FIND: Parameterformat falsch (parameter format not correct)



I have downwloaded a professional script to do some tagging on a text.
This script should read files from a directory but I get an error
FIND:: paramater format not correct

Here the critical parts of the script:

use Tk;
use Tk::BrowseEntry;
use Tk::Dialog;

if ($#ARGV < 2) {
die "\nUsage: <input_dir> <output_dir>
<label_file>\n\nIMPORTANT: This script enables you to delete files in
the input directory\nwith the Skip button. Create a backup now!!\n\n";
else {
$intextfiledir = "${ARGV[0]}\";
$outtextfiledir = "${ARGV[1]}\";
$labelfile = $ARGV[2];

(@infilelist) = read_filelist($intextfiledir);
($label_width, @labels) = read_labels($labelfile);

my $num_labels = $#labels + 1;
my $current_start = "0.0";
my $current_end = "0.0";
my $text_start = "0.0";
my $text_end = "0.0";

$current_file = "";
$fileonly = "";
$index = -1;
$num_files = $#infilelist + 1;
$done = $index + 1;


sub read_filelist {
my ($dir) = @_;
my ($file, @filelist);

open(FIND, "find $dir | ") or die "Couldn't run find...\n";
$file = <FIND>; # Get rid of bogus first line
while ($file = <FIND>) {
chop $file;

next if ($file !~ /\w/);
push(@filelist, $file);

return (@filelist);

The script was written in '99. I am running it on an XP computer. Is
this the reason for the error message?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion


Joe Smith

FMAS said:
I have downwloaded a professional script to do some tagging on a text.
This script should read files from a directory but I get an error
FIND:: paramater format not correct
open(FIND, "find $dir | ") or die "Couldn't run find...\n";

The script was written in '99. I am running it on an XP computer. Is
this the reason for the error message?

Yes, 'find' is a Unix command. You need to use File::Find instead.

#! perl
print join "\n",read_filelist("C:/temp");

use File::Find;

my @filelist;
sub wanted {
next if -d; # Don't include directory names
push @filelist,$File::Find::name if /\w/;

sub read_filelist {
my $dir = shift;


FMAS said:
I have downwloaded a professional script to do some tagging on a text.
This script should read files from a directory but I get an error
FIND:: paramater format not correct

Here the critical parts of the script:

sub read_filelist {
my ($dir) = @_;
my ($file, @filelist);

open(FIND, "find $dir | ") or die "Couldn't run find...\n";
$file = <FIND>; # Get rid of bogus first line
while ($file = <FIND>) {
chop $file;

replace these 4 lines with:
opendir(DIR,$dir) or die "Couldn't open dir '$dir' :$!";
while ($file = readdir DIR) {
next if ($file !~ /\w/);
push(@filelist, $file);
change to:
push(@filelist, "$dir/$file");
add here:
closedir DIR;
return (@filelist);
The script was written in '99. I am running it on an XP computer. Is
this the reason for the error message?

no the reason is that the script used a stupid method to read
a directory


Anno Siegel

FMAS said:
I have downwloaded a professional script to do some tagging on a text.
No. Like much Perl software that is freely downloadable, this is not
professional Perl code.
This script should read files from a directory but I get an error
FIND:: paramater format not correct

Here the critical parts of the script:

No strict, no warnings.
use Tk;
use Tk::BrowseEntry;
use Tk::Dialog;

if ($#ARGV < 2) {

Better written as "@ARGV < 3". The author doesn't seem to know that an
array returns the number of its elements in scalar context.
die "\nUsage: <input_dir> <output_dir>
<label_file>\n\nIMPORTANT: This script enables you to delete files in
the input directory\nwith the Skip button. Create a backup now!!\n\n";
else {
$intextfiledir = "${ARGV[0]}\";
$outtextfiledir = "${ARGV[1]}\";
$labelfile = $ARGV[2];

This doesn't compile, the backslashes are bogus. Ignoring them, the code
inconsistently and uselessly quotes two of the three arguments.
(@infilelist) = read_filelist($intextfiledir);
($label_width, @labels) = read_labels($labelfile);

my $num_labels = $#labels + 1;

"$num_labels = @labels". Wherever "$num_labels" is used, "@labels" in
scalar context could be used. The variable is superfluous.
my $current_start = "0.0";
my $current_end = "0.0";
my $text_start = "0.0";
my $text_end = "0.0";

Quoting numeric values is unnecessary and can lead to subtle errors.

[rest of code snipped]

The code bears all the hallmarks of an inexperienced Perl programmer.
The error you received won't be the only one, just judging from the first
few lines. Find something better.


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