how to get rid off border around anchor link


Jack Jarmush

Hello, excuse me for asking this boring question but i did search for
an answer on this group and couldn't find one so i hope someone here
will be generous enough to help me.

I am trying to position small 10px play icons before audio links but i
don't want a visible border.

when i place a .gif within the <a> code it is bordered with the color
of the A:link. For the life of me i can't figure out how to get rid of
the border.
i'd really appreciate some help please if you can,
here is the code:


<style type="text/css">

body { margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%; background-color:
black; color: white; }
p: {color: white;}

#table1 { border: 1px solid blue;}
#table1 td{ border: 0px ;}
#table2 { border: 0px ;}
#table2 td{ border: 0px ;}
#table3 { border: 1px solid white;}
#table1 td{ border: 0px ;}

A:link {color: blue; text-decoration: none}
A:visited {color: white; text-decoration: none}
A:active {text-decoration: none}
A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: ;}



<TABLE id="table1" width=600 height=400 align=center ><br><br><br>
<TR border=0>

<td align=center valign=top bgcolor=black background=images/
rafpbackground.gif width=600><br><h1><b>RAFP</b></h1>Rob Armus-sax
&nbsp Fabrizio Puglisi-piano<p> <a href=RAFP/RAFP_radio.m3u><img
src=images/simpsons.gif class="simpsons"></a></p>

<table id="table2" align=center>
<td align=left>

<a href=RAFP/paradox_productions.m3u><img
src=images/play10.gif>Paradox Productions<br>
<a href=RAFP/adios_nonino.m3u><img src=images/
play10.gif>Adios Nonino<br>
<a href=RAFP/Il_gioca_dell'oca.m3u><img src=images/
play10.gif>Il gioca dell'oca<br>
<a href=RAFP/In_muerta_dell_poeta.m3u><img
src=images/play10.gif>In muerta dell poeta<br>
<a href=RAFP/funcje.m3u><img src=images/
<a href=RAFP/the_fan_man.m3u><img src=images/
play10.gif>The fan Man<br>
<a href=RAFP/Afterall.m3u><img src=images/

<td align=right>




when i place a .gif within the <a> code it is bordered with the color
of the A:link. For the life of me i can't figure out how to get rid of
the border.

style the border on the img, for example:

<img style="border: 0" ...>

Jonathan N. Little

dorayme said:

style the border on the img, for example:

<img style="border: 0" ...>

or in only one place in a stylesheet to take care of all "image links"

a img { border: 0; }

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