Ignore Purl Gurl is the Only Solution



You know, I bet if nobody responded to any of PG's
messages, she'd probably get tired of arguing with
herself and stop. Might take a while, bacause she's
such a slow learner, but we'd eventually get there.

Join me?

'Bye, PG...

John Bokma

MichiganBob said:
You know, I bet if nobody responded to any of PG's
messages, she'd probably get tired of arguing with
herself and stop.

That, I seriously doubt.
Might take a while, bacause she's
such a slow learner, but we'd eventually get there.

Join me?

Yup. I won't KF her, because I don't believe in KFs, but if anyone asks
about how coherent Purl Gurl is, I point him/her to the Bokma thread :-D.


MichiganBob said:
You know, I bet if nobody responded to any of PG's
messages, she'd probably get tired of arguing with
herself and stop. Might take a while, bacause she's
such a slow learner, but we'd eventually get there.

Join me?

'Bye, PG...

I usually stick to posts with a subject line I am interested in, but
when my newsreader put me into the middle of the Bokma thread, I read
through them and posted a few questions for her. She is insane. I
decided to ignore her a few days back. As for whether she will tire of
arguing with the inhabitants of Purlgurlia, I have my doubts.


Randal L. Schwartz

Purl> However, I have not stalked and harassed your family
Purl> for many years, on a daily basis.

NOT ( "stalked and harassed" AND "many years" AND "daily basis" ) =>
NOT "stalked and harassed" OR NOT "many years" OR NOT "daily basis".

So, you could have stalked my family, just not for many years, or just
not on a daily basis. Or maybe you did something else to me for many
years, on a daily basis, besides stalking?

Purl> Who is truly insane?

Someone who applies DeMorgan's Laws to literal English? :)

Randal L. Schwartz

Purl> Jeesshh... only you would apply programming logic to English!

Purl> Next you will be speaking only in ones and zeroes.

Don't make me bring out my Venn Diagrams.

Alexey Trofimenko

Yup. I won't KF her, because I don't believe in KFs, but if anyone asks
about how coherent Purl Gurl is, I point him/her to the Bokma thread :-D.

I've made a filter, which will immediatelly erase news messages in my mbox
with "Purl Gurl" in body or subject.. instant relief! :) (hm.. that means
ever this message too will be erased..)

I'm only afraid that her nick surely will become common noun soon, and I
could miss some interesting messages.. I beg you not ever mention her in
on-topic discussions ,)

that's all.. In my tommorrow it will be one paranoiac less...

John Bokma

Purl said:
Reminds me of a boy here who killfiled all articles
with "virii" in the message body. He killfiled himself
and all his friends.

You are a friend of him?

Ala Qumsieh

MichiganBob said:
You know, I bet if nobody responded to any of PG's
messages, she'd probably get tired of arguing with
herself and stop. Might take a while, bacause she's
such a slow learner, but we'd eventually get there.

I doubt it. She often posts under the name of Kira, then responds to her
own post and signs as PG. She then responds again as Kira, and so on.
Check the Bokma thread for an example of this.

If no body feeds her, she is perfectly capable of feeding herself.

PG's behaviour reminds me of another annoying poster on AI-related
newsgroups. He became so annoying, that somebody actually took the time
to write up an FAQ on how to deal with him. That FAQ can be found here:


Perhaps clpm needs something similar to address PG? Any volunteers?
Please note that she will probably consider this an attack on her family.



PG's behaviour reminds me of another annoying poster on AI-related
newsgroups. He became so annoying, that somebody actually took the time
to write up an FAQ on how to deal with him. That FAQ can be found here:


Perhaps clpm needs something similar to address PG? Any volunteers?
Please note that she will probably consider this an attack on her family.

PG's stuff reminds me of the crap from a poster
on an MS Access newsgroup: Don P. Mellon (with
several dozen aliases and different accounts).

Wonder if they're related. (Or even the same person.)

I did see one post here from him several months ago;
it was a legitimate Perl question, which surprised me.


