I develop a Java program to format Java codes



The program can format Java codes, the codes formatted will have correct indent spaces.

Modified: 2012-3-1
it can format java codes so as to get the correct indent spaces.

import java.io.IOException;//ÒýÈëÀà
import java.io.*;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.UIManager;

public class Tidy extends JFrame {
JButton SelectFilebtn, OKbtn;
JTextField FileNameField;
String TabBlank = " "; // ÿһ´ÎtabµÄ¿Õ¸ñ´óС£¬ÕâÀïΪĬÈϵÄËĸö¿Õ¸ñ
int HowManyTab = 0;
boolean HaveUnCleanRow = false; // ¼Ç¼ÓÐûÓбàд²»¹æÕûµÄ³ÌÐò´úÂ룬Èç¹ûÓе¯³ö¶Ô»°¿òÇëÓû§¸ÄÕýÔٹرտØÖÆ̨£¬Èç¹ûûÓУ¬²»ÏÔʾ¶Ô»°¿ò¡£
boolean ForWhileIfBlock = false; // ±êÖ¾ÕâÒ»ÐÐÊÇ·ñfor, while or if ¿ªÍ·µ«È´Ã»ÓÐ{}·ûºÅ£¬Õâ˵Ã÷Õâ¸ö¿éÖ»ÓÐÒ»ÐС£
public Tidy () {
this.setTitle( "ÎļþÕûÀíÆ÷");
this.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; //É趨LayoutµÄλÖÃ
gbc.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2); //É趨Óë±ß½çµÄ¾àÀë(ÉÏ,×ó,ÏÂ,ÓÒ)
SelectFilebtn = new JButton("Ñ¡ÔñÎļþ");
SelectFilebtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
FileNameField = new JTextField("",40);
this.add(SelectFilebtn, gbc);
this.add(FileNameField, gbc);
OKbtn = new JButton("OK");
OKbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String FileName = FileNameField.getText();
do_OKbtn_actionPerformed(e, FileName);
this.add(OKbtn, gbc);

protected void do_SelectFilebtn_actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();// ´´½¨ÎļþÑ¡ÔñÆ÷
int option = chooser.showOpenDialog(this);// ÏÔʾÎļþ´ò¿ª¶Ô»°¿ò
if (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {// ÅжÏÓû§ÊÇ·ñÑ¡¶¨Îļþ
File file = chooser.getSelectedFile();// »ñÈ¡Óû§Ñ¡ÔñÎļþ
FileNameField.setText(file.getAbsolutePath());// °ÑÑ¡ÔñµÄÎļþ·¾¶ÏÔʾÔÚÎı¾¿òÖÐ

