fixing absence of operator[] and at in list


Shriramana Sharma

I have been wanting to use a container with efficient inserts and deletes in the middle. Hence it seems list is my choice. But I also require indexed access which list doesn't provide. Hence I thought of the following workaround. Since I'm not an expert, I'd like comments from the experts here. Thanks.

--- randomlist.hpp ---

# include <list>
# include <algorithm>
# include <stdexcept>

namespace std

template < typename T >
class randomlist : public list<T>
typedef typename list<T>::reference reference ;
typedef typename list<T>::const_reference const_reference ;
typedef typename list<T>::size_type size_type ;
typedef typename list<T>::iterator iterator ;

protected :
void range_check ( size_type n ) const
if ( n >= this->size() ) throw std::eek:ut_of_range ( "randomlist index out of range" ) ;

public :
// element access
// this is what is missing from list

reference operator [] ( size_type n )
iterator it = this->begin() ;
std::advance ( it, n ) ;
return *it ;

const_reference operator [] ( size_type n ) const
iterator it = this->begin() ;
std::advance ( it, n ) ;
return *it ;

reference at ( size_type n )
range_check ( n ) ;
return (*this)[n] ;

const_reference at ( size_type n ) const
range_check ( n ) ;
return (*this)[n] ;
} ;

} // namespace std

--- randomlist-test.cpp ---

# include "randomlist.hpp"
# include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int main ()
randomlist<int> l1 ;
l1 << 1 << 2 << -1 << 4 << -5 << 6 ;
cout << l1[6] << endl ;
cout << << endl ;

// list<int> l2 ;
// l2 . push_back ( 10 ) ;
// cout << l2[0] << endl ;

Ian Collins

Shriramana said:
I have been wanting to use a container with efficient inserts and
deletes in the middle. Hence it seems list is my choice. But I also
require indexed access which list doesn't provide. Hence I thought of
the following workaround. Since I'm not an expert, I'd like comments
from the experts here. Thanks.

{please fix the inevitable mess goggle will make of your responses!}

What is more important to you, efficient inserts, or efficient random
access? That call is what usually determines which container type best
fits your needs.
--- randomlist.hpp ---

# include <list>
# include <algorithm>
# include <stdexcept>

namespace std

You shouldn't be adding your own types to std.

template < typename T >
class randomlist : public list<T>

Deriving publicly from standard containers is invariably a bad idea. If
you need to specialise one, you are better off using it as a private base.
typedef typename list<T>::reference reference ;
typedef typename list<T>::const_reference const_reference ;
typedef typename list<T>::size_type size_type ;
typedef typename list<T>::iterator iterator ;

Why would these be private?
protected :
void range_check ( size_type n ) const
if ( n >= this->size() ) throw std::eek:ut_of_range ( "randomlist index out of range" ) ;

public :
// element access
// this is what is missing from list

reference operator [] ( size_type n )
iterator it = this->begin() ;
std::advance ( it, n ) ;
return *it ;

const_reference operator [] ( size_type n ) const
iterator it = this->begin() ;
std::advance ( it, n ) ;
return *it ;

reference at ( size_type n )
range_check ( n ) ;
return (*this)[n] ;

const_reference at ( size_type n ) const
range_check ( n ) ;
return (*this)[n] ;
} ;

} // namespace std

--- randomlist-test.cpp ---

Shriramana Sharma

What is more important to you, efficient inserts, or efficient random
access? That call is what usually determines which container type best
fits your needs.

I understand: if efficient random access was an issue I'd be using deque. OK I have a question about deque but I'll ask that separately.
You shouldn't be adding your own types to std.

Deriving publicly from standard containers is invariably a bad idea. If
you need to specialise one, you are better off using it as a private base..

Can you explain *why* public inheritance from STL containers is bad?
Why would these be private?

Oh, I didn't intend to make them private. Actually first I didn't write these lines at all, assuming that the typedef-s from the base class would propagate, but both GCC and CLang gave me "* does not name a type" errors. Why wouldn't they propagate, though, given that I'm doing public inheritance and those are public typedefs?!

Shriramana SHarma.


What you might like to consider (and I've seen this before somewhere,
possibly boost?) is a collection of collections. Have a vector of
vectors, and put a few hundred of your objects in each of the child
vectors. You'll get fast iteration (usual case defers to vector's
iterator) not too slow insertion (either you grow a child vector, or you
split it at the insertion point - you don't have to copy the whole lot)
and faster random access that your suggestion - which will be linear time

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