How do I reload Local Resources to include new keys recently added



I've got a page (Default.aspx) with 3 different languages: en, de, es.

On my Default.aspx page, I've made my original Defalt.aspx.xx.resx files.
They work like a charm.

But now I've added some more controls to the Default.aspx page. How do I get
my language resource files to update and add the missing items? I could add
them all manually, but that's bound to cause me to forget some.

Is there a way to automate the regeneration of the resx files so that it
will add the missing keys?


Bob Barrows

David.ARAS360 said:
I've got a page (Default.aspx) with 3 different languages: en, de, es.

On my Default.aspx page, I've made my original Defalt.aspx.xx.resx
files. They work like a charm.

But now I've added some more controls to the Default.aspx page. How
do I get my language resource files to update and add the missing
items? I could add them all manually, but that's bound to cause me
to forget some.

Is there a way to automate the regeneration of the resx files so that
it will add the missing keys?
I might be wrong, but I doubt it. In any case:

***canned wrong-newsgroup reply************************
There was no way for you to know it (except maybe by browsing through some
of the previous questions in this newsgroup before posting yours - always a
recommended practice) , but this is a classic (COM-based) asp newsgroup.
ASP.Net bears very little resemblance to classic ASP so, while you may be
lucky enough to find a dotnet-knowledgeable person here who can answer your
question, you can eliminate the luck factor by posting your question to a
group where those dotnet-knowledgeable people hang out. I suggest
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet or the forums at

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