Is there an XML editor for Eclipse?



P. Lepin said:
"Hey Jeff! I have a Vision... any idea what to do with it?" - "Er...
Damfino! Perhaps we should Interact?" - "A'ight, how's Jenny?" - "Thanks,
she's doing great, how's your family?" - "Oh, fine, fine... Say, any ideas
about that Vision of mine?" - "Nope."


Ramon's posts tend to the educated and thoughtful. He's using this group to
discuss concepts, not just as a help desk, and thus the human element is an
intrinsic part of the process. Let's rather encourage his sort of behavior
than excoriate it, and engage in spirited, thought-provoking discussion of
what XML editors, in this case, there are for Eclipse, or should be.

With perhaps the occasional flare of an Editor War to spice up the conversation?

Naah, too easy.

Pavel Lepin

Lew said:
Ramon's posts tend to the educated and thoughtful. He's
using this group to discuss concepts, not just as a help
desk, and thus the human element is an
intrinsic part of the process. Let's rather encourage his
sort of behavior than excoriate it, and engage in
spirited, thought-provoking discussion of what XML
editors, in this case, there are for Eclipse, or should

Perhaps I'm overreacting, but I just recently answered a
question from Ramon over on comp.text.xml; a question, that
is, that he could answer himself by simply looking at the
docs. I hoped a simple reference to the place where I got
the answer from would make the point that he's wasting
other's time. Instead, I saw him actually sort of bragging
about his 'people's skills'.

The message ID for those interested is:


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