Insert a new node into an XML file


Tony B

I need to insert a new node into an exisiting XML file using VBScript. The
file has the following structure:

I need to add another item to the above XML, so it will go into
<TRANSACTION> <ORDER> <ITEMS>. Also it will always have at least one item
already. I'm really struggling with this problem so any help will be


Chris Barber

For a single element then look at:

For a complex element (eg. has children) then take a look at
documentFragment functionality to create an arbitrary child
node with content supplied from an XML string.

The stuff below (although VB) should be easily convertible to VBScript.

<snippet from previous post>
I have a VB Class that has a function to create and return a
documentFragment from an XML string (you just use the
returned object as a node and use appendChild or insertBefore etc. to append
it to your XML document.

This is the code:

Public Function CreateDocFragmentFromXMLString(ByVal pstrXMLString As
String) As IXMLDOMDocumentFragment

Dim pobjXML As DOMDocument40
Dim pobjDOMFragment As IXMLDOMDocumentFragment
Set pobjXML = New DOMDocument40
pobjXML.async = False
pobjXML.loadXML (pstrXMLString)
Set pobjDOMFragment = pobjXML.createDocumentFragment
pobjDOMFragment.appendChild pobjXML.documentElement.cloneNode(True)
Set CreateDocFragmentFromXMLString = pobjDOMFragment
Set pobjDOMFragment = Nothing
Set pobjXML = Nothing

End Function

You should be able to code this as VBScript.

So you could do:

pstrXML = "<mynode someattribute=""attributevalue"">" & _
"<mysubnode>mysubnodevalue</mysubnode>" & _
'Set pobjNode to be a node in your XML document!
pobjNode.appendChild CreateDocFragmentFromXMLString(pstrXML)

Hope this helps.

Here's an example of replacing a node with new XML content:

Public Sub NodeReplaceWithNewContent(ByRef pobjNode As IXMLDOMNode, ByVal
pstrXML As String)

Dim pobjParentNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim pobjNewNode As IXMLDOMDocumentFragment
Set pobjParentNode = pobjNode.parentNode
Set pobjNewNode = CreateDocFragmentFromXMLString(pstrXML)
'Insert the new and then remove the existing.
pobjParentNode.replaceChild pobjNewNode, pobjNode

End Function


Chris Barber

I need to insert a new node into an exisiting XML file using VBScript. The
file has the following structure:

I need to add another item to the above XML, so it will go into
<TRANSACTION> <ORDER> <ITEMS>. Also it will always have at least one item
already. I'm really struggling with this problem so any help will be


Bob Barrows [MVP]

Tony said:
I need to insert a new node into an exisiting XML file using
VBScript. The file has the following structure:

I need to add another item to the above XML, so it will go into
<TRANSACTION> <ORDER> <ITEMS>. Also it will always have at least one
item already. I'm really struggling with this problem so any help
will be appreciated.


dim xmldoc, oItemsNode, oNewItemNode, oNode
set xmldoc=server.createobject("msxml2.domdocument")
xmldoc.load "filename.xml"
set oItemsNode = xmldoc.selectsinglenode("TRANSACTION/ORDER/ITEMS")
set oNewItemNode=xmldoc.createelement("ITEM")
oItemsNode.appendchild oNewItemNode
set oNode=xmldoc.createelement("PURCHASE_ID")
oNode.text = <whatever>
oNewItemNode.appendchild oNode
'repeat the previous 3 steps for the rest of the subnodes

Bob Barrows

Tony B

Bob Barrows said:
dim xmldoc, oItemsNode, oNewItemNode, oNode
set xmldoc=server.createobject("msxml2.domdocument")
xmldoc.load "filename.xml"
set oItemsNode = xmldoc.selectsinglenode("TRANSACTION/ORDER/ITEMS")
set oNewItemNode=xmldoc.createelement("ITEM")
oItemsNode.appendchild oNewItemNode
set oNode=xmldoc.createelement("PURCHASE_ID")
oNode.text = <whatever>
oNewItemNode.appendchild oNode
'repeat the previous 3 steps for the rest of the subnodes

Bob Barrows

That does indeed help, thank you.


Chris Barber

I felt a bit bad about not providing a concrete example so here goes
(apologies for any typos):

'Append new XML content to the end of the ITEMS section.
Dim pobjXML
Dim pobjNode
Dim pobjNewNode
Dim pstrXML

'Create the XML document and load the existing content.
pobjXML.async = False
pobjXML.load "xmldoc.xml" 'Your document wherever it may be.

'Get the existing orders now
Set pobjNode = pobjXML.selectSingleNode("/TRANSACTION/ORDER/ITEMS")

'Create the new node to append.
pstrXML = "<ITEM>" & _
"<SKU>6666</SKU>" & _
"<SUB_TOTAL>2.95</SUB_TOTAL>" & _
"<SHIPPING/>" & _
Set pobjNewNode = CreateDocFragmentFromXMLString(pstrXML)

'Set pobjNode to be a node in your XML document!
Set pobjNewNode = pobjNode.appendChild(pobjNewNode)

'Now pobjNode is a reference to the new node in the document.

'Save the document (if applicable) pobjXML.url

'Function to return a new node with deep XML content.
Public Function CreateDocFragmentFromXMLString(pstrXMLString)

Dim pobjXML
Dim pobjDOMFragment
Set pobjXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0")
pobjXML.async = False
pobjXML.loadXML pstrXMLString
Set pobjDOMFragment = pobjXML.createDocumentFragment
pobjDOMFragment.appendChild pobjXML.documentElement.cloneNode(True)
Set CreateDocFragmentFromXMLString = pobjDOMFragment
Set pobjDOMFragment = Nothing
Set pobjXML = Nothing

End Function

Hope this helps.

I need to insert a new node into an exisiting XML file using VBScript. The
file has the following structure:

I need to add another item to the above XML, so it will go into
<TRANSACTION> <ORDER> <ITEMS>. Also it will always have at least one item
already. I'm really struggling with this problem so any help will be


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