I need help in understanding these files on my phone, Could someone help me understand these files? Urgent help needed. Please help.

Jun 4, 2023
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Hi, I need help in understanding these files I found on my phone in file manager. I can't tell what these files are for, I was searching for a installer for two different Apps on each ocassaion (installer for Tor Browser and VN Video Editor).

So I was searching for my Tor installer APK in my file manager on my Sony Xperia phone and I found these files:
actors_v290_01 (1).gla

They all have the same files extention, so I thought these files serve the same purpose, but I didn't know why did I found them when I was searching for my Tor installer APK, I first thought these were files related to Tor. I went and asked the AI ChatGPT since I was unable to access and I didn't know about anywhere where I could ask about this quickly and get a response

Here's what I asked and what I got as a response:

Me: "Hello"

ChatGPT: "Hello! How can I assist you today?"

Me: "I can't understand these files on my phone, I was searching for my Tor Browser installer and so I typed in "tor", I was given these files in the search results where it they had this format "actors_v250_01.gla". What are these files? What are they used for? Are those files for Tor Browser?"

ChatGPT: "The files you mentioned, such as "actors_v250_01.gla," do not appear to be related to Tor Browser. The file format you mentioned does not match the typical file extensions associated with Tor Browser or its installation files.
Without more information about the files and their context, it is challenging to determine their purpose. The file format ".gla" is not widely recognized or associated with any specific software or application. It's possible that these files are related to a particular game, software, or custom application on your phone.
To clarify, Tor Browser is a web browser designed to enhance privacy and anonymity while browsing the internet. The installation files for Tor Browser typically have a ".exe" extension on Windows or a ".dmg" extension on macOS.
If you are specifically looking for the Tor Browser installer, I recommend downloading it from the official Tor Project website (https://www.torproject.org/) to ensure you get the correct and safe installation files."

Me: "Are these files related to the VN Video editor I had installed?"

ChatGPT: "It's challenging to determine the exact purpose of the files without more information or examining their contents. However, if you had previously installed a VN Video editor on your phone, it's possible that the files you mentioned, such as "actors_v250_01.gla," are associated with that application.
To get a clearer understanding, you can try the following steps:
  1. Check if the file extension ".gla" is specifically associated with the VN Video editor or any of its related files. You can search online or consult the documentation or support resources for the VN Video editor to find information about the file formats it uses.
  2. Verify the file location. Determine the directory or folder where these files are stored on your phone. If they are located within the VN Video editor's installation folder or its associated folders, there is a higher likelihood that they are related to the application.
  3. Contact the support or documentation resources for the VN Video editor. Reach out to the developers or check the official documentation for the VN Video editor to inquire about the specific file format and its purpose within the application. They should be able to provide you with accurate information regarding these files.
Remember, it's always important to exercise caution when working with unfamiliar files. If you are unsure about the origin or purpose of a file, it's a good practice to verify its legitimacy and seek assistance from the application's official channels."

This reponse didn't provide me with much information, so I asked another AI iAsk.ai as well:

According to iAsk.AI Ask AI Search Engine:

Me: What is this file "actors_v250_01.gla,"?

iAsk.AI: "After conducting an extensive search, I have found that "actors_v250_01.gla" is a file extension used in the video game industry. Specifically, it is a motion capture data file used in games such as Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.

Motion capture technology involves recording the movements of real-life actors and transferring them onto digital characters to create more realistic and fluid animations. The "actors_v250_01.gla" file contains the motion capture data for various character animations, including walking, running, jumping, and combat moves.

This file extension is specific to the Quake III engine, which was used to develop both Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. The Quake III engine is a popular game engine developed by id Software and has been used in numerous games over the years.

In conclusion, "actors_v250_01.gla" is a file extension used in the video game industry for motion capture data in games developed using the Quake III engine.

I asked it the purpose of these files:

Me: " Would all "actors.gla files also be the same files with the same purpose?"

iAsk.AI: After conducting a thorough search, it appears that "actors_v250_01.gla" is a file extension used in video game development. Specifically, it is a file that contains animation data for character movements in games. This file format is commonly used in games developed using the Quake engine, which was released in 1996.

It is important to note that not all "actors.gla" files would necessarily be the same as "actors_v250_01.gla." The "actors.gla" file extension may be used by other game engines or for different purposes entirely. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the specific context and purpose of each file extension to determine its function accurately.

In summary, "actors_v250_01.gla" is a file extension used in video game development to store animation data for character movements in games developed using the Quake engine. Not all "actors.gla" files are necessarily the same as this specific file extension.

