How do I not store matched patterns in the $1.. strings?



Ok, I have this script:

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
my $User="UserD";
my $Rights="6";
my $Text=join "ARRAYJOINER",@test;
']+\|)+)>(.*?)</\$>}{(index("\$$1","\$$User\|")!=-1 ||
index($1,"\|$User\|")!=-1 || "\$$1"=~/(\$|\|)[0-$Rights]\|/)?$3:""}egs;
@test=split(/ARRAYJOINER/, $Text);
print $Text;

What I want is for the script to not display the text in between
<$UserA|UserB|UserC|5|> and </$> unless a person is UserA, -B, -C or has
level 5 (or higher) rights. This means that when I use this on my system,
only Admins, who are level 6 and Moderators, who are level 5, will be able
to see "Text1Text2Text3"

I thought about this and came to the conclusion this should be possible in
one line. At least the =~ part of it...when I have an idea in my head, Im
not gonna be able to get it out :D, so I really wanna give it a try...

The index(..) part of the code works, if the user matches it will paste the
text ($3), but the other part of it doesn't. I had to use m// for it to
allow not only the users with the same rights as needed but also with more
rights than needed. ([0-$Rights])...I think the problem is that the m//
operator clears the $3 string and gives it a different value (""). So, how
do I make perl not store the matched pattern in $1..?


Jonathan said:
Ok, I have this script:

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

You forgot to declare @test - use strict would have noticed this for
my $User="UserD";
my $Rights="6";

Why "6" not 6? Yeah Perl will convert the string to a number when
necessary but why makar it do so?
my $Text=join "ARRAYJOINER",@test;
']+\|)+)>(.*?)</\$>}{(index("\$$1","\$$User\|")!=-1 ||
index($1,"\|$User\|")!=-1 || "\$$1"=~/(\$|\|)[0-$Rights]\|/)?$3:""}egs;
@test=split(/ARRAYJOINER/, $Text);
print $Text;

What I want is for the script to not display the text in between
<$UserA|UserB|UserC|5|> and </$> unless a person is UserA, -B, -C or has
level 5 (or higher) rights. This means that when I use this on my system,
only Admins, who are level 6 and Moderators, who are level 5, will be able
to see "Text1Text2Text3"

I thought about this and came to the conclusion this should be possible in
one line. At least the =~ part of it...when I have an idea in my head, Im
not gonna be able to get it out :D, so I really wanna give it a try...

The index(..) part of the code works, if the user matches it will paste the
text ($3), but the other part of it doesn't. I had to use m// for it to
allow not only the users with the same rights as needed but also with more
rights than needed. ([0-$Rights])...I think the problem is that the m//
operator clears the $3 string and gives it a different value (""). So, how
do I make perl not store the matched pattern in $1..?

You don't you just copy it elsewhere.

BTW: Whitespace is free. On a related matter I'd tend to use the
long-hand if-else rather than ?: for stuff that's more than
comfortably can be taken in in one glance.

You can put many statements inside the RHS of s///e but the parsing
rules of the RHS of s/// are rather gory so whenever I have a
non-trivial s///e I take the code outside.

my $s = sub {
my $t = $3;
if ( index("\$$1","\$$User\|")!=-1 ||
index($1,"\|$User\|")!=-1 ||
"\$$1"=~/(\$|\|)[0-$Rights]\|/ ) {
} else {

$Text=~s/<\$(([A-Za-z0-9-_ ']+\|)+)>(.*?)</\$>/&$s/egs;

Note: I still think all this stuff with index() is a bit unreadable
and a bit long. You should always try to make your code as readable
as possible. Often making it shorter actually makes it clearer too.

if ( $1 =~ /(^|\|)($User|[0-$Rights])\|/ )

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