Ken Sington

Purl said:
Ala Qumsieh wrote:

Not at all, I consider yours and others to be laughable
displays of extreme ignorance, bigotry and hatred.

Stated before, I am proud to not be like you.

Purl Gurl

what does this show?


# Written by Purl Gurl - (e-mail address removed)
# Please do not email questions. I do not offer
# support for free scripts.

# Post your questions to: comp.lang.perl.misc

# Be sure to carefully read my "readme.txt" in my downloaded zip package.

# Relative URL paths are used. Those should be changed to full URL paths
# to ensure all browsers will work with this script.

# Begin of code. Modifications beyond here are your responsibility.

# Safeguard against excessive content length. Maximum content length
# usually generated by my poker script is 3843. This will change
# should you modified this script. 6000 bytes is default.

if ($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} > 6000)
{ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<HTML><H1>Excessive Content Length</H1></HTML>"; exit; }

our %in;
my ($in, @in, $iterate, $key, $value);
read (STDIN, $in, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
@in = split (/&/, $in);
foreach $iterate (0 .. $#in)
$in[$iterate] =~ s/\+/ /g;
($key, $value) = split (/=/, $in[$iterate], 2);
($value eq "") && next;
$key =~ s/%(..)/pack ("c",hex($1))/ge;
$value =~ s/%(..)/pack ("c",hex($1))/ge;
$in{$key} .= $value;

# Default amount of player cash:

if (!($in{Player_Cash}))
{ $in{Player_Cash} = "500"; }

if (!($in{Aholhtina}))
my (@Deck) = qw (12d 12h 12s 12c 13d 13h 13s 13c
14d 14h 14s 14c 15d 15h 15s 15c
16d 16h 16s 16c 17d 17h 17s 17c
18d 18h 18s 18c 19d 19h 19s 19c
20d 20h 20s 20c 21d 21h 21s 21c
22d 22h 22s 22c 23d 23h 23s 23c
24d 24h 24s 24c);
for (1 .. 3)
for (1 .. @Deck)
{ push (@Deck, splice (@Deck, int (rand (@Deck)), 1)); }

$in{"Deck"} = "@Deck";



# Set Frequency Of Logging Based On Number Of Hands Played.
# Default is logging every four (five minus one) hands:

if ($in{Aholhtina} == 5)
$in{Aholhtina} = 1;

if ($in{Deal_Two} ne "deal_two")
$in{Card_One} = $card;

$in{Card_Two} = $card;

$in{Card_Three} = $card;

$in{Card_Four} = $card;

$in{Card_Five} = $card;


$poker_out = "
You Have <FONT SIZE=+1> $in{Player_Cash} </FONT> Bucks In My Gambling Bank.
<IMG SRC=\"$card_one_url\">
<IMG SRC=\"$card_two_url\">
<IMG SRC=\"$card_three_url\">
<IMG SRC=\"$card_four_url\">
<IMG SRC=\"$card_five_url\">

$poker_out2 = "
HOLD &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
HOLD &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
HOLD &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
HOLD &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<BR><FONT SIZE=\"2\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card1\" VALUE=\"yes\" \"checked\">Y
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card1\" VALUE=\"no\">N
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card2\" VALUE=\"yes\" \"checked\">Y
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card2\" VALUE=\"no\">N
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card3\" VALUE=\"yes\" \"checked\">Y
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card3\" VALUE=\"no\">N
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card4\" VALUE=\"yes\" \"checked\">Y
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card4\" VALUE=\"no\">N
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card5\" VALUE=\"yes\" \"checked\">Y
<INPUT TYPE=\"radio\" NAME=\"Card5\" VALUE=\"no\">N
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Card_One\" VALUE=\"$in{Card_One}\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Card_Two\" VALUE=\"$in{Card_Two}\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Card_Three\" VALUE=\"$in{Card_Three}\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Card_Four\" VALUE=\"$in{Card_Four}\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Card_Five\" VALUE=\"$in{Card_Five}\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Deal_Two\" VALUE=\"deal_two\">";

if ($in{Deal_Two} eq "deal_two")
{ # Deal Two

my ($pair_one, $pair_two);
my $tossed_card = 0;

if ($in{Card1} eq "no")
$in{Card_One} = $card;

if ($in{Card2} eq "no")
$in{Card_Two} = $card;

if ($in{Card3} eq "no")
$in{Card_Three} = $card;

if ($in{Card4} eq "no")
$in{Card_Four} = $card;

if ($in{Card5} eq "no")
$in{Card_Five} = $card;

my (@Ascending) = ();