I asked if all the files that have a .gla extension would have the same purpose:
Me: "Would all "actors.gla files also be the same files with the same purpose? As in they would be files that contain animation data for character movements, as well?"

iAski.AI: "The "actors_v250_01.gla" file is a binary file format used for storing animation data for character movements in video games. It contains information such as bone positions, rotations, and scaling for each frame of animation. This file format is commonly used in games developed using the Quake engine and its derivatives.

All "actors.gla" files would not necessarily be the same files with the same purpose as they could be named differently or used for different purposes. However, it is likely that they would also contain animation data for character movements in video games.

In conclusion, the "actors_v250_01.gla" file is a binary file format used for storing animation data for character movements in video games, specifically those developed using the Quake engine and its derivatives. While other files with similar names may also contain animation data, they may not necessarily serve the same purpose."

I asked it whether all these .gla files would contain data for character animations such movement animations:

Me: "What is this file "actors_v250_01.gla,"? Would all "actors.gla files also be files that hold animations for characters in games? As in they would be files that contain animation data for character movements, as well?"

iAsk.AI: "The file "actors_v250_01.gla" is a file format used for storing animation data for characters in video games. Specifically, it is a binary file format used by the game engine of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, a popular action game developed by Raven Software and published by LucasArts in 2003. The file contains animation data for various character movements, such as walking, running, jumping, attacking, and more.

It is important to note that not all "actors.gla" files are necessarily used for storing animation data for characters in games. The ".gla" file extension is not exclusive to character animations and can be used for other purposes as well. However, in the context of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, "actors.gla" files are indeed used for storing character animations.

To create the "actors_v250_01.gla" file, animators would use specialized software tools to create and export animations in a format compatible with the game engine. The resulting ".gla" files would then be compiled into the game's data files and loaded at runtime to provide animations for the various characters in the game.

In conclusion, "actors_v250_01.gla" is a file format used for storing animation data for characters in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. While not all ".gla" files are necessarily used for character animations, this particular file format is indeed used for that purpose within the context of this specific game."

I asked about what other purpose .gla files could have:

Me: "What is this file "actors_v250_01.gla,"? Would all "actors.gla files also be files that hold animations for characters in games? As in they would be files that contain animation data for character movements, as well? If not, what other purpose could "actors.gla" files could serve?"

iAsk.Ai: "After conducting extensive research, the file "actors_v250_01.gla" is a binary file format used for storing animations in games. Specifically, this file format is commonly used in games developed using the Quake engine. The "actors.gla" file extension is also commonly used to store animation data for character movements in games, as well as other types of animation data such as cutscenes and special effects.

In addition to storing animation data, "actors.gla" files can also contain information about the structure of the game's character models and how they are animated. This information can include details about bone structures, joint movements, and other aspects of character animation.

It is important to note that while "actors.gla" files are commonly used for storing animation data in games, there may be other file formats that serve similar purposes depending on the game engine and development tools being used.

In conclusion, "actors_v250_01.gla" is a binary file format used for storing animations in games developed using the Quake engine. Similarly, "actors.gla" files are commonly used to store animation data for character movements in games, as well as other types of animation data such as cutscenes and special effects."

I want to ask, is the information that iAsk.AI provided to me accurate or not? The information that was given to me by iAsk.Ai is it correct or no?

I also found these files when I was searching for my Tor Browser APK installer in the files manager of my phone:


I went and asked ChatGPT what these files were and I got this as a response:

Me: "what does msgstore mean?"

ChatGPT: "The term "msgstore" is often associated with messaging applications, particularly WhatsApp. In the context of WhatsApp, "msgstore" refers to a database file that stores chat messages and other data related to your conversations.
WhatsApp uses a file called "msgstore.db" or "msgstore.db.crypt" to store the chat history, including text messages, multimedia files, and other data exchanged within the app. This file is typically located in the WhatsApp folder on your device's internal storage or SD card.
The "msgstore" file plays a crucial role in maintaining the chat history and allows you to restore your conversations when you switch devices or reinstall WhatsApp. It contains encrypted or encoded data to preserve the privacy and security of your messages.
It's worth noting that modifying or manipulating the "msgstore" file directly is not recommended unless you have a specific need and a good understanding of the file structure and encryption used by WhatsApp. Any unintended changes to the "msgstore" file may result in data corruption or loss of chat history."

I want to ask this from you all: Is this response accurate? Is this information correct?

