Ideal python idle


James Stroud


I decided that the ultimate python IDE would basically be a vim editor
with a hotkey or button that ran the currently edited module as
"__main__", allowing gui (tkinter, wx) windows to spawn etc.

That's it.

I tried the "runscript.vim" plugin which basically promises this, but it
seems to have some problems:

1. stdout is insert at the cursor

2. This error message is given upon exit:

E172: Only one file name allowed:
silent botright new Output window

3. This error message is given upon trying to write changes:

E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set

Anyway, what would really be cool is idle, with vim, running as split
window with a hotkey or button to run scripts.

Even IDLE complains about subprocesses and binding ports, etc. But IDLE
doesn't use vim, so its not really an option, unless it CAN use vim
somehow--and I can get past the port binding. Not really interested on
getting past this port binding issue unless IDLE can be used with vim,

Any advice from someone who has gotten runscript to work or knows of a
tool like I describe would be greatly appreciated.



James said:

I decided that the ultimate python IDE would basically be a vim editor
with a hotkey or button that ran the currently edited module as
"__main__", allowing gui (tkinter, wx) windows to spawn etc.

Hi James, I'm sure I'm missing something here, but doesn't :!python %
command run the script as __main__? It sure does spawn gui windows for
me. What exactly is the problem with using that command? It does not
return you to the line where the error happened but the runscript.vim
you mentioned doesn't seem to do that either.


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