$Ascending[0] = substr ($in{Card_One}, 0, 2);
$Ascending[1] = substr ($in{Card_Two}, 0, 2);
$Ascending[2] = substr ($in{Card_Three}, 0, 2);
$Ascending[3] = substr ($in{Card_Four}, 0, 2);
$Ascending[4] = substr ($in{Card_Five}, 0, 2);

@Ascending = sort (@Ascending);

my $ascending = "@Ascending";

my $win = "lose";

my (@Four_Kind) = ("12 12 12 12:Twos", "13 13 13 13:Threes", "14 14 14 14:Fours", "15 15 15 15:Fiv
"16 16 16 16:Sixes", "17 17 17 17:Sevens", "18 18 18 18:Eights", "19 19 19 19:N
"20 20 20 20:Tens", "21 21 21 21:Jacks", "22 22 22 22:Queens", "23 23 23 23:Kin
"24 24 24 24:Aces");

my (@Three_Kind) = ("12 12 12:Twos", "13 13 13:Threes", "14 14 14:Fours", "15 15 15:Fives", "16 16
"17 17 17:Sevens", "18 18 18:Eights", "19 19 19:Nines", "20 20 20:Tens", "21 2
1 21:Jacks",
"22 22 22:Queens", "23 23 23:Kings", "24 24 24:Aces");

my (@Two_Kind) = ("12 12:Twos", "13 13:Threes", "14 14:Fours", "15 15:Fives", "16 16:Sixes", "17 1
"18 18:Eights", "19 19:Nines", "20 20:Tens", "21 21:Jacks", "22 22:Queens", "23
"24 24:Aces");

my (@Straight) = ("12 13 14 15 16:Six High", "13 14 15 16 17:Seven High", "14 15 16 17 18:Eight Hi
"15 16 17 18 19:Nine High", "16 17 18 19 20:Ten High", "17 18 19 20 21:Jack High
"18 19 20 21 22:Queen High", "19 20 21 22 23:King High", "20 21 22 23 24:Ace Hig
"12 13 14 15 24:Low Ace");

my (@flush) = ("ccccc:Club", "ddddd:Diamond", "hhhhh:Heart", "sssss:Spade");

for (@Four_Kind)
my ($key, $value) = split (/:/, $_);
if (index ($ascending, $key) > -1)
{ $win = "Four Of A Kind! Four $value"; last; }

if ($win eq "lose")
for (@Three_Kind)
my ($key, $value) = split (/:/, $_);
if (index ($ascending, $key) > -1)
$win = "Three Of A Kind! Three $value";
$ascending =~ s/$key//;
if (index ($win, "Three") > -1)
for (@Two_Kind)
my ($key, $value) = split (/:/, $_);
if (index ($ascending, $key) > -1)
my $pair_one = $value;
$win = "Full House! $win And A Pair Of $pair_one";
for (@Two_Kind)
my ($key, $value) = split (/:/, $_);
if (index ($ascending, $key) > -1)
$pair_one = $value;
$ascending =~ s/$key//;
if (($pair_one eq "Aces") || ($pair_one eq "Kings") ||
($pair_one eq "Queens") || ($pair_one eq "Jacks"))
{ $win = "A Pair Of $pair_one"; }
for (@Two_Kind)
my ($key, $value) = split (/:/, $_);
if (index ($ascending, $key) > -1)
$pair_two = $value;
$win ="Two Pairs! A Pair Of $pair_one And A Pair Of $pair_two";

