Hello friends. Below is a code I use. As you can see in this code, when you enter a "Kume" (means cluster), it performs the necessary calculations and gives you the result as an excel output. Now, instead of entering many "clusters" one by one, for example, let me list 20 "clusters" there, and output them all in a single excel sheet as columns.. The code needs to be made to do this. I would be very happy if you could help with this. By the way, the existing code has a function like this, when you write many "clusters" there, it treats them as a whole and calculates. It is necessary to take this situation into account when making corrections. I wish everyone a happy day.
from itertools import combinations
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from google.colab import files
# Veriler------------------------------
# Sadece aşağıdaki rakamlar ve çift tek kısımları değişltirilecek.
# Sonra yukarıdaki menüde Çalışma Zamanı --> Tümünü Çalıştır.
kume_1 = [ [17,3,6,1,2,4], "cift"]
# -------------------------------------
tum_kumeler = [kume_1]
kullanilan_sayilar = []
for kume in tum_kumeler:
for sayi in kume[0]:
if sayi not in kullanilan_sayilar:
print("Kullanılan Sayılar: ",kullanilan_sayilar )
def sub_lists (l):
comb = []
for i in range(len(l)+1):
comb += [list(j) for j in combinations(l, i)]
return comb[1:]
def conver_str(l):
result_list = []
for x in l:
string = ""
for y in x:
string +=str(y) + ','
return (result_list)
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["Küme 1 " + kume_1[1]],
index = conver_str(sub_lists(kullanilan_sayilar)))
for x in range(len(df.index)):
for y in range(len(df.columns)):
sum = 0
for z in df.index[x].split(','):
sum += tum_kumeler[y][0].count(int(z))
df.iloc[x,y] = sum
df_result = pd.DataFrame(index = df.index,
columns = list(df.columns) + ["Sonuç"])
for row in df.index:
for col in df.columns:
if (df.loc[row, col] % 2 == 0 and col[-1] == "t") or (df.loc[row, col] % 2 != 0 and col[-1] == "k"):
df_result.loc[row,col] = 'P'
df_result.loc[row,col] = 'N'
row_result = list(df_result.loc[row])
if row_result.count('P') == 1:
df_result.loc[row, "Sonuç"] = 'A'
if row_result.count('N') == 4:
df_result.loc[row, "Sonuç"] = 'B'
from itertools import combinations
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from google.colab import files
# Veriler------------------------------
# Sadece aşağıdaki rakamlar ve çift tek kısımları değişltirilecek.
# Sonra yukarıdaki menüde Çalışma Zamanı --> Tümünü Çalıştır.
kume_1 = [ [17,3,6,1,2,4], "cift"]
# -------------------------------------
tum_kumeler = [kume_1]
kullanilan_sayilar = []
for kume in tum_kumeler:
for sayi in kume[0]:
if sayi not in kullanilan_sayilar:
print("Kullanılan Sayılar: ",kullanilan_sayilar )
def sub_lists (l):
comb = []
for i in range(len(l)+1):
comb += [list(j) for j in combinations(l, i)]
return comb[1:]
def conver_str(l):
result_list = []
for x in l:
string = ""
for y in x:
string +=str(y) + ','
return (result_list)
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["Küme 1 " + kume_1[1]],
index = conver_str(sub_lists(kullanilan_sayilar)))
for x in range(len(df.index)):
for y in range(len(df.columns)):
sum = 0
for z in df.index[x].split(','):
sum += tum_kumeler[y][0].count(int(z))
df.iloc[x,y] = sum
df_result = pd.DataFrame(index = df.index,
columns = list(df.columns) + ["Sonuç"])
for row in df.index:
for col in df.columns:
if (df.loc[row, col] % 2 == 0 and col[-1] == "t") or (df.loc[row, col] % 2 != 0 and col[-1] == "k"):
df_result.loc[row,col] = 'P'
df_result.loc[row,col] = 'N'
row_result = list(df_result.loc[row])
if row_result.count('P') == 1:
df_result.loc[row, "Sonuç"] = 'A'
if row_result.count('N') == 4:
df_result.loc[row, "Sonuç"] = 'B'