ItemCommand, ButtonColumn and Paging



Hi all,

I hope you can help me out on this one. I am creating a dynamic
datagrid within a user control. I have a function that builds columns
and formats the datagrid in Page_Init. I add the datagrid to a table
control dynamically in Page_Load.

When I build the columns, I set the first column in the control to be a
buttoncolumn as follows:

btc = New ButtonColumn()
btc.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.PushButton
btc.Text = "Details"
btc.CommandName = "Details"

After all columns are designed, I call a function that sets paging
dg1.PagerStyle.Mode = PagerMode.NextPrev
dg1.PagerStyle.NextPageText = "Next >"
dg1.PagerStyle.PrevPageText = "< Previous"

The problem occurs when ItemCommand is fired during paging. It works
fine for "Next", but "Previous" is causing a problem -- the
e.CommandName returns "Details", which is the command name for the
button column.

Public Sub dg1_ItemCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles dg1.ItemCommand

If e.CommandName <> "Page" Then
Dim tcButtonCol As TableCell = e.Item.Cells(0)
Dim tcDayCode As TableCell = e.Item.Cells(1)
DayCode = Trim(tcDayCode.Text)

RaiseEvent DGButtonClick(sender, e)
End If

End Sub

Does anyone why this is happening and how to resolve it? I have tried
e.Item.ItemIndex = -1, but "Previous" returns index 9 (and my grid
PageSize is 10). I've also tried e.CommandArgument, which returns
"Next" for Next, but empty string for Previous.

Thanks for your help,

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