Interview Questions


kid joe


1. How many CLC regulars does it take to change a light bulb?


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Le Mon, 2 Mar 2009 22:55:51 -0700 (MST),
kid joe a écrit :
1. How many CLC regulars does it take to change a light bulb?

int main(void) { return 0b101010; }

Kaz Kylheku


1. How many CLC regulars does it take to change a light bulb?

Eight. One to force a 12V automotive headlamp into a 120V socket, with his bare
fingers, while the power is on, while three others ostracize some bold
``irregular'' for using a 60W bulb to obtain more output from a lamp labelled
with a 40W maximum, and four more start a separate thread in which they
demonstrate their pitiful misunderstanding of various aspects of Ohm's law.

Mark Wooding

Kenneth Brody said:
A1) None. Since "light bulb" is defined by the Standard, they would
tell you to go to comp.std.c if you wanted to change it.

A2) The term "light bulb" is not referenced anywhere in the Standard.
Any use of such would thereby require some extension to the Standard,
and you would be directed to an appropriate newsgroup which discusses
such platform/vendor-specific extensions.

A3) Light-bulb jokes are off-topic on comp.lang.c.

-- [mdw] FTAOD: ;-)

Keith Thompson

kid joe said:
1. How many CLC regulars does it take to change a light bulb?


The correct signature delimiter is "-- ", not "--- ".

I've asked you before to stop using your 30-line ASCII art signature

I don't mind the riddle, though the subject header, "Interview
Questions" seems to be deliberately misleading. But the next time
I see your ASCII art signature will be the last.

Ben Bacarisse

Kaz Kylheku said:
Eight. One to force a 12V automotive headlamp into a 120V socket,
with his bare fingers, while the power is on, while three others
ostracize some bold ``irregular'' for using a 60W bulb to obtain
more output from a lamp labelled with a 40W maximum, and four more
start a separate thread in which they demonstrate their pitiful
misunderstanding of various aspects of Ohm's law.

Here's a thought: every post that refers to "regulars" should name
those to which it applies. Would you be any more reluctant to mock
people who post here "regularly" if you had to say who you were

I have no idea if you intended to mock me or Kenny or Han or
yourself... Maybe all of those? Maybe none of them? It make a
difference, at least it does to me.

Kenny McCormack

The correct signature delimiter is "-- ", not "--- ".

I've asked you before to stop using your 30-line ASCII art signature

Your opinion was duly noted the first time.
Repeating it does not give it any additional weight.
I don't mind the riddle, though the subject header, "Interview
Questions" seems to be deliberately misleading. But the next time
I see your ASCII art signature will be the last.

To your mutual benefit, no doubt. As well as that of the rest of us.

To the OP: Your sig is just fine. Keep it as it is.


kid said:

1. How many CLC regulars does it take to change a light bulb?


A. To actually change the light bulb correctly.

B. To complain about the fact that A checked the type of the socket to
make sure it was compatible with the replacement bulb: "There's no
need to do that, all light bulbs have precisely the same sockets. If
there do happen to be a few sockets that are different, they're
obsolete and there's no reason to worry about them".

C. To complain about the fact that A insisted on installing a 40W
light bulb, just because the socket was rated for 40W. "It's perfectly
safe to install a 100W light bulbs in 40W sockets, I do it all the
time and it never causes any problems." C will refer to A as a
"regular", as if the term were an insult, despite the fact that C
posts to CLC just as regularly as A does.

D. To call A a liar for claiming that he had changed the light bulb
manually. "Every household has a Bulb-O-Matic light bulb changer, and
Bulb-O-Matics can handle any kind of light bulb. No one can change a
light bulb without using a Bulb-O-Matic. Therefore, if you claim that
you've done so, you must be lying!"

E. To pretend to be A while demonstrating how to change a light bulb
by removing the cover of the light switch, putting one foot in a
puddle of water while the opposite hand holds a screwdriver by the
metal shaft as it comes close to touching the live wires behind the
switch: "this is the safest way to change a light bulb".

kid joe

The correct signature delimiter is "-- ", not "--- ".

I've asked you before to stop using your 30-line ASCII art signature

I don't mind the riddle, though the subject header, "Interview
Questions" seems to be deliberately misleading. But the next time
I see your ASCII art signature will be the last.

Hi Keith

Just to let you know that the "interview questions" post was not made by
me but by someone impersonating me. I've got alot of useful information
from this group and I wouldn't go about making fun of it. I've sent an
abuse report to his ISP dizum.

I've also made my signature much smaller - try looking at it with a
fixed pitch font and you'll see a bird with a greeting message.




.---. .-----------
/ \ __ / ------
/ / \( )/ -----
////// ' \/ ` --- /=================\
//// / // : : --- | |
// / / /` '-- | Good Evening... |
// //..\\ | |

Richard Bos

kid joe said:
1. How many CLC regulars does it take to change a light bulb?

None. We just let the trolls write some code, which will with high
probability result in light-emitting demons flying out of their noses.


Keith Thompson

kid joe said:
Just to let you know that the "interview questions" post was not made by
me but by someone impersonating me. I've got alot of useful information
from this group and I wouldn't go about making fun of it. I've sent an
abuse report to his ISP dizum.