protected void do_OKbtn_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e, String ThisFile){
if (!ThisFile.equals("")) {
HowManyTab = 0;
ReadAndCombFile(ThisFile); // ÎļþÃû²»ÄÜΪ¿Õ
// ¸ù¾Ý{ºÍ}µÄ¸öÊý¾ö¶¨Ã¿Ò»ÐÐÇ°ÃæÐèÒªÌí¼Ó¶àÉÙ¸ötab¿Õ¸ñ
String FileInManyLines (String oneline, int CombRow, String Suffix) {
String PreffixStr; // ÕâÊÇÿһÐпªÊ¼µÄ¿Õ¸ñ£¬ËüÊÇÓÃÀ´·½±ãÔĶÁµÄ
String TrimIt = oneline.trim();
String newoneline = "";
int Diff = 0;
// Java³ÌÐò
if (Suffix.equals(".java")) {
int Conutleft = strFind(TrimIt, "{", 0);
int ConutRight = strFind(TrimIt, "}", 0);
Diff = Conutleft - ConutRight;
// Èç¹ûÇ°ÃæÒ»ÐÐÖ»ÓÐÒ»¸öfor, while or ifµ«Ã»ÓÐ{}£¬ËùÒÔÏÂÃæÒ»ÐоÍËõ½øÁË
if ((Conutleft == 0) && (ConutRight == 0) && ForWhileIfBlock)
Diff = 50;
// for, while or if ¿ªÍ·£¬µ«ÊÇȴûÓÐʹÓÃ{}£¬ËµÃ÷Õâ¸ö¿éÖ»ÓÐÒ»ÐС£
if ((Conutleft == 0) && (ConutRight == 0) && ((TrimIt.startsWith("for")) || (TrimIt.startsWith("while")) || (TrimIt.startsWith("if")) || (TrimIt.startsWith("else")) || (TrimIt.startsWith("else if")))) {
ForWhileIfBlock = true;
Diff= 100;
switch (Diff) {
case 1 : {
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
HowManyTab = HowManyTab + 1;
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
case -1 : {
HowManyTab = HowManyTab - 1;
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
case 0 : {
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
case 50 :{
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
HowManyTab = HowManyTab - 1;
ForWhileIfBlock = false;
case 100 : {
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
HowManyTab = HowManyTab + 1;
default: {
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
HaveUnCleanRow = true; // ³ÌÐò×îºóµ¯³ö¶Ô»°¿òÌáÐÑÓû§Õâ¸ö³ÌÐòÓбàд²»¹æÕûµÄ´úÂë¡£
} else if (Suffix.equals(".f90") || Suffix.equals(".f95")) { // Fortran³ÌÐò
String LowCaseTrimIt = TrimIt.toLowerCase();
if (LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("program") || LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("module") || LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("subroutine") || ((strFind(LowCaseTrimIt, "function", 0) == 1)) || LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("do ") || (LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("if") && (LowCaseTrimIt.endsWith("then"))) || LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("select") || LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("case")) {
Diff = 1;
else if (LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("end ") || LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("enddo") || LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("endif")) {
Diff = 2;
else if (LowCaseTrimIt.startsWith("else")) {
Diff = 3;
{Diff = 100;}
switch (Diff) {
case 1 : {
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
HowManyTab = HowManyTab + 1;
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
case 2 : {
HowManyTab = HowManyTab - 1;
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
case 3 : {
HowManyTab = HowManyTab - 1;
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
HowManyTab = HowManyTab + 1;
case 100 : {
PreffixStr = ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
newoneline = PreffixStr + TrimIt; // °Ñǰ׺¿Õ¸ñÌí¼Óµ½ÕâÒ»ÐÐÇ°Ãæ
} else {// ÆäËû¸ñʽµÄÎļþ
newoneline = oneline;
return newoneline;
// Éú³ÉÒ»¸ön¸ötab¿Õ¸ñµÄ¿Õ°××Ö·û´®
String ManyTabStr (int howmany, String TabBlank) {
String Str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < howmany; i++)
Str = Str + TabBlank;
return Str;
// ·½·¨strFindÓÃÓÚʵÏÖ×Ö·û´®²éÕÒ£¬·µ»ØÆ¥ÅäµÄ´ÎÊý
public int strFind(String s1, String s2, int pos) {
// ±äÁ¿iºÍj·Ö±ð±íʾÖ÷´®ºÍģʽ´®Öе±Ç°×Ö·û´®µÄλÖã¬k±íʾƥÅä´ÎÊý
int i, j, k = 0;
// pos´ú±íÖ÷´®ÖпªÊ¼±È½ÏµÄλÖÃ
// i=pos;
i = 0;// Èç¹û°Ñi=pos¸Ä³É´Ë¾ä½«²»´ÓÊó±êλÖÿªÊ¼ÕÒ£¬¶øÊÇÖ±½Ó´Ó×Ö·û´®Í·¿ªÊ¼ÕÒ£¬i¾ö¶¨×Å¿ªÈç²éÕÒµÄλÖÃ
j = 0;
while (i < s1.length() && j < s2.length()) {
if (s1.charAt(i) == s2.charAt(j)) {
if (j == s2.length()) {
// j=s2.length()±íʾ×Ö·û´®Æ¥Åä³É¹¦£¬Æ¥Åä³É¹¦´ÎÊý¼Ó1
k = k + 1;
// ½«Ö¸Ê¾Ö÷´®ºÍģʽÖе±Ç°×Ö·ûµÄ±äÁ¿iºÍj½øÐлØÍË
i = i - j + 1;
j = 0;
else {
i = i - j + 1;
j = 0;
return k;// ΪʲôÕâ¸öwhileÑ­»·Ã»ÓÐÒ»¸öÑ­»·¿ØÖÆÆ÷ÄØ£¬ÎÒ»¹Ã»ÓÐÀí½âËüµÄ½á¹¹£¿

