I'm using Java 1.6 with Ant 1.7. I have a JAR file in which there are
two classes that define main (public static void main) methods.
However, my manifest file was sloppily constructed and did not include
any "Main-Class: MyPackage.MyClass" lines. Yet, I'm able to execute
command line invocations of each through Ant, similar to
<java classname="CMStarteamIncBuild" classpath="${cp}:$
Users/davea/.ant/lib/xercesImpl.jar" failonerror="true">
<arg value="${lvcva.checkout.dir}"/>
So my question is, why is the "Main-Class" directive necessary? -
I'm using Java 1.6 with Ant 1.7. I have a JAR file in which there are
two classes that define main (public static void main) methods.
However, my manifest file was sloppily constructed and did not include
any "Main-Class: MyPackage.MyClass" lines. Yet, I'm able to execute
command line invocations of each through Ant, similar to
<java classname="CMStarteamIncBuild" classpath="${cp}:$
Users/davea/.ant/lib/xercesImpl.jar" failonerror="true">
<arg value="${lvcva.checkout.dir}"/>
So my question is, why is the "Main-Class" directive necessary? -