Gender, Representativeness and Reputation in StackOverflow



Do you pose questions or post answers on StackOverflow? Java being one of the most popular topics on StackOverflow (second only to C#) I would like toask the mailing list subscribers to participate in a small study of the StackOverflow community.

As a part of a joint on-going research effort of the Brunel University (UK)and Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) on the impact ofcollaboration sites on the developers community, we would like to understand the demographics of StackOverflow participants and their activity. Specifically we are focusing on how genders, minorities and cultural background are represented in the population of users and participants of StackOverflow.

Therefore, we have prepared a small questionnaire: We are aware of the potential selection bias associated with self-reporting and therefore intend to combine the questionnaire with additional analysis techniques.

In our previous research we have proposed an h-index for open source developers (, and we have a paper under review about how web activity (also Stack Overflow's) could be used by candidates as their resumes.

Filling this questionnaire should not take more than a couple of minutes. Personal data will not be made available to third parties and no identifiable details about individual participants will be published.

Best regards,
Andrea Capiluppi (andrea.capiluppi @ [Lecturer, Brunel University, UK; NL; SO userid: 1528556]
Alexander Serebrenik (a.serebrenik @ [Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL; SO userid: 1277111]
Bogdan Vasilescu (b.n.vasilescu @ [PhD student, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL; SO userid: 1285620]

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