String[] readFileByLines (String fileName){
File file = new File(fileName);
ArrayList<String> alllinks = new ArrayList<String>();
BufferedReader reader = null;//´´½¨»º´æ¶ÁÈ¡
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));//½«Îļþ·ÅÔÚ»º´æ¶ÁÈ¡ÖÐ
String tempString = null;
while ((tempString = reader.readLine()) != null){
} catch (IOException e) {//²¶»ñÒì³£
} finally {//ÄÚÈÝ×ÜÖ´ÐÐ
if (reader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
String[] links = new String[alllinks.size()];
for (int count = 0; count < alllinks.size(); count++) {links[count] = alllinks.get(count);}
return links;

// °Ñ×Ö·û´®Êý×éдÈëÎļþ, ¼´°´ÐÐдÈëÎļþ
public boolean stringArrayToFile(String[] arrayres, String filePath) {
boolean flag = true;
BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;
BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = null;
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
for (String one : arrayres) {
int x = temp.lastIndexOf("\n");
temp.replace(x, temp.length(), "");
String res = temp.toString();
try {
File distFile = new File(filePath); //´´½¨Îļþ
if (!distFile.getParentFile().exists()) //Åжϸ¸Â·¾¶ÊÇÎļþ¼ÐÊÇ·ñ´æÔÚ
distFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); //¿ÉÒÔÔÚ²»´æÔÚµÄĿ¼Öд´½¨Îļþ¼Ð
bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
new StringReader(res)); //½«Ô­×Ö·û´®¶ÁÈ뻺³å
bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(
new FileWriter(distFile)); //½«ÎļþдÈ뻺³å
char buf[] = new char[1024]; // ×Ö·û»º³åÇø
int len;
while ((len = bufferedReader.read(buf)) != -1) { //whileÑ­»·
bufferedWriter.write(buf, 0, len); //½«×Ö·û´®Ð´ÈëÎļþ
bufferedWriter.flush(); //Ë¢ÐÂдÈëÁ÷µÄ»º³å
bufferedReader.close(); //¹Ø±Õ¶Á³öÁ÷
bufferedWriter.close(); //¹Ø±ÕдÈëÁ÷
} catch (IOException e) { //²¶»ñÒì³£
flag = false;
return flag;
} finally { //finally·½·¨×ܱ»Ö´ÐÐ
if (bufferedReader != null) { //Åж϶Á³öÁ÷ÊÇ·ñΪ¿Õ
try {
bufferedReader.close(); //È·±£¶Á³öÁ÷¹Ø±Õ
} catch (IOException e) {
return flag; //·µ»Ø²¼¶ûÀàÐÍ

void ReadAndCombFile (String filename) {
String[] FileDivideToManyLines = readFileByLines (filename);
// »ñÈ¡ÎļþµÄºó׺Ãû
int FileSuffixLoc = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
String FileSuffix = filename.substring(FileSuffixLoc, filename.length());
ArrayList<String> FileCombed = new ArrayList <String> (); // ´¢´æ¼ÓÈëºÏÊÊÇ°Ãæ¿ÕÐеÄеÄÒ»ÐÐ×Ö·û
int RowNumber = 1; // ¼Ç¼ÏÖÔÚ´¦ÀíµÚ¼¸ÐеĴúÂ룬ʹÓÃÕâ¸öÐÐÊýÌáÐÑ¿ª·¢ÕßÄÄÀï³ö´íÁË
for (String oneline : FileDivideToManyLines) {
String newLine = FileInManyLines (oneline, RowNumber, FileSuffix);
RowNumber = RowNumber + 1;
String[] FileCombInStr = new String[FileCombed.size()];
for (int count = 0; count < FileCombed.size(); count ++) {FileCombInStr [count] = FileCombed.get(count);}
stringArrayToFile (FileCombInStr, filename);
if (HaveUnCleanRow) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Óв»¹æÕûµÄ´úÂ룬Çë¸ÄÕý¡£");}

public static void main(String[] args) {
Tidy TideFiles = new Tidy();


