First time posting here, sorry if i failed 
So i wanted to write a Hangman game and i started it, as im newbie
programmer it took me several days to track all the bugs etc.
Meanwhile i want to get good habits on designing and i read that
Getters and Setters arent the best way to go for a class design. I
tryed my best to lead this project to a good design but i need a
feedback to see if im on the right track, please, comment on
everything you see that are lame or that can be build better.
Im scared of comments like "looks good, decent design" etc. please be
strict i really worked hard on it
Feedback on design, comments, names, everything that you see that can
be done in a better understanding way. How would you work with the
function prototypes if you didnt had access to .cpp file? etc, please
on everything
So i wanted to write a Hangman game and i started it, as im newbie
programmer it took me several days to track all the bugs etc.
Meanwhile i want to get good habits on designing and i read that
Getters and Setters arent the best way to go for a class design. I
tryed my best to lead this project to a good design but i need a
feedback to see if im on the right track, please, comment on
everything you see that are lame or that can be build better.
Im scared of comments like "looks good, decent design" etc. please be
strict i really worked hard on it
#include "HANGMAN.h"
//Ctor and Dtor
SetConsoleTitle ("Hangman v1.0");
hStdout = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
exitGame = false;
inGame = false;
lenofFile = CountLinesOfFile ("words.txt"); //Count lines
CreateWordsBuf (lenofFile, "words.txt"); //Allocate and store
srand (time(NULL)); //seed for picking element index from
delete[] _wordsBuf;
_wordsBuf = NULL;
delete[] _hiddenWord;
_hiddenWord = NULL;
delete[] _letterBuf;
_letterBuf = NULL;
void HANGMAN::Set_exitGame (bool b){ //Flag for the main loop
exitGame = b;
bool HANGMAN::Get_exitGame(){
return exitGame;
void HANGMAN::Set_inGame(bool b){ //Flag for inside game loop
inGame = b;
bool HANGMAN::Get_inGame (){
return inGame;
void HANGMAN::ClearScreen(){ //Clears the screen in radius {80,30}
COORD homeCoords = {0,0};
//{80,30} is enough to clear the previous game
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, homeCoords);
for (int row = 0; row < 30; row++){
for (int col = 0; col < 80; col++){
cout << ' ';
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, homeCoords);
void HANGMAN::CreditsIntro(){ //Badass intro and tips
COORD dotsCoords = {0,2};
int tip = rand() % 2;
cout << "GAME BY: COFFECAT" << endl << endl;
//pick a tip
cout << endl << endl << " Tip of the day:" << endl;
switch (tip){
case 0:
cout << "Separate the word's in the text file with a
case 1:
cout << "Don't let your user see the word's from the text
//output 3 dots with short delay, clear and output again
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, dotsCoords);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
cout << "."; Sleep (500);
cout << "."; Sleep (500);
cout << "."; Sleep (500);
cout << '\r' << " ";
cout << '\r'; Sleep(500);
int HANGMAN::CountLinesOfFile (const char* fname){ //Counts number of
words in .txt file
int n = 0;
string word;
ifstream file (fname);
//read all lines form the file and count them
if (file.is_open()){
while (!file.eof()){
getline (file, word, ' ');
cout << "Failed to open file for CountLinesOfFile (const
char*)" << endl;
return n;
void HANGMAN::CreateWordsBuf (int len, const char* fname){ //Allocate
_wordsBuf and store words .txt
string line;
int index = 0;
_wordsBuf = new string[len];
ifstream file (fname);
//read words and store them in own element
if (file.is_open()){
while (!file.eof()){
getline (file, line, ' ');
_wordsBuf[index++] = line;
cout << "Failed to open words.txt for CreateWordBuf (int,
const char*)" << endl;
void HANGMAN::Pull_randWord (int filelen){ //Pulls a word from
int randVal;
randVal = rand() % filelen;
randWord = _wordsBuf[randVal];
void HANGMAN::CreateLetterBuf(int len){ //Allocate _letterBuf and
fills with whitespaces
//allocate array and fill it whitespaces (inputed letters will be
_letterBuf = new char[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
_letterBuf[i] = ' ';
void HANGMAN::CreateHiddenWord(int len){ //Allocate _hiddenWord buf
and fills with underscores
//allocate array and fill it with underscores for hidden word UI
_hiddenWord = new char[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
_hiddenWord[i] = '_';
void HANGMAN::OutputHiddenWord(){ //Outputs _hiddenWord buf
//outputs the underscores and adds a whitespace between each for
better reading
