How to email a HTML link to a file attachment in the same message?


Gordon H.

I'm trying to email a HTML link to a HTML file attached in the same
message. I DO NOT want to have the attached HTML file displayed in
the message, I just want a link in the email to the HTML file which is
a file attachment in the same message. How can this be done, assuming
it's possible?

Again, I note that I DO NOT want the attached HTML file to be
displayed in the browser, I just want a link to it in the email.

Mark Tranchant

Gordon said:
I'm trying to email a HTML link to a HTML file attached in the same
message. I DO NOT want to have the attached HTML file displayed in
the message, I just want a link in the email to the HTML file which is
a file attachment in the same message. How can this be done, assuming
it's possible?

Again, I note that I DO NOT want the attached HTML file to be
displayed in the browser, I just want a link to it in the email.

Er... just copy the URL into the message body? Or am I missing something
here? Like this:

Jukka K. Korpela

Gordon H. said:
I'm trying to email a HTML link to a HTML file attached in the same

Since this not about HTML authoring for the WWW, I have trimmed
I DO NOT want to have the attached HTML file displayed in
the message, I just want a link in the email to the HTML file which is
a file attachment in the same message. How can this be done, assuming
it's possible?

This depends on the software you use and, most importantly, the software
that the recipient(s) use(s). Have you made sure that the recipient(s)
want(s) to get multipart E-mail messages containing HTML, with a
sufficient understanding of the issue?

Depending on the answer to these questions, Microsoft's MHTML format
might be part of the solution, or part of the problem.


Depending on the answer to these questions, Microsoft's MHTML format
might be part of the solution, or part of the problem.

Good answer, You must be related to John Kerry

Gordon H.

The users wouldn't see any HTML in the messages because the HTML files
to be viewed would simply be regular file attachments. The reason I
want to have a hyperlink to an attached file in the SAME message is
because there are several HTML files that would be attached among
which would be a file containing a frame referring to the other HTML
files which is why I want the hyperlink this this 1 HTML file
attachment in the message body. Makes it easier for the user to know
which file is the file containing the HTML frame. Otherwise, why else
would I want a hyperlink to HTML files that the user already has
access to. :)

To the guy wondering why I don't use a regular URL link,...obviously
linking to an attached file in the the same message is not a normal
URL link.

Daniel R. Tobias

Gordon H. said:
To the guy wondering why I don't use a regular URL link,...obviously
linking to an attached file in the the same message is not a normal
URL link.

The way you would do it, under the standards, would be to use the
"cid" URI scheme to link to the attached part by content-ID. However,
not all mail clients necessarily support such hyperlinks by "cid" URI
(the use of the cid: scheme is more widespread, and I think better
supported, for inline images than for hyperlinks). Some mail clients
may still try to display HTML attachments inline as part of the main
message because they notice the MIME type is one they can display.

More info:

P.S.: Top-posting is generally frowned upon.

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