I'm moving classic asp sites from Windows 2000 / IIS 5 to Windows 2008 R2 /
IIS 7.
* We have the "Indexing Service" started.
* I have application pool in 32 bit mode.
* IXSSO.DLL is present in System32 directory. (dated 7/13/2009)
* Catalogs were created and looked OK.
However, I am unable to create an ixsso.Query object.
Get the following error message :
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object
/HC/ECO/Announcements/Headlines/SearchResults.asp, line 39
my ASP code :
Dim sSearchString
Dim oQuery
Dim results()
sSearchString = Request.Form("query")
Const SEARCH_CATALOG = "Headlines"
Set oQuery =
oQuery.Catalog = SEARCH_CATALOG
oQuery.Query = "@all " & sSearchString &
" AND NOT #path *downloads* AND NOT #path *images* AND NOT #filename *.class
AND NOT #filename *.asa AND NOT #filename *.css AND NOT #filename
*postinfo.html AND NOT *.txt AND NOT #filename sendmail.asp, AND NOT
#filename *defaultpopup.asp"
oQuery.MaxRecords = 50
' sort by creation date
oQuery.SortBy = "Create[d]"
'oQuery.SortBy = "rank[d]"
oQuery.Columns = "Htmlhref, DocAuthor,
vpath, doctitle, FileName, Path, Write, Size, Rank, Create, Characterization,
DocCategory, HitCount"
Set oRS =
It crashed at " Set oQuery = Server.CreateObject("IXSSO.Query") "
My questions:
1)Can I copy IXSSO.DLL from W2K (6/19/2003) 32 Bit to W2K8? Thus the
"bitness" issue can be resolved.
2) If this permission issues, what kind of permission I need to grant
accounts and directory? I set up the web application with "Window
Authentication mode" and using IIS_IUSRS group (the new build in group).
IIS 7.
* We have the "Indexing Service" started.
* I have application pool in 32 bit mode.
* IXSSO.DLL is present in System32 directory. (dated 7/13/2009)
* Catalogs were created and looked OK.
However, I am unable to create an ixsso.Query object.
Get the following error message :
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object
/HC/ECO/Announcements/Headlines/SearchResults.asp, line 39
my ASP code :
Dim sSearchString
Dim oQuery
Dim results()
sSearchString = Request.Form("query")
Const SEARCH_CATALOG = "Headlines"
Set oQuery =
oQuery.Catalog = SEARCH_CATALOG
oQuery.Query = "@all " & sSearchString &
" AND NOT #path *downloads* AND NOT #path *images* AND NOT #filename *.class
AND NOT #filename *.asa AND NOT #filename *.css AND NOT #filename
*postinfo.html AND NOT *.txt AND NOT #filename sendmail.asp, AND NOT
#filename *defaultpopup.asp"
oQuery.MaxRecords = 50
' sort by creation date
oQuery.SortBy = "Create[d]"
'oQuery.SortBy = "rank[d]"
oQuery.Columns = "Htmlhref, DocAuthor,
vpath, doctitle, FileName, Path, Write, Size, Rank, Create, Characterization,
DocCategory, HitCount"
Set oRS =
It crashed at " Set oQuery = Server.CreateObject("IXSSO.Query") "
My questions:
1)Can I copy IXSSO.DLL from W2K (6/19/2003) 32 Bit to W2K8? Thus the
"bitness" issue can be resolved.
2) If this permission issues, what kind of permission I need to grant
accounts and directory? I set up the web application with "Window
Authentication mode" and using IIS_IUSRS group (the new build in group).