GridView.RowUpdated not firing



this is a continuation from "overriding GridView.OnRowDeleting - can call
registered event handlers" I couldnt figure out how to continue this thread,
but the issues in it are related so i'm including it as a reference.

In my custom gridView control I cannot raise the RowUpdated event. I have
tried to add an event handler to the RowUpdated event of my custom control
but it is not called. I have tried to override OnRowUpdated in my custom
control, but the breakpoint never gets hit. I have tried to not override in
control and instead use delegates like I described in previous post, but the
event never fires in control or aspx page.

What is going wrong?

Allen Chen [MSFT]

Hi TS,

I reviewed your previous case. This behavior looks really strange. Firstly
could you test if RowUpdating fires? If it does most likely the updating is
cancelled in a phase between RowUpdating and RowUpdated. For example, if
you add following line in RowUpdating event handler the RowUpdated event
will not get triggered.

protected void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs
e.Cancel = true;

If there's no such code another possible reason I could think of is
probably the custom GridView is bound on every postback, like below:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

It may cause the update not working and the state of the GridView will not
shift back to readonly mode after Update button is clicked.

If none of the above information can help to solve this problem I think I
need some repro code to do further troubleshooting. Could you send me a
demo that can reproduce this problem? My email is
(e-mail address removed) update here after sending the project in case I
missed that email.

Allen Chen
Microsoft Online Support

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Allen Chen [MSFT]

Hi TS,

Have you sent me the project? Please update here after sending it in case I
missed that email.

Allen Chen
Microsoft Online Community Support

Allen Chen [MSFT]

Hi TS,

Thanks. I checked my inbox and found that email. Sorry that I didn't see
that email before.

I've debugged your code. I think the problem is, the gvCensus is bound in
an too early stage so even the RowUpdating doesn't fire. You can edit
Default.aspx.cs like below:

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

gvCensus.RowEditing += new GridViewEditEventHandler(gvCensus_RowEditing);
gvCensus.RowUpdating += new
gvCensus.RowDataBound += new
gvCensus.RowCreated += new GridViewRowEventHandler(gvCensus_RowCreated);
gvCensus.DataBound += new EventHandler(gvCensus_DataBound);
gvCensus.RowUpdated += new

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

Then the RowUpdating will fire.

Another important thing is, the RowUpdated event will not fire if the
update is cancelled in RowUpdating or no DataSourceID is specified. See the
source code of GridView:

this.OnRowUpdating(e); //Fire RowUpdating
if (!e.Cancel && isBoundUsingDataSourceID)
this._updateKeys = e.Keys;
this._updateOldValues = e.OldValues;
this._updateNewValues = e.NewValues;
data.Update(e.Keys, e.NewValues, e.OldValues, new
//RowUpdated fires in the call back

So if you want your control user get notified after updated you can expose
a new event, overwrite OnRowUpdating and fire that event after successfully

Please try it to see if it works. BTW, if you don't receive my reply within
48 hours please update in the newsgroup. I'll check each case I take
everyday but email is likely to be missed. Sorry again for the
inconvenience brought to you and please feel free to let me know if you
need additional assistance.

Allen Chen
Microsoft Online Support

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