for (int x = 0; x < lenofRW; x++){
cout << _hiddenWord[x];
if (x != lenofRW - 1){
cout << " ";
void HANGMAN::OutputIngameUI(){ //Requires _hiddenWord buf to be
allocated and output simple UI
cout << "Tries left: " << triesLeft;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Letter input: ";
void HANGMAN::UpdateHiddenWord(){ //Set cursor at proper pos and re-
writes _hiddenWord buf
COORD hiddenWordCoords = {0,2};
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, hiddenWordCoords);
void HANGMAN::UpdateTriesLeft(){ //Set cursor at proper pos and re-
write triesLeft value
COORD triesLeftCoords = {0,0};
COORD eraseDigit = {13,0};
//put whitespace at the second digit when triesLeft goes under 9
if (triesLeft < 10){
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, eraseDigit);
cout << ' ';
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, triesLeftCoords);
cout << "Tries left: " << triesLeft;
cout << endl << endl;
void HANGMAN::CreateNewGame(){ //Pulls new randWord, alloc bufs,
value for triesLeft/lenofLetterB
//pull new randWord and create _hiddenWord buf
Pull_randWord (lenofFile);
lenofRW = randWord.size();
CreateHiddenWord (lenofRW);
//set value for triesLeft and create _letterBuf buf
triesLeft = lenofRW;
lenofLetterB = triesLeft * 2; //hold correct and incorect letters
CreateLetterBuf (lenofLetterB);
inGame = true;
void HANGMAN::CheckForEndGame(){ //Compares randWord letters with
_hidenWord buf, checks triesLeft
//check if triesLeft are wasted, if so, end the current game
if (triesLeft == 0){
cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << "WRONG!";
Sleep (2000);
inGame = false;
//compare _hiddenWord and randWord if all letters match
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < lenofRW; j++){
if (_hiddenWord[j] == randWord[j]){
//if _hiddenWord match randWord, end the current game
if (count == lenofRW){
cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << "CORRECT!";
Sleep (2000);
inGame = false;
void HANGMAN::Set_input(char val){ //Used for reset
input = val;
char HANGMAN::Get_input(){
return input;
void HANGMAN::AskInputGetch (){ //Works with getch()
input = getch();
void HANGMAN::AskLetterInput(){ //Ask for single letter, can delete it
before confirming with Enter
COORD letterInpCoords; //X and Y values will be changed trough the
function loops
COORD letterInpOrigCoords = {14,4}; //permanent values for X and Y
bool letterConfirmed = false;
//SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, letterInpOrigCoords); //set
cursor at begining
//loop until a letter is pressed and then ENTER key
while (!letterConfirmed){
//if letter is deleted, reset coords so can re-write the
letterInpCoords.X = 14;
letterInpCoords.Y = 4;
//search free element spot for input
for (int i = 0; i < lenofLetterB; i++){
if (_letterBuf[i] == ' '){ //if finds a whitespace
letterInpCoords.X += i; //take value of i + 14 for X
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, letterInpCoords); //
set proper pos for input
//loop until a letter only is pressed
do {
inpLetter = getch();
} while ((inpLetter != 'A' && inpLetter != 'a') &&
(inpLetter != 'B' && inpLetter != 'b') &&
(inpLetter != 'C' && inpLetter != 'c') &&
(inpLetter != 'D' && inpLetter != 'd') &&
(inpLetter != 'E' && inpLetter != 'e') &&
(inpLetter != 'F' && inpLetter != 'f') &&
(inpLetter != 'G' && inpLetter != 'g') &&
(inpLetter != 'H' && inpLetter != 'h') &&
(inpLetter != 'I' && inpLetter != 'i') &&
(inpLetter != 'J' && inpLetter != 'j') &&
(inpLetter != 'K' && inpLetter != 'k') &&
(inpLetter != 'L' && inpLetter != 'l') &&
(inpLetter != 'M' && inpLetter != 'm') &&
(inpLetter != 'N' && inpLetter != 'n') &&
(inpLetter != 'O' && inpLetter != 'o') &&
(inpLetter != 'P' && inpLetter != 'p') &&
(inpLetter != 'Q' && inpLetter != 'q') &&
(inpLetter != 'R' && inpLetter != 'r') &&
(inpLetter != 'S' && inpLetter != 's') &&
(inpLetter != 'T' && inpLetter != 't') &&
(inpLetter != 'U' && inpLetter != 'u') &&
(inpLetter != 'V' && inpLetter != 'v') &&
(inpLetter != 'W' && inpLetter != 'w') &&
(inpLetter != 'X' && inpLetter != 'x') &&
(inpLetter != 'Y' && inpLetter != 'y') &&
(inpLetter != 'Z' && inpLetter != 'z'));
break; //break loop if letter is inputed
//if any time comma's are used or other letters, count
letterInpCoords.X += 1;
//output inputed letter on the same coords that was asked to
cout << inpLetter;
//loop until ENTER or BACKSPACE key is pressed
input = -1; //reset
while (input != 13 && input != 8){
input = getch();
switch (input){
//ENTER KEY -- confirms the letter
case 13:
/* save inputed letter in first whitespace element
and add coma after it.
