Implementing logical delete within a FormView



I am working on an application that needs to implement logical deletes
instead of removing the records permanently. The logical delete works
by setting 3 fields (deleted flag, date and user). I have been trying
to replace the DeleteCommand query text of the FormView with an UPDATE
statement, but keep getting an error 'Must declare scalar variable

The update statement looks like this:

UPDATE [tablename] SET [delete_logical] = N''Y'', [delete_date] =
GETDATE(), [delete_user] = @delete_user WHERE (urn = @original_urn)

The field urn is the key field of the table, and is set correctly. The
field delete_user is available (but invisible) on the FormView, and
gets set to User.Identity.Name.ToUpper() in the FormView_ItemDeleting
trigger. However, when examining the query executed on the database
through Profiler there is no mention at all of the @delete_user
variable, no definition and no values. This causes the error to occur.
When replacing the variable @delete_user with static text the query
works fine.

Browsing on the net for a solution I came across a two-liner in the
documentation of FormView on DataKeyNames. I tried adding the
delete_user field to the DataKeyNames, but this only results in adding
a definition for original_delete_user to the query for the delete
statement (again via Profiler).

As the (real) update statement in UpdateCommand works fine I suspect
this error has to do with the way the DeleteCommand gets parsed for
variables, and it looks like any variables before the WHERE clause are

Does anyone have a solution to this (apart from hand-coding the logical
delete) and/or can anyone confirm that my suspicions on the parsing are

Many thanks.


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