invoking a specific version of java over the internet



According to <
developer_guide/using_tags.html>, the applet tag should be used if the
web page is accessed through the internet and object or embed ought to
be used if it's through an intranet. Why?

Later, that article says that if you want to invoke a specific version
of Java that you can do so with either of the intranet tags (using a
specific classid for the object tag or a specific type for the embed
tag), but doesn't say anything about doing it with the applet tag,
making be conclude that, with the applet tag, it's not possible.

Andrew Thompson

According to <
developer_guide/using_tags.html>, the applet tag should be used if the
web page is accessed through the internet and object or embed ought to
be used if it's through an intranet.  Why?

Sun has published a lot of things about applets,
and some of those documents make little sense, so
I will not try to guess what that doc. meant.

Try looking at Sun's latest deployment advice and
see if that clarifies anything for you.

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