Confirm the letter flag to true and exit the
for (int i = 0; i < lenofLetterB; i++){
if (_letterBuf[i] == ' '){
_letterBuf[i] = inpLetter;
cout << ",";
letterConfirmed = true;
break; //case ENTER: ends
//BACKSPACE KEY -- re-printing letters/visualy
case 8:
/* if still no letters in buffer, set cursor to
begining and output whitespace,
then back one char so input can be be on the same
spot */
if (_letterBuf[0] == ' '){
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout,
cout << ' ' << '\b';
/* if have inputed letter, set cursor to begining
and re-write all letter's
and comma's */
else if (_letterBuf[0] != ' '){
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout,
for (int i = 0; i < lenofLetterB; i++){
if (_letterBuf[i] != ' '){ //if
have letter in the element
cout << _letterBuf[i] << ","; //output
it including comma after it
else { //if no letter in the
cout << ' ' << '\b'; //output
whitespace to simulate deletion
break; //then back one char so
input be on the same spot
break; //case BACKSPACE: ends
} //switch (input) ends
} //while (input != ENTER && != BACKSPACE) ends
} //while (!letterConfirmed) ends
void HANGMAN::CheckInputLetter(){ //Check if letter exist in randWord
bool matchLetter = false;
//compares inpLetter with randWord letters
for (int x = 0; x < lenofLetterB; x++){
if (inpLetter == randWord[x]){
_hiddenWord[x] = inpLetter;
matchLetter = true;
//if inpLetter dont exist in randWord, decrease triesLeft
if (!matchLetter){
#ifndef HANGMAN_H#define HANGMAN_H
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
HANGMAN(); //Ctor and Dtor
virtual ~HANGMAN();
void Set_exitGame (bool b); //Flag for the main loop
bool Get_exitGame();
void Set_inGame (bool b); //Flag for inside game loop
bool Get_inGame();
void ClearScreen(); //Clears the screen in radius {80,30}
void CreditsIntro(); //Badass intro and tips
int CountLinesOfFile (const char* fname); //Count lines
of .txt file
void CreateWordsBuf (int len, const char* fname); //Allocates
_wordsBuf and store words.txt
void Pull_randWord (int filelen); //Pulls a word from
void CreateLetterBuf(int len); //Allocate _letterBuf and
fills with whitespaces
void CreateHiddenWord (int len); //Allocate _hiddenWord buf
and fills with underscores
void OutputHiddenWord(); //Outputs _hiddenWord buf
void OutputIngameUI(); //Requires _hiddenWord buf to be
allocated and output simple UI
void UpdateHiddenWord(); //Set cursor at proper pos and re-
writes _hiddenWord buf
void UpdateTriesLeft(); //Set cursor at proper pos and re-
write triesLeft value
void CreateNewGame(); //Pulls new randWord, alloc bufs, value
for triesLeft/lenofLetterB
void CheckForEndGame(); //Compares randWord letters with
_hidenWord buf, checks triesLeft
void Set_input (char v); //Used for reset
char Get_input();
void AskInputGetch(); //Works with getch()
void AskLetterInput(); //Ask for single letter, can delete it
before confirming with Enter
void CheckInputLetter(); //Check if letter exist in randWord
//windows predef data types
HANDLE hStdout; //std output handle
int triesLeft;
bool exitGame; //flag for the main loop
bool inGame; //flag for inside game loop
char input; //UI input
char inpLetter; //input only for letters
char* _letterBuf;
int lenofLetterB; //lenth of _letterBuf
int lenofFile; //lenth of .txt file
string* _wordsBuf;
char* _hiddenWord;
string randWord; //Pull_randWord returns this variable
int lenofRW; //lenth of randWord
#endif // HANGMAN_H
#include "HANGMAN.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
while (!HANGM.Get_exitGame()){
cout << "HANGMAN MENU:" << endl;
cout << "------------" << endl;
cout << "New Game -- Enter Key" << endl;
cout << "Exit Game -- Esc Key" << endl << endl;
//Loop until in MENU
HANGM.Set_input (-1); //reset input
while (HANGM.Get_input() != 13 && HANGM.Get_input() != 27){
//Ask for user input
switch (HANGM.Get_input()){
//New Game -- Enter Key
case 13:
//Exit Game -- Esc Key
case 27:
HANGM.Set_exitGame (true);
} //switch (input) ends
} //while (ENTER && ESC) ends
//Start Game loop
while (HANGM.Get_inGame()){
} //while (inGame) ends
} //while (!exitGame) ends
return 0;
Feedback on design, comments, names, everything that you see that can
be done in a better understanding way. How would you work with the
function prototypes if you didnt had access to .cpp file? etc, please
on everything