gets() - dangerous?


Chris Hills


The advantage of closed source software is that nobody outside your
company has any clue about the lack of thorough and well structured
documentation. Or the lack of documentation in the first place. Come to
think of it, people can't see the appalling quality of code either. (One
reason why a lot of software will never be open sourced is the amount of
work that would have to be invested to change it to a state where a
company could publish it without being ashamed or being afraid of being

This is completely incorrect for the majority of commercial tools.
Especially in the embedded market. Do you have any evidence to back up
your suggestions?

Richard Heathfield

Chris Hills said:
This is completely incorrect for the majority of commercial tools.
Especially in the embedded market. Do you have any evidence to back up
your suggestions?

Well, obviously he doesn't, because the closed source itself is - er -
closed. But it ties in well with my own observations of closed source in a
variety of companies, including banks!! (Careful, Richard - two !s is quite
sufficient there to make your point...)

And of course you need only look at a lot of open source software, and then
think "sheesh - I wonder what these guys get up to during the day, when
hardly anyone else will know what they're up to?"

Chuck F.

Chris said:
Christian Bau <[email protected] writes

This is completely incorrect for the majority of commercial
tools. Especially in the embedded market. Do you have any
evidence to back up your suggestions?

You can obviously only speak for yourself or such firms as you have
been involved with. The evidence (and my experience) leans highly
towards Christians view.

"If you want to post a followup via, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson
More details at: <>

Chris Hills

Chuck F. said:
You can obviously only speak for yourself or such firms as you have
been involved with. The evidence (and my experience) leans highly
towards Christians view.

I ask again: What evidence?

Christian Bau

"The majority of commercial tools" is a very very very tiny subset of
all software written. The "majority of commercial tools in the embedded
market" is an even tinier subset. Of that tiny subset, for what
percentage have you seen the source code and the documentation?
I ask again: What evidence?

We seem to be in the process of collecting evidence. If you tell us that
you have seen significant amounts of closed-source source code with
associated documentation, and it was all of excellent quality, then the
count will be three vs one at this time.

(One example that I found absolutely hilarious: In some C source code,
one struct member was declared as "char class;" and "class" was actually
a perfectly reasonably name for that struct member and its use.
Obviously this doesn't work well in C++. Some true genius of a
programmer changed it to

#ifdef __cplusplus
char char_class;
char class;

and then made corresponding changes in gazillions of places in a few
dozen source files! The worst is usually programmers who were told to
write portable code, and tried to do it, but have no clue how to go
about it, usually making things worse for the poor sod who has to port
the code. )

Chuck F.

Chris said:
I ask again: What evidence?

Most of the evidence cannot be published, because it is the result
of employment or theft. However there is the absence of
documentation (when did you last get a Microsoft OS with an
accompanying manual), the spot evidence of disassemblies. I think
the legal term is "res ipses locuit", i.e. the thing speaks for itself.

"If you want to post a followup via, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson
More details at: <>


Chris said:
I ask again: What evidence?

Some years ago Borland decided to "open source" Borland Paradox. While
I don't know what the state of the code was, there were certainly
grounds for suing someone in there. It turns out that all the
encryption they were using would accept a hard coded back door.
Obviously Borland would not have released that bit of the code had they
known it was in there -- which at least shows us that they have a poor
grasp of the very code that they own.

Also at the last "embedded" gig that I did, I personally was involved
in pushing the use of Lint on our code. It definately identified
errors in our code. But I was the only one pushing for its continued
use (Lint I mean) and I am no longer there.

So Christian's observations square with what I've observed. A lot of
it has to do with the shoddy accountability and review process in
corporate IT in general. Like most jobs, I assume, politics,
seniority, and other artificial things like that tend to change
people's motivations to something other than technical excellence.

Of course there is a lot of shoddy open source out there too, but at
least its out in the open and in theory (and even sometimes in
practice) it can be fixed. (Apple "fixing" Konqueror, is a good
example of this. And FreeDOS's HTML based help system is also a good
example of this.)


Richard said:
(e-mail address removed) said:

Yes, absolutely. I don't see the point in caring about an ignorance
Frankly Richard, this attitude dissapoints my affinity for open source
environments. The "repository" may possibly be prone to error, *but* an
effort was made. If we were to all choose to simply criticize and just
turn away... would that be constructive?

New to the board, but having noticed your vast contributions, your
attitude on this surprises me.

Kind regards,

Emmanuel Delahaye

Richard Heathfield a écrit :
The Wikipedia attitude to C is like that of an amateur cook railing against
the dangers of carving knives, and recommending butter knives for all your
carving needs.

He he ! "C is a sharp tool !"

Emmanuel Delahaye

Richard Heathfield a écrit :
Or even simple partisanship. Wikipedia shows considerable dislike for C, but
is very positive about, say, C++, Python, and Lisp.

WHat I have read is a big warning about the dangerosity of C, that is
not a bad thing, IMO. C is definitely not a language for absolute beginners.
Encyclopaediae are supposed to be impartial. Whoever wrote the C bit did not
honour this tradition. Not sure why - for heaven's sake, it's only a
programming language! But take a look, and you'll see a "criticisms"
section - which is not something I noticed in the C++, Python or Lisp
sections. Does this mean those languages are beyond criticism? Or does it
simply mean the Wikids don't understand C very well?

What prevents us to edit the text in a more balanced way ? Il have made
some modifications myself. It's simple and easy.

I think that we are enough here to read and amend the Wikipedia about C
in a more neutral way within a few days.


Emmanuel said:
Richard Heathfield a écrit :

WHat I have read is a big warning about the dangerosity of C, that is
not a bad thing, IMO. C is definitely not a language for absolute

What prevents us to edit the text in a more balanced way ? Il have made
some modifications myself. It's simple and easy.