} # else

} # if not four kind

if ($win eq "lose")
for (@Straight)
my ($key, $value) = split (/:/, $_);
if (index ($ascending, $key) > -1)
{ $win = "A $value straight!"; last; }
$win =~ s/A (Ace|Eight)/An $1/;

my ($flush1, $flush2, $flush3, $flush4, $flush5, $flush_string);
$flush1 = substr ($in{Card_One}, 2, 1);
$flush2 = substr ($in{Card_Two}, 2, 1);
$flush3 = substr ($in{Card_Three}, 2, 1);
$flush4 = substr ($in{Card_Four}, 2, 1);
$flush5 = substr ($in{Card_Five}, 2, 1);

$flush_string = join ("", $flush1, $flush2, $flush3, $flush4, $flush5);

for (@flush)
my ($key, $value) = split (/:/, $_);
if (index ($flush_string, $key) > -1)
if ($win eq "Ace High")
{ $win = "Holy Poker Chips! An $win $value Royal Flush"; }
elsif ($win eq "Ace Low")
{ $win = "Holy Poker Chips! An $win $value Royal Flush"; }
elsif ($win ne "lose")
{ $win = "Wow! A $value $win Flush"; }
{ $win = "A Pretty $value Flush"; }

my $winner;

if ($win eq "lose")
$in{Player_Cash} = ($in{Player_Cash} - 10);
$winner = "You Lose. You Now Have <FONT SIZE=\"+1\"> $in{Player_Cash} </FONT> Bucks In My Gambli
ng Bank.";
$in{Player_Cash} = ($in{Player_Cash} + 10);
$winner = "You Win! $win! You Now Have <FONT SIZE=\"+1\"> $in{Player_Cash} </FONT> Bucks In My G
ambling Bank.";


my $cards;

if ($tossed_card eq 1)
{ $cards = "Card" }
{ $cards = "Cards" }

$poker_out = "
You Drew $tossed_card $cards And Dealt This Hand:<BR><BR>
<IMG SRC=\"$card_one_url\">
<IMG SRC=\"$card_two_url\">
<IMG SRC=\"$card_three_url\">
<IMG SRC=\"$card_four_url\">
<IMG SRC=\"$card_five_url\">
$winner <BR>";

} # Deal Two

sub Poker_URL

# Set Path To Card Graphics:

my $poker_url = "cards/";

$card_one_url = join ("", $poker_url, $in{Card_One});
$card_two_url = join ("", $poker_url, $in{Card_Two});
$card_three_url = join ("", $poker_url, $in{Card_Three});
$card_four_url = join ("", $poker_url, $in{Card_Four});
$card_five_url = join ("", $poker_url, $in{Card_Five});

sub Card_Select

my (@Burnt) = split (/ /, $in{'Burnt'});

if (scalar (@Burnt) > 0)
for (@Burnt)
{ $in{"Deck"} =~ s/$_//; }

my (@Deck) = split (/ +/, $in{"Deck"});

{ $card = $Deck[rand(@Deck)]; }
until (index ($in{"Burnt"}, $card) == -1);

push (@Burnt, $card);

$in{'Burnt'} = "@Burnt";

$in{"Deck"} =~ s/$card//;
$in{"Deck"} =~ s/^ | $//;
$in{"Deck"} =~ s/ / /;

$card = join ("", $card, ".gif");

if (scalar (@Deck) < 5)
@Deck = qw (12d 12h 12s 12c 13d 13h 13s 13c
14d 14h 14s 14c 15d 15h 15s 15c
16d 16h 16s 16c 17d 17h 17s 17c
18d 18h 18s 18c 19d 19h 19s 19c
20d 20h 20s 20c 21d 21h 21s 21c
22d 22h 22s 22c 23d 23h 23s 23c
24d 24h 24s 24c);