(e-mail address removed) wrote in
The program can format Java codes, the codes formatted will have
correct indent spaces.
Modified: 2012-3-1
it can format java codes so as to get the correct indent spaces.

import java.io.IOException;//ÒýÈëÀà
import java.io.*;
import java.io.BufferedReader;


Are you simply trying to tell us that you have written a program that
formats Java source code so that we know? Or do you have a question of
some kind?

Also, are you aware that at least some popular IDEs already have built-in
source code editors with user-adjustable formatting? For example, Eclipse
has configurable editors so that you can tell it how many spaces you want
to indent, whether you want to use Tabs or Spaces, whether you want line
breaks before open braces or after close braces, etc. etc.

That means I'd have no real interest in using your program since my IDE
already does these things in a satisfactory way. I just mention this in
case you were hoping a lot of people would use or even buy this code.


The program can format Java codes, the codes formatted will have correct indent spaces.

Modified: 2012-3-1
it can format java codes so as to get the correct indent spaces.

import java.io.IOException;//引入类
import java.io.*;

It is better to use single-type imports than import-on-demand. Certainly don't
do both on the same types.
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;

Don't mix single-type imports and import-on-demand for the same types.
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.UIManager;

public class Tidy extends JFrame {
JButton SelectFilebtn, OKbtn;

The Java naming convention is to use lower-case first letter in variable and
method identifiers, and camel case thereafter. Thus, 'selectFileBtn', not
JTextField FileNameField;
String TabBlank = " "; // æ¯ä¸€æ¬¡tab的空格大å°ï¼Œè¿™é‡Œä¸ºé»˜è®¤çš„四个空格

Is there a tab in there? If so, you should use '\t' rather than an embedded TAB.
int HowManyTab = 0;

There is no need to set the default value twice like this, except there's
really no harm, either. In this case you could argue that the redundant
initialization helps document your intent.
boolean HaveUnCleanRow = false; // 记录有没有编写ä¸è§„整的程åºä»£ç ï¼Œå¦‚果有弹出对è¯æ¡†è¯·ç”¨æˆ·æ”¹æ­£å†å…³é—­æŽ§åˆ¶å°ï¼Œå¦‚果没有,ä¸æ˜¾ç¤ºå¯¹è¯æ¡†ã€‚
boolean ForWhileIfBlock = false; // 标志这一行是å¦for, while or if 开头但å´æ²¡æœ‰{}符å·ï¼Œè¿™è¯´æ˜Žè¿™ä¸ªå—åªæœ‰ä¸€è¡Œã€‚
public Tidy () {

Your constructor is a bit unwieldy - too long and complicated. I suggest that
you refactor the fancy logic into a separate private method.
this.setTitle( "文件整ç†å™¨");
this.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; //设定Layoutçš„ä½ç½®
gbc.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2); //设定与边界的è·ç¦»(上,å·¦,下,å³)
SelectFilebtn = new JButton("选择文件");
SelectFilebtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
FileNameField = new JTextField("",40);
this.add(SelectFilebtn, gbc);
this.add(FileNameField, gbc);
OKbtn = new JButton("OK");
OKbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String FileName = FileNameField.getText();
do_OKbtn_actionPerformed(e, FileName);
this.add(OKbtn, gbc);

I strongly recommend that the 'setVisible()' call happen after the constructor.
protected void do_SelectFilebtn_actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {

Why is this method 'protected'?
JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();// 创建文件选择器
int option = chooser.showOpenDialog(this);// 显示文件打开对è¯æ¡†
if (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {// 判断用户是å¦é€‰å®šæ–‡ä»¶
File file = chooser.getSelectedFile();// 获å–用户选择文件
FileNameField.setText(file.getAbsolutePath());// 把选择的文件路径显示在文本框中

protected void do_OKbtn_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e, String ThisFile) {

Why is this method 'protected'?