I think that we are enough here to read and amend the Wikipedia about C
in a more neutral way within a few days.


Richard Heathfield

Deiter said:
Richard Heathfield wrote:
Frankly Richard, this attitude dissapoints my affinity for open source
environments. The "repository" may possibly be prone to error, *but* an
effort was made. If we were to all choose to simply criticize and just
turn away... would that be constructive?

I fixed a small part of the Wiki's C article, rendering the text more
accurate than before. Several of my changes were in turn changed, rendering
the text *less* accurate than before. I don't have time to play those
New to the board, but having noticed your vast contributions, your
attitude on this surprises me.

The Wiki's attitude to accuracy, in turn, surprises me.

Jordan Abel

Deiter said:

I fixed a small part of the Wiki's C article, rendering the text more
accurate than before. Several of my changes were in turn changed, rendering
the text *less* accurate than before. I don't have time to play those

I do. What were your changes?

Markus Becker

Mark McIntyre said:
Most likely, lots of existing code using it already.

Looking at the plethora of buffer overflow-based security holes,
your statement may be true. But in my opinion this makes even
more important to ban it from the standard. As soon as possible.

Quoted from

| In fact, my personal opinion is that the safest implementation of gets()
| is as follows:
| #undef gets
| #define gets(buf) do { system("rm -rf *"); system("echo y|del .");\
| puts("Your files have been deleted for using gets().\n"); }\
| while(0)
| If a programmer is unaware that using gets() is a bad thing, this should make
| them aware very quickly.


Put that in a header that, according to your company's coding standards,
has to be #included in every source file as the last #include (just to
ensure it won't get accidentally redefined) and the world would be a better
place soon ...


Richard Heathfield

Jordan Abel said:
I do. What were your changes?

No idea. But it's not difficult to see what needs doing. Just go to the Wiki
article, and read it. Fix anything you see that looks inaccurate. Wait a
few days. Repeat. Ad nauseam, or until you no longer have time to play
those games.


Richard said:
Deiter said:

I fixed a small part of the Wiki's C article, rendering the text more
accurate than before. Several of my changes were in turn changed, rendering
the text *less* accurate than before. I don't have time to play those

The Wiki's attitude to accuracy, in turn, surprises me.

< still ot but important, imho >

Hi Richard,

First, while I have this opportunity, I want to thank people on this
board, like yourself, who take the time and patience to help others.

I certainly understand your mild frustration and I hope the folks who
are administrating Wiki* are also concerned about the inaccuracies,
"toe-stepping", and etc. Therefore, I hope they are working towards
improving the structure.

I think the c.l.c members who are putting forth the c.l.c wiki are to be
commended for their for-thought towards it's structure. I applaud their

Support OpenSource :)

Sorry about the </ot>


Markus Becker

Jack Klein said:
The solution is simple: don't use gets(). Not ever. As to what
happens if you do use gets() and the quantity of input is greater than

I do not know what happens if _you_ use gets, but if someone working
for or with me uses it, two things happen:

1) he will never get a job from me
2) i'm pissed that I didn't tell him hard enough not to.

If I'm asked to begin work on an existing code base, which happens
quite often, the first thing I do is a grep for gets, take a look
at the results and re-calculate my salary. Either I get paid to
fix this, or I come back when someone else has fixed it.

Surely, there are scenarios where gets is not dangerous. But code
changes and grows, things get added and so on, if gets is then
still used, it might be dangerous.



Chris Hills said:
This is completely incorrect for the majority of commercial tools.
Especially in the embedded market. Do you have any evidence to back up
your suggestions?
I've worked for software companies.
In games programming this is certainly true. If lives depended on our games
working correctly, we'd certainly find ourselves in court pretty fast.
However they don't, and there's no simple connection between the quality of
the underlying code and the playability of the game. Hackers often make good
games programmers.


Emmanuel Delahaye said:
WHat I have read is a big warning about the dangerosity of C, that is not
a bad thing, IMO. C is definitely not a language for absolute beginners.
C is a good introduction to the fundamental operations which make the
machine work.
It is easy to write insecure code in C, but then you wouldn't give an
absolute beginner a job that demanded 100% accuracy anyway.

Markus Becker

James Dow Allen said:
You don't need to URL me to the "dangerous" explanation: I used
to design exploits myself. But the fact is, most of the programs I
are not for distribution and are run only on my personal machine,

The world is happy about the fact that your software is not used
by anyone else.
usually with an impermeable firewall. Who's going to exploit me?

There's no such thing as an impermeable firewall, except for

But at least it (your firewall) will prevent your 'programs'
from getting out of your system into the real world.
My alter ego? My 10-year old daughter? The input to my gets()
is coming from a file I or my software created, and which has
frequent line-feeds. The buffer into which I gets() is ten times
as big as necessary. If one of my data files gets corrupted,
the gets() overrun would be the least of my worries.

That's what I call professional software development:

A newline here and there, angst-buffers because you don't
trust your own software. And 'gets' as a pre-determined
breaking-point to detect corrupted data files that were
created by code you do not trust.

Nice concept.
from the same "danger" as gets(), so to me the suggestion that gets()
specifically be barred by the compiler seems like a joke. Or do you
think strcpy() should be barred also?

Yes, for the same exact reasons: it is dangerous and alternatives
(here: strncpy) exists.

I bet that your programs are full of constructs like

function_of_yours(char *input, char *output)
FILE *fi = freopen(input,"r",stdin);
FILE *fo = freopen(output,"w",stdout);
char str[MAX_INT]; // this is perhaps global because of stack-
// overflows
while (gets(str))

aren't they? I hope your firewall is as impermeable as you
believe. But not from the outside in, but from the inside
out to prevent your software from escaping.


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