# shuffle

for (1 .. 3)
for (1 .. @Deck)
{ push (@Deck, splice (@Deck, int (rand (@Deck)), 1)); }
$in{"Deck"} = "@Deck";
$in{"Burnt"} = "";


print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print "
<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">
<META NAME=\"robots\" CONTENT=\"noindex,nofollow\"></HEAD>
<BODY BACKGROUND=\"cards/backdrop.jpg\" BGCOLOR=\"#c0c0c0\">
<FONT FACE=\"arial rounded mt bold\" COLOR=\"#000000\" SIZE=\"3\">
<IMG SRC=\"cards/poker.jpg\">
<FONT SIZE=\"+1\"><BR>
= Professional Poker Player =
<HR SIZE=\"5\" WIDTH=\"39%\">
Five Card Draw = Nothing Wild = Jacks Or Better<BR>
Five Buck Ante = Five Buck Bet
<HR SIZE=\"5\" WIDTH=\"39%\">
<FORM ACTION=\"poker.cgi\" METHOD=\"post\">
<FONT FACE=\"arial rounded mt bold\" COLOR=\"#000000\" SIZE=\"3\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Play Poker!\"></FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Player_Cash\" VALUE=\"$in{Player_Cash}\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Aholhtina\" VALUE=\"$in{Aholhtina}\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Deck\" VALUE=\"$in{Deck}\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Burnt\" VALUE=\"$in{'Burnt'}\">
<IMG SRC=\"cards/aniline.gif\">
<IMG SRC=\"cards/purlgurl.gif\">

sub Log
use Socket;
$ENV{REMOTE_HOST} = gethostbyaddr (inet_aton ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}), AF_INET);

# Set Path To Log File:


print LOG scalar localtime, " - POKER - CASH: $in{Player_Cash}

{ print LOG "\n - Forwarded: $ENV{HTTP_FORWARDED}"; }
{ print LOG "\n - X-Forwarded: $ENV{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR}"; }
if ($ENV{'HTTP_VIA'})
{ print LOG "\n - Proxy Via: $ENV{HTTP_VIA}"; }
{ print LOG "\n - Connection: $ENV{HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION}"; }
{ print LOG "\n - Client IP: $ENV{HTTP_CLIENT_IP}"; }
{ print LOG "\n - Referral: $ENV{HTTP_REFERER}"; }
{ print LOG "\n - Identity: $ENV{REMOTE_IDENT}"; }
{ print LOG "\n - User: $ENV{REMOTE_USER}"; }
if ($ENV{'HTTP_FROM'})
{ print LOG "\n - From: $ENV{HTTP_FROM}"; }

print LOG "\n\n";
close (LOG);


If you really wanted to do this:

#1 Don't put her name in the freakin' title of a post.

#2 Don't mention her name

#3 Don't reply to her posts (unless you are really trying to correct a

Otherwise, just leave her alone. Personally attacks (whether you think
it is justified or not) do not belong here.



Ken Sington

Bob said:
If you really wanted to do this:

#1 Don't put her name in the freakin' title of a post.

#2 Don't mention her name

#3 Don't reply to her posts (unless you are really trying to correct a

Otherwise, just leave her alone. Personally attacks (whether you think
it is justified or not) do not belong here.



= alt.perl.flame =


Purl Gurl said:
Why are you bothering? Many of the boys here are
known to be mentally ill. You cannot reason with
mentally ill people bent on malice.

Some still stalk and harass our family on a daily basis,
still send harassment email, still troll and express
hatred daily. They have been engaging in these criminal
acts for years, literally years.

Why are you bothering? You cannot reason with the
mentally ill in this group. All know the Perl
Community is riddled with mentally ill criminals.

Why are you bothering? These are mentally ill
people seized by personal hatred for all. You
cannot reason with the mentally ill.

Purl Gurl
Because I am an optimist not a pessimist. : )


Chris Gutierrez

Ala Qumsieh said:
I doubt it. She often posts under the name of Kira, then responds to her
own post and signs as PG. She then responds again as Kira, and so on.
Check the Bokma thread for an example of this.

As I only occasionally lurk here, I wasn't aware of this, thanks
for the reference.
From the google cache, for anyone else who might stumble by and be
curious as to what this is all about:

By the way, Randal, you are my hero. The Venn Diagrams comment had me


Chris Gutierrez
email: gcgutier (at) hotmail (dot) com

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