How do I redirect to an "Access Denied" page in ASP.NET 2.0?



Hi Everyone,

I'm probably just missing something simple, but in our Visual Studio 2003
projects, we are using a custom HttpModule to handle the authentication for
our applications against a central single signon server.

By adding some code into our Global.asax.cs file, we are also able to send a
user to an "Access Denied" page if they correctly authenticate, but are not
authorized to view the application.

I have been playing around with Visual Studio 2005 and can't figure out how
to incorporate the same functionality. I have modified my Global.asax (in
the script view since the codebehind window is gone) like so, but no luck...
The problem I'm having with VS 2005 is that the Response.StatusCode is always
302, even when they aren't authorized to view the page. In Visual Studio
2003, it will give me the expected 401 when they are not authorized to view
the page. Any thoughts / suggestions? Or, is there a better way to do this?


*** Global.asax ***

public override void Init()
this.EndRequest += new System.EventHandler(this.Global_EndRequest);

void Global_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
//This checks to see if user is authenticated but not authorized
//to view current page. If so, redirects to an access denied page.
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && Response.StatusCode == 401)
string destURL = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority)
+ Request.ApplicationPath
+ "/AuthFailed.aspx?FailedPage="
+ Request.Url.ToString();


*** End snippet ***

Dominick Baier [DevelopMentor]


in the default configuration of ASP.NET (regardless of which version) - you
will never see a 401 in EndRequest in global.asax.

The reason is:

if UrlAuthorization thinks a use is not authorized he sets a 401 status code
with formsauthentication in effect - the FormsAuthenticationModule subscribes
to EndRequest

In EndRequets FormsAuth checks if there is a 401 set, and changes it to a
302 (redirect) that points to the login page.

Since global.asax code always runs after HttpModules you cannot see the 401.

You said you are using a custom auth module - did you maybe change the configuration
of the HTTP Pipeline - maybe the custom auth module does some magic - maybe
you remove FormsAuth ???

Dominick Baier [DevelopMentor]

that said you could easily write a HttpModule that handles EndRequest and
wire it in the pipeline before FormsAuthenticationModule.


Hi Dominick,

Ok, well, I can tell you that I do see a 401 when I'm in Visual Studio 2003
/ ASP.NET 1.1 and use the code that I mentioned in my Global.asax.cs. So
maybe it's a fluke, but it does work in VS 2003.

I tried implementing the same code in my HttpModule as follows:

public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.AuthenticateRequest += new

context.EndRequest += new EventHandler(this.Application_EndRequest);

And in the Application_EndRequest:

if ((HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) &&
(HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode == 401))
// code here...

But I still always get a 302 when checking the value of the
Response.StatusCode there as well. So, I guess my question is, how can I
tell that a user was authenticated, but not authorized, and where can I place
code to handle that situation?


Dominick Baier said:
that said you could easily write a HttpModule that handles EndRequest and
wire it in the pipeline before FormsAuthenticationModule.

Dominick Baier [DevelopMentor]

How have you registered the module??

just by adding a <httpModules> element in web.config - if yes - this code
is also running after FormsAuth

do the following:

<clear />

... copy the modules from machine web.config

add your module *before* FormsAuthenticationModule

this guarantees that your code will run before FormsAuth changes the 401
to a 302

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