When I was searching for VN Video Editor installer APK in my phone's file manager I found these files on my phone:

"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\-SNEeuvagj5tBqiIkCj-YoOgsOdOPxH4ewhXGqB--ZM=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\t5apsZPt9iZLS3etbCoHXfGeM9ITHpbdtbvotfEzRMs=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\UR413sXV-cvN38354aPfwOLgkuthVlxBw9g2LtbcSWg="
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\UR413sXV-cvN38354aPfwOLgkuthVlxBw9g2LtbcSWg=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\v7mZvrmb9L9kUagYMmRuK_AHdMAy5FqFHUOJ6z5UBpg=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\YKF33Tj11k2eB9OUY2y2KFPsSQLZsp_XuMXAyyFJCeI=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\zu-jscya-4qcoL3MoeJggJJDZhw3LYO7UL98A3wH1eE=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\0fENIgU-hI8GSAmTzCVN9RY-Sm6bo-SHDNYaX52KBQU="
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\ajyC7wzvn_MLTBL1hkUN-8pGsebGtPkQIBEXBN1TNXI="
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\b52ur-hO_z-EqhN26XWZSGZbnu9vI5VEym8I70W9CLA=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\bl5nKzXQ6_-IxLzIc2xvj_o5WMevsjayIuIX7J19d8w=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\CZEAGbYkxkq8AGZMUGW-Mp56LJkV2qt4hxEZu8s7lNE=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\i4C2DlXGXLUAh6dUAmKa_kODaSaVrQEGfQEw2Z2db18=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\juEuSXxJ8H_kcXMoEm-yLfTHFGr92iTJeoKsQnRCQR0=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\k26xVbs5D08Zem32vtM95yVSyDq7j36dHTLgPMpTJPE=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\LNzxyUPX5S2ylG1JazF9LldSW5J4JtVmAqUOf1ys21Y=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\MgxzfJ6KO8bdSqU-OeqqOmQ2q-0lCCo5dpjhl9dM02A=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\NCl6PgTvEVZGFc3EOIBhgGEuR0il5rdLsJKXQ9DNtKY=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\OEgkWI3ka00WxsVNCAuvfnEQTCykn1snmoxXx2ZjylQ=.thumb.tmp"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\pykAgKHqV8E6cRk_5jn7j_9WNqXjh7xw1PhP3dHYysQ=.vng_meta"
"C:\Users\Lenovo Laptop\Desktop\New folder\RVR3imkQEQbhFcwvIAt7Ri2WVhsT213Q6SMGSTKIHBE=.vng_meta"

I asked iAsk.AI about these files and I got this as a response:

For the files with the .vng_meta extension:

"Yes, .vng_meta is a file extension used to store metadata information related to image files. This file format is primarily used by digital cameras and photo editing software to store additional information about an image, such as camera settings, date and time of capture, and other relevant data.

In addition to the .vng_meta file format, there are several other file formats that are commonly used to store metadata information. Some of these formats include .xmp for Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform, .iptc for International Press Telecommunications Council metadata, and .exif for Exchangeable Image File Format metadata.

Yes, all the .vng_meta files are VN Video Editor files. These files contain metadata information about the video project created using VN Video Editor. The metadata includes details such as the video resolution, frame rate, duration, audio codec, and other technical specifications.

VN Video Editor is a popular video editing software that allows users to create and edit professional-quality videos on their mobile devices. It offers a wide range of features and tools to help users create stunning videos with ease. The software saves the project data in .vng_meta files that can be exported to various video formats for sharing or publishing.

In conclusion, all the .vng_meta files are VN Video Editor files that contain metadata information about the video project created using the software."

Is this information accurate? I want to ask that for all of you.

I asked about the file with the .thumb extension (OEgkWI3ka00WxsVNCAuvfnEQTCykn1snmoxXx2ZjylQ=.thumb.tmp"):

"The .thumb extension is commonly used for thumbnail image files. Thumbnails are small, low-resolution versions of larger images that are used to provide a preview or quick reference for the full-size image. They are often used in image galleries, file managers, and other applications where a user needs to quickly browse through a large number of images.

Thumbnails are typically created by software that resizes and compresses the original image, resulting in a smaller file size that can be loaded more quickly. The .thumb extension is often used to distinguish these smaller thumbnail files from the original images.

It's worth noting that the .thumb extension is not a standardized file format and is not recognized by all software applications. Some programs may use different extensions or naming conventions for thumbnail files.

In summary, the .thumb extension is commonly used for thumbnail image files, which are small, low-resolution versions of larger images used for preview purposes.

Thumbnail images are typically created for the purpose of providing a preview or quick reference of a larger image. They are commonly used in web design and online galleries to help users quickly browse through images without having to load each full-sized image"

I did forget to tell i.Ask.Ai the this file extension was thumb.tmp, so I will ask you all what is this file format and what does purpose do files like this serve?

I need a response for this urgently and quickly, so if you could do that it would be appreciated.
Nov 24, 2022
Reaction score
I'm not as smart as GPT but what a programmer usualy does in such case is taking winhex and looking at it.

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