Javacard and session variables


Francois Grieu


I'm trying to find a reasonable Javacard technique to handle "session
variables" that must be kept between successive APDUs, but must be re-
initialized on each card reset (and/or each time the application is
selected); e.g. currently selected file, currently selected record,
current session key, has the user PIN been verified...

Such variables are best held in RAM, since changing permanent (EEPROM
or Flash) variables is so slow (and in the long run limiting the
operational life of the card).

Examples in the Java Card Kit 2.2.2 (e.g.
manipulate session variables in the following way:
1) The programmers group session variables of basic type (Short, Byte,
Boolean) according to type, and map each such variable at an explicit
index of a vector (one per basic type used as session variable).
2) At install() time, each such vector, and each vector session
variable, is explicitly allocated as a transient object, and this
object is stored in a field of the application (in permanent memory),
where it remains across resets.
3) Each use of a session variable of basic type is explicitly
translated by the programmer into using the appropriately numbered
element of the appropriate vector.
4) Vector session variables require no further syntactic juggling, but
eat up an object descriptor worth of permanent data memory (EEPROM or
Flash), and a function call + object affectation worth of applet-
storage memory (EEPROM, Flash or ROM).

The preparatory phase goes:

public class MyApp extends Applet {
// transientShorts array indices
final static byte TN_IX = 0;
final static byte NEW_BALANCE_IX=(byte)TN_IX+1;
final static byte CURRENT_BALANCE_IX=(byte)NEW_BALANCE_IX+1;
final static byte AMOUNT_IX=(byte)CURRENT_BALANCE_IX+1;
final static byte TRANSACTION_TYPE_IX=(byte)AMOUNT_IX+1;
final static byte SELECTED_FILE_IX=(byte)TRANSACTION_TYPE_IX+1;
final static byte NUM_TRANSIENT_SHORTS=(byte)SELECTED_FILE_IX+1;
// transientBools array indices
final static byte TRANSACTION_INITIALIZED=0;
final static byte
// remanent variables holding reference for transient variables
private short[] transientShorts;
private boolean[] transientBools;
private byte[] CAD_ID_array;
private byte[] byteArray8; // Signature work array
// install method
public static void install( byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte
bLength ) {
//Create transient objects.
transientShorts =
JCSystem.makeTransientShortArray( NUM_TRANSIENT_SHORTS,
transientBools =
JCSystem.makeTransientBooleanArray( NUM_TRANSIENT_BOOLS,
CAD_ID_array = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray( (short)4,
byteArray8 = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray( (short)8,

and when it's time for usage, things go:

if (transientShorts[SELECTED_FILE_IX] == (short)0)
transientShorts[SELECTED_FILE_IX] == fid;

transientBools[UPDATE_INITIALIZED] =
sig.verify(MAC_buffer, (short)0, (short)10,

I find this
a) Verbose and complex.
b) Error-prone: there is nothing to prevent the accidental use of
c) Wastefull of memory: each use of a basic-type state variable wastes
some code; each vector state variable wastes an object-descriptor
worth of permanent data memory, and code for its allocation.
d) Slow at runtime: each use of a "session variable", especially of a
basic type, goes thru method invocation(s) which end up painfully slow
(at least on some cards), to the point that for repeated uses, one
often attain a nice speedup by caching a session variable, and/or
transientShorts and the like, into local variables.

As an aside, I don't get if the true allocation of RAM occurs at
install time (implying non-selected applications eat up RAM), or at
application selection (implying hidden extra overhead).

I dream of an equivalent for the C idiom "struct of state variables".
Are these issues discussed, in a Sun manual, or elsewhere? Is there a
better way?

Other desperate questions: does a C compiler that output Javacard
bytecode make sense/exists? Or a usable Javacard bytecode assembler?

Francois Grieu

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