


Can someone help with my code? When the user enters "c" in the text
box it fills in c_ _, which is great. But when they enter the next
letter, like "a". It erases the c_ _ and produces _ a _. I need to
keep it to be ca_. Also how do you get the number of wrong guesses in
a string? Example, j,l,u,v etc.so the user knows the letters they have

use CGI ':standard';

use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';

use constant MAX_MISSES => 8;


my $word;
$word = "cat";
my $misses_left = MAX_MISSES;
my %letters = map {$_ => 1} split //, $word;;
my %guesses = ();

if (param()) {

my $guess = param('guess');

sub processguess{

if (exists $guesses{$guess}) {
print qq(You\'ve already guessed "$guess".\n);



if (exists $letters{$guess}) {
delete $letters{$guess};
keys %letters or last GUESSES;

} else {
print "another";

if ($misses_left > 0)
print "Your guess is: ", join(' ', sort keys %guesses), "\n";
print "You have $misses_left misses left.\n\n";
print join(' ', map {exists $guesses{$_} ? $_ : '_'} split //,
$word), "\n";
my $guess;


sub display {

my $the_cookie = cookie (

print header(-cookie=>$the_cookie),


"Tries Remaining: ",
"The word: ",
"Letters guessed so far: ",

"Next Guess: ",
textfield (

submit (-name=>"submit", -label=>"Guess"),
submit (-name=>"new_game", -label=>"New Game"),




Can someone help with my code? When the user enters "c" in the text
box it fills in c_ _, which is great. But when they enter the next
letter, like "a". It erases the c_ _ and produces _ a _. I need to
keep it to be ca_. Also how do you get the number of wrong guesses in
a string? Example, j,l,u,v etc.so the user knows the letters they have

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI ':standard';
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
use constant MAX_MISSES => 8;

There is no need to use & when calling a subroutine unless you know why
you need it.
my $word;
$word = "cat";
my $misses_left = MAX_MISSES;
my %letters = map {$_ => 1} split //, $word;;
my %guesses = ();

At this point %guesses has no entries. So all previous 'guesses' have
been lost as that information has not been retained.

This information easily be retained by passing it back in the form as a
hidden element.
if (param()) {

my $guess = param('guess');
sub processguess{
if (exists $guesses{$guess}) {
print qq(You\'ve already guessed "$guess".\n);

This code will never be executed as %guesses is empty.
if (exists $letters{$guess}) {
delete $letters{$guess};
keys %letters or last GUESSES;

You don't specify a label GUESSES.
} else {
print "another";

I'm afraid the purpose of this print escapes me.
if ($misses_left > 0)
print "Your guess is: ", join(' ', sort keys %guesses), "\n";
print "You have $misses_left misses left.\n\n";
print join(' ', map {exists $guesses{$_} ? $_ : '_'} split //,
$word), "\n";
my $guess;



One too many right-braces here.
sub display {
my $the_cookie = cookie (

$id is never defined. Using warnings would have told you that.



Thanks for answering my quesiton. The correct syntax to populate
%guesses would be what?

Can someone help with my code? When the user enters "c" in the text
box it fills in c_ _, which is great. But when they enter the next
letter, like "a". It erases the c_ _ and produces _ a _. I need to
keep it to be ca_. Also how do you get the number of wrong guesses in
a string? Example, j,l,u,v etc.so the user knows the letters they have

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI ':standard';
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
use constant MAX_MISSES => 8;

There is no need to use & when calling a subroutine unless you know why
you need it.
my $word;
$word = "cat";
my $misses_left = MAX_MISSES;
my %letters = map {$_ => 1} split //, $word;;
my %guesses = ();

At this point %guesses has no entries. So all previous 'guesses' have
been lost as that information has not been retained.

This information easily be retained by passing it back in the form as a
hidden element.
if (param()) {

my $guess = param('guess');
sub processguess{
if (exists $guesses{$guess}) {
print qq(You\'ve already guessed "$guess".\n);

This code will never be executed as %guesses is empty.
if (exists $letters{$guess}) {
delete $letters{$guess};
keys %letters or last GUESSES;

You don't specify a label GUESSES.
} else {
print "another";

I'm afraid the purpose of this print escapes me.
if ($misses_left > 0)
print "Your guess is: ", join(' ', sort keys %guesses), "\n";
print "You have $misses_left misses left.\n\n";
print join(' ', map {exists $guesses{$_} ? $_ : '_'} split //,
$word), "\n";
my $guess;



One too many right-braces here.
sub display {
my $the_cookie = cookie (

$id is never defined. Using warnings would have told you that.


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