IIS 5 Serves HTML but won't serve ASP


Evan Nelson

I'm not sure exactly what happened but my local development server will no
longer serve ASP pages. I can request HTML and they are served up fine.
When I ask for an ASP I get the generic 500 error. The web log files show
nothing more than the 500. I'm used to looking and finding the line in the
page that the error occurred on as well as the actual ASP error and the

I looked at my System log and I noticed that there are two events being
logged by W3SVC that might have something to do with it. The first is Event
47 and the message logged with it is "The server certificate for instance '3'
does not chain up to a trusted root certificate. ". Then immediately
following is an Event 36 and the message says "The server failed to load
application '/LM/W3SVC/3/Root'. The error was 'General access denied error
'. "

This problem seems to have started since I installed "Security Update for
Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB886903)" and
"Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1" on Monday.

Evan Nelson


Thanks but neither of these articles seems to have much to help. I already
have IIS set to send detailed messages. The issue is that there is no
additional info in the IIS log either.

I had no problems running the server last week. I really think the updates
I installed Monday either updated a dll and that is causing me problems or
that a security setting was changed by them.


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