Naming convention: 'thisFile', not 'ThisFile'.
if (!ThisFile.equals("")) {

You forgot to check for the parameter being 'null'. This could cause a
'NullPointerException'. Tsk, tsk.
HowManyTab = 0;
ReadAndCombFile(ThisFile); // 文件åä¸èƒ½ä¸ºç©º
// æ ¹æ®{å’Œ}的个数决定æ¯ä¸€è¡Œå‰é¢éœ€è¦æ·»åŠ å¤šå°‘个tab空格
String FileInManyLines (String oneline, int CombRow, String Suffix) {

Why is this method package-private?

Naming convention. 'fileInManyLines()'. 'combRow'. 'suffix'.
String PreffixStr; // 这是æ¯ä¸€è¡Œå¼€å§‹çš„空格,它是用æ¥æ–¹ä¾¿é˜…读的

There's only one "f" in "prefix". Don't put the type of the variable in the
name ("Str")!
... [snip] ...
public static void main(String[] args) {
Tidy TideFiles = new Tidy();

Start GUIs on the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)!

Do file operations *off* the EDT!

I suggest reading the Swing tutorial and other references about Swing
programming. Also, study the Java coding conventions, around since 1999. Your
code is not thread-safe. Heck, it's not any kind of safe - you leave room for
runtime exceptions, you don't comment the strange parts of your logic (like
your switch on 'Diff' [sic] and the magic values it assumes). Your
pretty-print source is indented incorrectly - how good can your pretty-printer
be if you don't indent correctly in the first place? You don't control the
scope of your variables well ('i' and 'j' in 'strFind()', 'flag' and
'bufferedWriter' in 'stringArrayToFile()'), you don't declare constant those
that should be constants ('TabBlank' [sic]), and you redundantly initialize
variables ('BufferedReader reader = null;', 'int HowManyTab = 0;', etc.). You
declare methods as 'protected' or package-private willy-nilly without
explanation for the choices.

I will venture to guess that you wrote this as an exercise and though you
didn't explicitly say so, posted it here for critique. There are so many Java
pretty-printers out there already. Use one on your own code, why don't you?

Your code needs good formatting, proper naming, corrected access control,
controlled scope, controlled heritability, and the bugs eliminated.

Roedy Green

PreffixStr =3D ManyTabStr (HowManyTab, TabBlank);
HowManyTab =3D HowManyTab + 1;
newoneline =3D PreffixStr + TrimIt; // =B0=D1=C7=B0=D7=
case -1 : {

the process of posting on a newsreader is scrambling your code. Try
posting it somewhere and giving the URL.

see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/sscce.html


Roedy said:
the process of posting on a newsreader is scrambling your code. Try
posting it somewhere and giving the URL.

see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/sscce.html

He *gave* us an SSCCE, already!

It wasn't scrambled here. Perhaps it's something specific to your newsreader.
It clearly wasn't scrambled by "the process of posting on a newsreader" or
everyone would've seen the problem.

His code even survived my newsreader placing it into the reply as "quoted
text", without loss of formatting or other issues. Does the quoted code look
scrambled in my reply? That would be a good data point.

I do note however that your reply is scrambled, in the sense that it didn't
transcribe the Chinese characters. I infer that your newsreader used the wrong
text encoding. You should fix that.

I recommend against the OP's posting the code on a separate URL. It's easier
to get answers when the respondents have everything they need in one place. I
was grateful that they included their SSCCE in their post.

