grep using regular expression




I am comparitively new to perl and so facing few issues with the
syntax. I have a log file whose contents are similar to

[Fri Nov 24 06:22:45 2006] Started instance Robo:4001
[Fri Nov 24 06:22:45 2006] Instance Robo:4002 is not running
[Sat Nov 25 06:22:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4002
[Sat Nov 25 06:22:46 2006] Instance Robo:4003 is not running
[Mon Nov 28 06:22:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4003
[Mon Nov 28 06:27:46 2006] Instance Robo:4000 is not running
[Wed Nov 30 06:27:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4000
[Wed Nov 30 06:29:46 2006] Instance Robo:4000 is not running

I am trying to extract the contents which holds true for the following

1. has the text "Started"
2. Date as specified in the regular expression

I have some general idea about regular expression, so i know that the
date in the above content can be matched using


But i am not clear how it can be used for the following case with perl

I also would like to know if it is possible to use variable name for
pattern matching, say $day = Fri, being a variable $day will hold any
of the values between ( Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, etc.. )

Can $day be used in regular expression?????

Any help is appreciable



A. Sinan Unur said:
[Fri Nov 24 06:22:45 2006] Started instance Robo:4001
[Fri Nov 24 06:22:45 2006] Instance Robo:4002 is not running
[Sat Nov 25 06:22:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4002
[Sat Nov 25 06:22:46 2006] Instance Robo:4003 is not running
[Mon Nov 28 06:22:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4003
[Mon Nov 28 06:27:46 2006] Instance Robo:4000 is not running
[Wed Nov 30 06:27:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4000
[Wed Nov 30 06:29:46 2006] Instance Robo:4000 is not running

I am trying to extract the contents which holds true for the following

1. has the text "Started"
2. Date as specified in the regular expression

No need to make this overly complicated:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $date_re = 'Nov 30.+2006';

while (<DATA>) {
next unless s/^\[//;
my ($date, $msg) = split /\] /;
print if $msg =~ /^Started/ and $date =~ /$date_re/;

[Fri Nov 24 06:22:45 2006] Started instance Robo:4001
[Fri Nov 24 06:22:45 2006] Instance Robo:4002 is not running
[Sat Nov 25 06:22:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4002
[Sat Nov 25 06:22:46 2006] Instance Robo:4003 is not running
[Mon Nov 28 06:22:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4003
[Mon Nov 28 06:27:46 2006] Instance Robo:4000 is not running
[Wed Nov 30 06:27:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4000
[Wed Nov 30 06:29:46 2006] Instance Robo:4000 is not running

C:\DOCUME~1\asu1\LOCALS~1\Temp> s
Wed Nov 30 06:27:46 2006] Started instance Robo:4000
A. Sinan Unur <[email protected]>
(remove .invalid and reverse each component for email address)

comp.lang.perl.misc guidelines on the WWW:

Thanks sinan...

it works well...

It would be grateful if I can get to know how to use a variable instead
of DATA.



while ( said:
next unless s/^\[//;
my ($date, $msg) = split /\] /;
print if $msg =~ /^Started/ and $date =~ /$date_re/;

my $file = "..."; # your path and filename
my $fh;
open($fh, $file) or die("Can't open $file: $!");
while (<$fh> ) {
next unless s/^\[//;
my ($date, $msg) = split /\] /;
print if $msg =~ /^Started/ and $date =~ /$date_re/;


while (<DATA>) {
next unless s/^\[//;
my ($date, $msg) = split /\] /;
print if $msg =~ /^Started/ and $date =~ /$date_re/;
}my $file = "..."; # your path and filename
my $fh;
open($fh, $file) or die("Can't open $file: $!");
while (<$fh> ) {
next unless s/^\[//;
my ($date, $msg) = split /\] /;
print if $msg =~ /^Started/ and $date =~ /$date_re/;


Thank you... that helped a lot...

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