I've also made my signature much smaller - try looking at it with a
fixed pitch font and you'll see a bird with a greeting message.

Much better, thanks.

If I might suggest a couple of additional improvements:

The standard signature delimiter is "-- " on a line by itself; yours
is missing the trailing space. (I'm not crazy about the requirement
for a trailing space, but that's the standard.)

And the usual convention is to limit your signature to 4 lines; yours
is still at least 10. Most of us use this for contact information and
perhaps a clever quotation, but if you want to use it for ASCII art,
think of the 4-line limit as a challenge.

Ben Bacarisse

Han from China said:
That's the point. By the common interpretation of "regular", Kenny
and me are regulars, because we post regularly.

But there are people on this newsgroup who seem to think they have
special privileges because they're "regulars", a vacuous category
they seem to elevate beyond "posting regularly" to mean something
else entirely (what that something is, we've yet to learn, but we
do know that it excludes their critics). This is why most mocking
of those people appears in irony quotes:

"regulars", "regs", etc.

It's meant to stand for whatever absurd definition of "regular"
they have in mind, not "people who post regularly".

I have done you the courtesy of not treating you like a fool, please
reciprocate. Do you think any of the above is news to me?

The issue only arises because the term is ironic and vague. It allows
people to indulge in a chummy mocking of "others" who are not like
"us". There would be fewer such posts if people felt they had to name
the people they were talking about.

Ben Bacarisse

Han from China said:
Much like with the word "troll". That's a vague term as well that is
indulged in for chummy mocking. Any attempts to pin it down precisely
will almost certainly reveal that there are more trolls on this
newsgroup than previously thought. Just as with "regular".

Yes. I have made my position clear on the use of that term too. Long
before I did on this new one.
If the "troll" case can be seen as a parallel, the "trolls" are named
on an almost daily basis.

I am happy to ask everyone to name the people they are referring to
when they use the term. Indeed I ask that now: please, everyone,
rather than use the term "trolls" collectively, name the posters you
are referring to. Will you do the same and, like I try to do, desist
from using these vague collectives terms?
There's a continual stream of such posts,
suggesting that even if there'd be fewer posts mentioning "regs"
if the "regs" had to be named, there'd still be a significant chunk
of such messages, making any gain pretty meaningless.

Every journey starts with a single step, and all that.

Keith Thompson

Ben Bacarisse said:
I am happy to ask everyone to name the people they are referring to
when they use the term. Indeed I ask that now: please, everyone,
rather than use the term "trolls" collectively, name the posters you
are referring to. Will you do the same and, like I try to do, desist
from using these vague collectives terms?

I decline to accept your suggestion. The term "troll" is not defined
by a list of people, but by their behavior. I suppose I could list
the people who behave in that manner, but what would be the point? As
I recall, most of the people I think of as trolls freely admit that
they are trolls.

Phil Carmody

Ben Bacarisse said:
I am happy to ask everyone to name the people they are referring to
when they use the term. Indeed I ask that now: please, everyone,
rather than use the term "trolls" collectively, name the posters you
are referring to. Will you do the same and, like I try to do, desist
from using these vague collectives terms?

I hereby define trolls to be, for me, the people who are in my
killfile due to their trollish behaviour.

Their names? Ain't got a clue - out of sight, out of mind. That's
what killfiles were invented for.


Ben Bacarisse

Han from China said:
I agree with Keith that we should be looking at trolling behavior,
not a list of people.

I myself engage in trolling behavior.

I see Richard Heathfield as a person who engages in trolling behavior.
He has been doing so for the past 4-5 years.

I see Keith Thompson as engaging in trolling behavior when he
starts his provocative threads and snipes at other people on this
newsgroup in every third post.

I see Chuck Falconer as a person who is deliberately trolling this
newsgroup. I don't know why people here give him the benefit of the
doubt anymore. See thread "Conclusive proof concerning CBFalconer's
thread annoyances".

I see Phil Carmody as a person who engages in trolling behavior. I
was going to add Martin Ambuhl, but Ambuhl is just Ambuhl -- often
rude and obnoxious, but I wouldn't call it trolling because of
the way it's restricted.

I haven't made my mind up yet about Bill Cunningham, but his posts
are harmless anyway.

What was I thinking? Apologies to all.

Phil Carmody

Pah - I even add X-Troll headers so that those who think that they
are being trolled can double-check to see whether they should bite
or not - how considerate is that?
What was I thinking?

You were obviously trolling for some kind of response... ;-)
Apologies to all.




Keith Thompson escreveu:
Much better, thanks.

If I might suggest a couple of additional improvements:

The standard signature delimiter is "-- " on a line by itself; yours
is missing the trailing space. (I'm not crazy about the requirement
for a trailing space, but that's the standard.)

And the usual convention is to limit your signature to 4 lines; yours
is still at least 10. Most of us use this for contact information and
perhaps a clever quotation, but if you want to use it for ASCII art,
think of the 4-line limit as a challenge.

Yes, and his shoes are ugly. Tell him to buy new ones. White ones. As
the standard says.

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