Lars Enderin

2012-03-02 19:04, Roedy Green skrev:
the process of posting on a newsreader is scrambling your code. Try

Blame your own newsreader! I had no trouble reading the OP with
Thunderbird, Chinese comments and all.
The headers are a bit unusual, granted:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=GB2312
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
(which your newsreader ignores completely)

Arne Vajhøj

the process of posting on a newsreader is scrambling your code. Try
posting it somewhere and giving the URL.

You need a newsreader that understands Quoted Printable.

Something from late 90's or later should support that.



I am a Java beginner, perhaps it is my third Java program, sorry for my poor skill in Java. I donot use Eclipse to write Java codes, it is not good ateditting codes, I prefer notepad ++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v5.9.8.html) and SciTE(http://www.scintilla.org), Eclipse is a good integrated tool for developing Java program, but it is not the suitable editor topurely edit codes. I learn a lot from people's comment, later I will continue to post my codes here for comments.
I donot know how to post long codes, I donot have space to attach my program.

Arne Vajhøj

I am a Java beginner, perhaps it is my third Java program, sorry for my poor skill in Java. I donot use Eclipse to write Java codes, it is not good at editting codes, I prefer notepad ++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v5.9.8.html) and SciTE(http://www.scintilla.org), Eclipse is a good integrated tool for developing Java program, but it is not the suitable editor to purely edit codes. I learn a lot from people's comment, later I will continue to post my codes here for comments.
I donot know how to post long codes, I donot have space to attach my program.

I think you will find out that >95% of Java developers use Eclipse or
similar Java IDE to edit Java code.



I am a Java beginner, perhaps it is my third Java program, sorry for my poor skill in Java. I donot use Eclipse to write Java codes, it is not good at editting codes, I prefer notepad ++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v5.9.8.html) and SciTE(http://www.scintilla.org), Eclipse is a good integrated tool for developing Java program, but it is not the suitable editor to purely edit codes. I learn a lot from people's comment, later I will continue to post my codes here for comments.
I donot know how to post long codes, I donot have space to attach my program.

I disagree. Eclipse is entirely suitable as a code editor, even if you ignore
all its other features. Ditto NetBeans. Ditto many others.

I am interested in the details of why you find Eclipse unsuitable. What are they?

Don't post long programs. Post simple, short, complete, compilable examples
(SSCCEs) that reveal your difficulty.

What you posted in the beginning was an SSCCE. It was enough from my point of
view, anyway.

As for not having space to attach your programs, sure you do. You've already
done it. Not that you should attach anything, you should do exactly as you did
and include it in the body of your post.

However, this is a discussion group, so when people ask you questions you
should participate in the discussion.

He has a point. We don't know why you came to us. Why did you?


before I used SciTe to edit rebol codes, so I get used to the operation of SciTE,
it is one the reasons that I continue to use the old editor. I tried Ecplise,
I find it cannot hightlight the matched "{" or "}", I am afraid it is because I
donot know how to properly configure Ecplise.

You are right.

There is a setting in Eclipse to highlight matching braces.

With any highlighting editor one has to invest time to configure the various
syntax-coloring, indentation, layout, whatever options to our taste. If you
don't, it's not the editor's fault.
Addtionall, I find it is inconvenient to use SEARCH function in Ecplise.

Again, what's inconvenient about it? You type Ctrl-F, type in the search term
and hit ENTER. Most of the GUI apps that allow search from browsers to editors
to word processors to spreadsheets and beyond use the exact same idiom.

What does SciTE do that's better, read your mind?


OK, but why did you come to us with that first post?

You were asked a specific question that you keep avoiding for some reason.
I'll repeat it, since you edited it out:

In other words, what was the specific point you made with your original post?

Roedy Green

As a beginner in programming, you should really better start with a
lower hanging fruit.

For example, try reflowing some text to make sure no lines are longer
than n.

Then add blank line collapsing, preserve blank lines or multiple blank
lines as one blank line.

I have a project in limbo right now to reflow HTML. You might look at
IntelliJ for a remarkably complete set of specifications on just how
you want the final result so look.

see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/intellij.html

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