(Fund\sName Risk Std\sDev YTD 1\sYr 3\sYr\nAnlsd 5\sYr
qw(Fund\sName Latest\nPrice 1\sDay 1\sWeek 1\sMonth 3\sMonth
6\sMonth Date)
], );

foreach $ts ($te->tables)
foreach ($ts->rows)
($fund_name, $latest_price, $p1_day, $p1_week, $p1_month,
$p3_month, $p6_month, $pdate) = @$_;

if (($p1_day > $dailychange) && ($p1_day > 0))
print $fund_name."\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".$p1_day."\t".$dailychange."\n";

## find the link
$link = $contents->find_link( text => $fund_name );
##print $link."\n\n";




sub doPostBack()
my $agent = shift; ## WWW::Mechanize agent-object
my $target = shift; ## first argument in the __doPostBack() call
my $arg = shift;


$agent->field('__EVENTTARGET', $target);
$agent->field('__EVENTARGUMENT', $arg);



sub nasdaqToArray()
my @nasdaqPriceList;
my $nasdaq_price_data = shift;

open (NASDAQ, "$nasdaq_price_data") || die "File not found\n";
while ($line =<NASDAQ>)
chomp $line; # removes the carriage return
push @nasdaqPriceList, split(/, / , $line); # breaks the line up
into fields

close NASDAQ;

return @nasdaqPriceList;

sub nasdaqPerformanceDaily()
my @nasdaqPriceList = @_;
my $nasdaqDailyPC;
my $old = @nasdaqPriceList[-2];
my $new = @nasdaqPriceList[-1];

$nasdaqDailyPC = sprintf("%.4f", ((($new - $old) / $old) * 100));

return $nasdaqDailyPC;

sub nasdaqPerformanceWeekly()
my @nasdaqPriceList = @_;
my $nasdaqWeeklyPC;
my $old = @nasdaqPriceList[-5];
my $new = @nasdaqPriceList[-1];

$nasdaqWeeklyPC = sprintf("%.4f", ((($new - $old) / $old) * 100));

return $nasdaqWeeklyPC;

Bill H


Thought I would share my code with you as it might help to fix my
problem a bit quicker...

I thought I would be able to some how use table extract to pull out
the links to each of the fund names at the URL in the variable

For instance "CAAM Funds Latin America Equities C Inc" has a linkhttp://www.morningstar.co.uk/UK/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F0GBR05SXI
This is what I would like to extract.

Does anyone know how I can do this with Tableextract or Mechanize?

Your help would be really appreciated!





It looks like the link you gave is an example of one of the links you
want to extract. Looking at a few of their other pages it seems thay
all have the same url in common and the only thing that changes is the
id. Looking at the source for one of the pages all the various links
have the format:


where ???? is the id number I think you are looking for. I would go
through the source looking for text that started with href="/UK/
snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id= and then extract the id number into an

I hope I am making sense.

Bill H

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