file does not begin with '%PDF-' - Error when searching pdfs on FireFox browser



Hello all:

I have monthly PDFs that I store in a directory and display the 2
latest ones, the rest user can search them by date (mm-yyyy). Now I
have 2 questions:

First, which one is a better solution, store in a directory or in a
database and retrieve? It just started so we only have a few PDFs now.
What happens if latter we add more and more PDFs?

Second, and it's the problem, the PDFs are just fine, I can open them
directly on any browser. However when I search & open it, it throws an
error " file does not begin with '%PDF-' " on Firefox and on some IE
browser (my laptop's IE gives the same error.). I've done some
research, Adobe gives solution
But it doesn't satisfy me. Does anyone know what happens here? Could
it be my script's problem? Please see the script below:

if (defined $ins{newsletter_text}) {

my $letter = "$ins{newsletter_text}.pdf";

$path_dir = "/www/html/newsletter/";
opendir(DIRhandle, $path_dir) || die("Cannot open directory");
@thefiles= readdir(DIRhandle);

foreach $file (sort @thefiles) {

unless ( ($file eq ".") || ($file eq "..") ) {
if ($file eq $ins{newsletter_text}) {
print "location:/newsletter/$ins{newsletter_text}\n\n";
elsif ($file =~ /\Q$ins{newsletter_text}\E/i) {
if ($ins{newsletter_text} =~ m/^\d\d-\d\d\d\d$/) {
print "location:/newsletter/$letter\n\n";
} else {
print "location:/cgi-bin/outdoor.cgi?pg=gov&err=1\n\n";

Also I realized that when I open the PDF from a link, in the Address
Bar, it shows the path something like '/gl/newsletter/06-2006.pdf'
but when I open it from the search form, it show the path somethink
like '/cgi-bin/gl/newsletter.cgi'

newsletter.cgi proccess the search and redirect to the PDF. Could it
be that Firefox considers it as a cgi file?

Any ideas, please?

Thanks much in advance.

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